View Full Version : Fooled by a cat...

08-14-2005, 11:18 AM
... Tyler, one of the cats from next door.
Just to put a background to this, something is going on next door, not sure what, the couple who live there may have split up, I don't know, and to be frank I really don't want to either. I only mention it to sort of set the scene. Just lately, the young woman, Natalie, and the baby appear to go missing for a few days a week and, although I've never seen them, someone does put food out for the cats.

I last saw Natalie there on Wednesday and it looked like there was food out, fine.
Thursday I couldn't tell.
Friday ,Tyler is on the fence, waiting and staring at his house, then he sees me and mieows, I couldn't see the food so I give him a pouch of the Gourmet Pearl food that Ebbs doesn't like anymore.
Yesterday evening he was there again. Couldn't see any food in the dish so once again I gave him a pouch.
Today. He looks so sorrowful and hungry so feed him again. Then his brother, Burton, turns up mieowing and looking pitiful so I fill a bowl for him too. There I am, past mid-day, still in my dressing gown, in the yard playing blocker to stop Tyler from stealing the food off Burton.
Go back in the house and a few minutes later hear a noise from next door. Go upstairs to look from my window - the only way to see the table the food is on - and yes, there is the food dish, full up! Whoever is feeding them must have just filled it. The two cats were still in my garden sitting there, cleaning themselves and occasionally looking towards my house, in the hope of some more I guess!

A short while ago I was trying to get a wasp off and out off my window and whose head appears, yup, Tyler. I go upstairs and look through the window and all the food is still there. I go outside and can see through the gap in the fence a bag of best dry cat food. I wonder now if whoever feeds them saw me give them food and put it there on purpose.
Tyler, of course, is now my new very best friend!
Here's a picture of the little con cat taken while I was out there, as you can see he is still telling tall tales!

Laura's Babies
08-14-2005, 12:05 PM
Isn't he adoreable! I would be feeding him and giving him treats too.. They know where all the "soft touches" are... he is one smart cat!

08-14-2005, 12:28 PM
Oh Chris.....How well do you know your neighbours? Could you perhaps leave a note on the door explaining that you would be happy to look after the kitties. Just a thought.

Cute picture. :)

08-14-2005, 12:33 PM
LOL... who could resist those handsome faces? Certainly not I! Perhaps you'll have two new kitties once he moves out? ;) 'cause it seems someone has adopted you!

08-14-2005, 01:34 PM


08-14-2005, 01:43 PM
Hmm, could it be that he comes to you for the love and attention he's not getting at home?

08-14-2005, 02:19 PM
Oh Chris, what an absoutely gorgeous pair!! No wonder you couldn't resist. :) You can bet they'll be back! I think they like your treats better than their normal food. :D

Hope you'll keep us updated on their visits. ;)

08-14-2005, 05:52 PM
I'm more than a bit upset about it all actually. Earlier this evening I opened the door a couple of times to let Bob out and little Tyler - he's not a year old yet - jumped up on to the fence post and stayed there too. Also, when I took a look for their dish I couldn't see it, I think he may have knocked it over.
I tell you if it wasn't for Bob that little boy would be making himself comfortable in here, whether it pleased the neighbour or not.

Just been to check and seen that someone is home now, Tyler was mieowing up a storm so maybe he only just seen they were home, just hope it wasn't at me. Anyway, I feel a little better knowing there is someone there at least.

Randi, that picture wasn't of the two cats, Burton and Tyler, that was just Tyler. :D
Here's a picture of the two of them. (funnily enough it was taken when they were alone once before, their humans had gone on holiday for a week back in May) Burton is the fluffier one lying down. Although they look somewhat similiar they are not related at all.


08-14-2005, 09:05 PM
The grass may not be greener on the other side of the fence.
But the meals are regular, tastier and the lady that serves them up sure is nicer.

- Page 17,
How to Con a Human with no Effort at All.

08-14-2005, 09:31 PM
It really bothers me that these people go away for extended periods of time and leave those little furbabies to fend for themselves. You're an angel to watch out for them!

08-15-2005, 03:24 AM
I love Tyler's smile in that first pic. You can just see he's saying 'Fooled ya, didn't I!' Burton looks like a bobcat but I bet there's a lap-cat heart inside that wildcat body:)

Killearn Kitties
08-15-2005, 06:46 AM
What beautiful cats! Is Tyler the one that Bob was eyeballing through the fence recently? :D

Cats certainly know how to look pathetic, don't they?

08-15-2005, 03:55 PM
Karen, you're right, Tyler is Bob's little buddy - or at least he was until Bob chased him up on to the fence the other day. :D

Their Mieowmie is home now, I'm glad to say, so I don't expect to see so much of them. Though little Tyler was around the front of the house this morning. My grandaughter was here and we were just checking that she could reach the front door lock and open it and there he was,Tyler, on the doorstep and trying to push his way in. I wish I could have let him.

I hope I haven't given a real bad impression of my neighbour. She is a nice person, really. Yes, leaving the cats alone outside for a couple of days, even with shelter and someone calling to feed them, isn't something I would do, but it is not unusual here in the U.K. Most people have indoor/outdoor cats, some mostly outdoor, so it is regarded as quite an acceptable thing to do. Just wanted to clear that up.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-15-2005, 04:16 PM
What a cutie! He sure has your number though, just look at that poor pitiful face! ;) :D

I'm glad to hear he's not really overly neglected, and when he is I'm glad he's discovered that you're the one to come to.

I think he and Bob might eventually get along, the bigger question is....how would Ebby take him? ;)

08-16-2005, 09:34 AM
They are both very sweet! Smart boy, he just wants to make sure he has a back up on his food in case someone doesn't feed him.

Lightning SuperCat
08-16-2005, 12:20 PM
That is one smart cat...the cats around here like to look pitiful too. But they are all beautiful cats, so someone other then me is feeding them (since I don't put much out and I sometimes forget...) :D

08-16-2005, 12:27 PM
Both of them are very cute and clever. Here it would be normal too that the cats are just left alone with someone who puts food out:(

I still have a feeling that Tyler boy is following a good strategy when he keeps you informed;)

Killearn Kitties
08-16-2005, 12:37 PM
Yes, Tyler is definitely keeping on your good side, Chris! :D

Have you ever read any of Deric Longden's cat books? He also used to write a column for the "Your Cat" magazine, mainly featuring the exploits of his cat, Thermal. Well he more or less kidnapped baby Thermal from a neighbour because he was sitting all forlorn in the back garden in the rain looking pathetic. It was quite a while before he realised that Thermal had his own cat flap and really was sitting in the rain by choice!

08-16-2005, 12:55 PM
Burton and Tyler sure know how to steal your heart, just look at them! :D

Before Fister came up and stayed, he was living in the yard with his mom and Pjevs, but when we were on holiday, he was miawing like crazy for us, underneath our kitchen window - that finally persuaded us to take him up for good. :) I remember one time, we came back from Spain late at night, and the minute we got out of the taxi, Fister appeared in front of us, like he knew we would come. :p :) Who can resist that!