View Full Version : OMG Poor Emma!!

08-14-2005, 10:38 PM
Emma was limping tonight, and she wouldn't let me look at her paw. I noticed her licking it alot so I finally got a good look at it.

One of her nails is grown INTO her paw pad :eek: :( I have no idea how long it's been that way, it could have been like that ever since we adopted her! She's never shown any signs of it bothering her until now :(

My poor girl :( I'll probably be making a vet appointment for her tomorrow. What will they do to get it out? It looks pretty bad, but I couldn't see it that good.

Please think of my Emmie!

08-14-2005, 10:49 PM
Ouch! Poor Emma:(. I think the vet will have to cut her nail and she may also need some medicine for it too. Hopefully you'll be able to take her to the vet tomorrow because I'm sure she's in a lot of pain. I hope that everything will go well and that she'll feel better soon. Please keep us updated.

08-14-2005, 11:17 PM
Poor Emma. I'm sure that is painful for her. I hope she can get relief soon.

Please let us know.

08-15-2005, 05:57 AM
YOWCHIE!!! I have seen that on cats (and dogs) that come into the grooming shop. The nail is cut and removed from the flesh. Usually there is a nice hole left so it would be treated with anticeptic. The odds are the you will be giving her antibiotics to prevent (or cure) infection.

Be brave Emma, your feet will feel fine real soon.

08-15-2005, 06:28 AM
:( awww poor Emma! Robyn hopefully have that nail clipped and removed soon. Does the nail curl and then grow into the pad? Sounds OUCH!! :eek:

08-15-2005, 07:32 AM
Poor Emma! I hope that your paw will be feeling better today sweetie!

08-15-2005, 08:02 AM
Poor Emma! :(

I bet you're going to be in for some nail trimming lessons from the vet! Its really very easy and won't take long at all. Snip snip - done. Everyone here will be glad ot help offer tips and support!

Good luck at the vets!

Laura's Babies
08-15-2005, 08:52 AM
OH! Poor Baby!!! Ingrown toenails are the PITS!!!! That has to be SOoooo painful! I hope you get her into the vets today and get that taken care of. Keep us posted.

08-15-2005, 10:16 AM
I'm about to call the vet now. I was hoping to call as soon as they opened(9am), but I was up until 7am worrying about her, and then fell asleep until 12!

I hope they'll see her today!

Originally posted by catnapper
I bet you're going to be in for some nail trimming lessons from the vet!

Yes, I'm going to ask them to show me, so this never happens again!

08-15-2005, 10:29 AM
They can't see her until Thursday afternoon :( :( I asked if they could fit her in at all, but no luck!

I may call around..

08-15-2005, 10:31 AM
Is there a groomer in your area? I know Petco sometimes has one, at least I think it is Petco or another vet that could see her. Hate to see poor baby in pain until Thursday.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-15-2005, 10:31 AM
poor puss.......I'd keep ringing them in case they have a cancellation

08-15-2005, 10:33 AM
If you do not feel comfortable clipping the nail, take her to a groomer. Get that nail out of her skin and then keep the entrance hole clean with peroxide until the vet can see her. Or better yet, call another vet. Emma should not have to wait that long.

08-15-2005, 10:37 AM
Emma seems fine, thought. It's weird, I wonder how long it's been in there? She's been playing and using her turbo scratcher, jumping off things..etc. I just want it out!

I'm still calling, hopefully somewhere they'll see her today!

08-15-2005, 10:40 AM
Jen - could you give Robyn some pointers on clipping that nail herself?

Robyn - you are going to be a vet and I bet you can do this:D I think it might still be a good idea to follow-up later with a vet in case she needs antibiotic but if not infected - peroxide and then Emma herself will keep it clean I would think.

08-15-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Jen - could you give Robyn some pointers on clipping that nail herself?

Robyn - you are going to be a vet and I bet you can do this:D I think it might still be a good idea to follow-up later with a vet in case she needs antibiotic but if not infected - peroxide and then Emma herself will keep it clean I would think.

:eek: I don't think I can do it, Debbie. She'll barely let me look at it, and last night I touched it a bit to see if it was actually into her paw pad and it started bleeding. I can't imagine how much it would bleed if it was pulled out? :(

08-15-2005, 10:45 AM
SURE, it is easy. You need a scissor type clipper though because it has to open wide (since the tip is imbedded you won't be able to slip the clipper up the length of the nail)

Most cat's claws are light enough in color for you to distinguish the quick (blood vessel)

Clip closer to the tip than to the toe, this should prevent you from hitting the blood vessel.

Then just pull the nail out of the skin and discard.

Wash it with peroxide.

EDIT the peroxide will help with the bleeding as well.

08-15-2005, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
SURE, it is easy. You need a scissor type clipper though because it has to open wide (since the tip is imbedded you won't be able to slip the clipper up the length of the nail)

Most cat's claws are light enough in color for you to distinguish the quick (blood vessel)

Clip closer to the tip than to the toe, this should prevent you from hitting the blood vessel.

Then just pull the nail out of the skin and discard.

Wash it with peroxide.

EDIT the peroxide will help with the bleeding as well.

:eek: I don't think I'd be able to do it myself :( It looks as if all the nail thats out is quick, the entire tip must be in her paw. It looks pretty bad, so I'd rather not try that.

