View Full Version : Should I?

08-14-2005, 07:07 PM
Flutter's sisters need a foster home..... dare I even think of offering to take one or both of them in? Both are also three leggers.

It'll be an interesting conversation to ask hubby if he minds ;) But part of me would like to take care of them until they find homes (and then it won't look so bad for me if I keep Flutter :D )

Laura's Babies
08-14-2005, 07:11 PM
How could you NOT foster them?

08-14-2005, 07:12 PM
I voted to talk to hubby.
Making joint decisions is a must in our house. :)

08-14-2005, 07:15 PM


08-14-2005, 07:44 PM
Ok... who said I'm nuts and please tell me why you think I'd be nuts! :)

I do think I'm nuts, but then again, I feel like I need to do it too.

08-14-2005, 07:51 PM
I voted "YES"! I wouldn't even mention it to hubby until the deed is done.

08-14-2005, 07:59 PM
Are you nuts??

by the way, I was the 3rd person to vote that way

08-14-2005, 08:05 PM
It WOULD totally throw Pouncer off. He's just now starting to act himself again. He's the only reason I'm not jumping inot it and asking Grant yet. I have to make sure its somethign I really want/need to do first.

So Jen, why am I nuts?

08-14-2005, 08:11 PM
Because you can't let go of the ones you have now. They will worm their way into your heart too and then you will have 9 cats!! (which of course is not a bad thing ;) )

08-14-2005, 08:40 PM
Definitely talk it over with hubby and Pouncer. Being males, they'll both huff and puff but cave in the end. :p

08-14-2005, 09:36 PM
Go for it!

08-14-2005, 10:00 PM
I think you talk it over with your husband first but I'm sure you can get him to say yes.:) Good luck.:)

08-14-2005, 11:11 PM
I voted to talk it over with Grant (but I think you are nuts too - of course in the most respectful of ways :D ).

Really, I don't blame you for being tempted and your heart is in the right place but I'd hate to see Pouncer get upset again plus you are still trying to get Angel worked out and back to normal. Are you ready for that much *excitement* in the house right now? If you and Grant think so then go for it! If not, no one could blame you.

Although.... I do like your idea of finding the sisters a home would make keeping Flutter not look so bad. LOL!!!!!! Boy do we think alike!

08-15-2005, 11:52 AM
:) Yes for sure get hubby permission & then must forster them.. It would be neat if you adopted them with your other three legged one .. This is my Yardleigh & she is three legged..

08-15-2005, 12:57 PM
I am torn between choice a & b. How could you not take them though? Fostering is such a hard job. I don't think I would do well at it. I would want them ALL and want to keep them ALL!! I would end up being refered to as the crazy lady with the 50 cats!

08-15-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by furrykidsmother
I am torn between choice a & b. How could you not take them though? Fostering is such a hard job. I don't think I would do well at it. I would want them ALL and want to keep them ALL!! I would end up being refered to as the crazy lady with the 50 cats!

I did ultimately coose A. You and me both Amanda. I know I would fail fostering continually. And would end up with kitties everywhere. LOL :)

08-15-2005, 02:41 PM
I asked hubby just now....

and he said.......

"of course we will."

SOoooooo... we will be fostering NessaRose and Elfie! :D :D :D :D

08-15-2005, 02:48 PM
WOOHOO !!! I am sooo excited. hehehhe I can't wait to see pics :D

08-15-2005, 02:48 PM
9 catnapper cats :p

9 catnapper cats :rolleyes:

9 catnapper cats (LOL) :D :D :D :D

08-15-2005, 02:50 PM
No 9 catnapper kitties.... 6 plus Minette and the two new fosters!

Woohoo! I am so excited! Now I hope Kathy lets me take them since I do have the diarreah issue with Angel.

All I can do now is pray Poucner accepts them better than the others.

08-15-2005, 02:57 PM
Yipee! Can't wait for pictures!! Good luck, hope Pouncer is Ok with it too!

08-15-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
No 9 catnapper kitties.... 6 plus Minette and the two new fosters!

Sure :rolleyes: nods head in fake agreement. I believe you. ;)

I hope Pouncer can deal with 2 more kittens in the house. Poor fellow might pack his bags and move.

08-15-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
9 catnapper cats :p

9 catnapper cats :rolleyes:

9 catnapper cats (LOL) :D :D :D :D

Jen so has your number!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-15-2005, 04:11 PM
I voted for ask hubby before I read through the rest of the thread. With a response like that though, how can you NOT foster them?

Jen, sooner or later they have to start leaving.....don't they? ;) :D

Can't wait for pictures!!! :D

08-15-2005, 04:50 PM
Awwww, I sure do like Mr. Catnapper! I knew he couldn't resist more kittens. Who could? :D

08-15-2005, 05:35 PM
Mr. Catnapper isn't half bad. I think I just might keep him ;)

Its times like this the world sees how wonderful my guy is! Ask Jen, he comes across BAD in person. Especially NEW people... he scares them to pieces. But if you wait him out, you eventually get to see the true man inside all that loud gruff exterior.

08-15-2005, 05:55 PM
Jen, sooner or later they have to start leaving.....don't they?
Yes, sooner or later......but 9 might not be that big of a number yet. It took me to have 13 before I could start letting go. (and at that I still failed twice....or is it 3 times? )

Prairie Purrs
08-15-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
SOoooooo... we will be fostering NessaRose and Elfie! :D :D :D :D

NessaRose and Elfie! What wonderful names--"Wicked" is one of my favorite books (and I hope to see the musical someday).

Are they little tabby girls like Flutter?

08-15-2005, 09:11 PM
Just got an email from Kathy... she's not sure its a good idea we take them. She knows all about Pouncer and says that they are too hissy and growly. It won't be a good combination if he's so sensitive. She's willign to give it a try if I am.

Wow, that makes things a little different. :(

08-16-2005, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

I hope Pouncer can deal with 2 more kittens in the house. Poor fellow might pack his bags and move.
Remember this statement?

I would never honestly discourage you from taking more fosters, you should know that, but I remember how upset you were when Pouncer what not himself. :( It is easy to think (now that things are back to almost normal) that he'll be OK THIS time. Truth is, he may be, but I am not so sure I would add MORE cats to his world. I think I would at least wait until the numbers go down before bringing in more.

Lightning SuperCat
08-16-2005, 05:51 AM
I am a little late on this, and I have no Idea of what to say. I really think you should foster the kitties, but I don't know about Pouncer. I just hope it all works out in the end and the kitties get GREAT new homes. (and I think that will become YOU if you *foster* them :p)