I feel so stupid-it could have been like this for a while:(

08-15-2005, 11:07 AM
aw Robyn - how would you have known if Emma did not start limping? Please do not feel like it is your fault! I am wondering if maybe that one claw is a bit deformed to curl that much?? Remember Mina is one kitty with claws so bad that they had to be removed.

I still think you could give it a go, Robyn. But - only if you are feeling more confident.


08-15-2005, 11:12 AM
Thanks, Debbie ((((Hugs))))

I called another vet, got an answering machine saying they re-open at 2pm. It's 1:40 or so. We're just going to leave and go on down there, they should see her if we just walk in.

Please think of Emmie :(

08-15-2005, 11:14 AM
Don't feel bad, I don't think I could do it either. Primarily because when they get them clipped at the vet, the vet has all they can do to get those paws out and nails extended and that is with one of us holding them. Maybe if we had done this when they were kittens, but we didn't.

08-15-2005, 12:12 PM
Ack! We went to the other vet, and the receptionist was there, but the vet is gone on maturnity leave!!

I guess we'll be waiting until Thursday :(

08-15-2005, 02:26 PM
Yipe! That's a long wait! You might want to try getting the nail clipped yourself. It really isn't hard, especially if you could get someone to hold Emma for you. Or you could hold her and get someone else to clip.

Also, since the vets are all booked up, you could try to find a groomer to take care of the nail. Surely there's a vet or groomer in your area that accepts walk-ins - especially for something like this that'll take two minutes tops (assuming Emma is a little wiggle worm with a tendency to jerk the paw away just before you snip).

08-15-2005, 03:57 PM
OMG, I can't believe your vet is making you wait until Thursday.
Poor sweet Emma.:(

I hope you are able to find someone else who can take care of this sooner.

08-15-2005, 04:04 PM
Robyn, I am sending you a PM with my old Vet's number in St. John's. He is the best in the province and all the vet's that work within his practice are amazing. I can bet they will get Emma in tomorrow.

08-15-2005, 05:13 PM
Thanks everyone!

I'm going to call the vet that Michelle PMd about tomorrow. I remember going to that vet, and it's great :)

Thanks, Michelle!

08-15-2005, 05:31 PM
Ack, I was hoping to come for a happy update. I hope the other vet will be available tomorrow. If not, could you try taking her to a groomer - and they could trim her nails for you in the meantime? I'm sure they have something ot stop the bleeding if they cut the quick.

Laura's Babies
08-15-2005, 05:55 PM
Geez, I would be in panic mode by now and screaming "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING FOR MY BABY!!!!"

If all else fails, call a local shelter or rescue group and explaine the situation and that you know NOTHING about clipping nails.. See if anybody at one of those places will help you.

08-15-2005, 05:59 PM
:( I hope she is better soon! ((Emma))

08-15-2005, 06:22 PM
I, too, hope they will see her tomorrow!

I'm keeping her paw clean for now, as there was some litter around it.

She doesn't seem to care at all about her nail/paw.

Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Geez, I would be in panic mode by now and screaming "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING FOR MY BABY!!!!"

I would be the exact same way if it seemed to be hurting her, but she is playing and jumping around like normal.

08-15-2005, 06:26 PM


08-15-2005, 06:29 PM
If Emma is feeling pain, I would love to relieve it but I just can't try to do it on my own. I wouldn't even want to watch the vet do it.

The receptionist told me today that it's a very painfull procedure for a cat, that it'll need to be wrapped up and she'll be put on antibiotics. I'd really rather have it done at a vet.

Please keep fingers crossed that she'll get in tomorrow.

08-15-2005, 08:32 PM
I understand completely where you are coming from Robyn. I wouldn't trust any of the groomers there to do it. I have had and known of too many bad groomers in St. John's. I know of one for sure that was shut down due to cruelty. I was the one that made the initial call on this grooming shop as I seen the groomer strike a small dog. I was babysitting right next door and could see into the grooming room from the back patio of the house. So, I too would be weary of any groomers there. Make sure when you call tomorrow to tell them it doesn't matter the vet but you would prefer Dr. D. Tell them and exaggerate that the claw has grown around and into her paw pad and it has been bleeding. Also tell them that you can't touch it at all she won't let you cause it causes her pain. You need to get her in and this dealt with immediately. I am pretty well 100% sure they will fit her in somewhere. Sunrise has long hours. They are open from 8:00 am until 7 pm most nights. They should get her in. All fingers and toes, whiskers and paws crosssed. Update us as soon as you know something.

Michelle & the girls

08-16-2005, 09:53 AM
Emma has an appointment to see the vet(Sunrise) today at 4:30.

I'll post updates as soon as we get home!

Pawsitive Thinking
08-16-2005, 10:06 AM
Good luck! Soon be on the mend

08-16-2005, 01:33 PM
woohoo !!! I am so glad Sunrise fit her in. I figured they would. They are a super vet hospital and I can say enough good things about the vet especially Dr. Dezeeuw.

Well, it's 4:05 Newfoundland time so you are probably on your way with her now. Will be waiting for her update and to know which vet you got. Good Luck Emma and be a good girl. They just want to help you sweetheart. And before long you will be right as rain again. :)

Michelle & the girls