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03-01-2002, 10:43 PM
A friend told me today that her 3 yr old grand-daughter is going to be a flower-girl at a wedding. She'll walk in front of the bride & scatter rose petals from a basket.
Her 5 yr old & 7 yr old brothers are going to be 'dogboys' at the same wedding. 'What on earth are 'dogboys?' I asked.

Well, the bride's beloved dog is going to be included in the wedding party...along with the bride & groom, best man, matron of honour, bridesmaids & flower girl.
The dog will be led & cared for by the 'dogboys'....the 2 young brothers.
Apparently, the dog & the 'dogboys' will be suitably dressed for the occasion.

I'll have to find out how BIG the dog is....after all, the 'dogboys' are only 5 & 7 years old. If it's a big dog, I wonder how the little boys will manage if it decides to go walkabout during the ceremony!

So, if anybody is planning a wedding...there's a new member of the wedding party these days...a 'dogboy'!:)

03-02-2002, 08:17 AM
Although I was not at the wedding to see it, a friend of a friend had a very small wedding. Bridesmaids were the two mothers, groomsmen, the two fathers, and the ring bearer was the couple's dog. I think it would be reallyneat, but you wouldhave to have a VERY well trained dog!!!

03-02-2002, 08:28 AM
I have heard of dogs being ring bearers although have never actually seen a picture. If you get a chance to take a picture we'd love for you to post it. I think Bella might be able to walk down a church aisle with a ring, however if a squirrel managed to somehow get inside the church............:eek: :D :D :D

03-02-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I however if a squirrel managed to somehow get inside the church............:eek: :D :D :D
What was the name of the Ray Stevens song that had a squirrel in it?;) :p

03-02-2002, 06:25 PM

I have no idea about the name of the song, but wanted
to compliment Miss Sophie on her new "Easter Outfit".?
I love the red high heels and her hat is quite pretty too.

03-02-2002, 08:47 PM
I think this is the song you are thinking of I tried to find the lyrics but alas, I could not.
:( But I think this is the song... The Mississippi Squirrel Revival. He has SO many!:)

Miss Sophie is BE-Yoo-Tee-Full!

03-02-2002, 09:06 PM
You asked for it - see Spark - the dog ringbearer who was Dog of the Day!


here! (http://DogoftheDay.com/archive/2000/April/05.html)

03-02-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
I think this is the song you are thinking of I tried to find the lyrics but alas, I could not.
:( But I think this is the song... The Mississippi Squirrel Revival. He has SO many!:)

Miss Sophie is BE-Yoo-Tee-Full!

That's it!! Mississippi Squirrel Revival is the one I'm thinking of!!!

Lizbud, LoudLou--thanks for the comments on Miz Sophie's outfit. You can't really see, but I gave her false eyelashes too... lol I think with a little face paint and some teased fur, she might look like a bunny version of 1) Minnie Pearl. 2) Tammy F. Baker :eek:

:D :D :D

Here's the larger version...

03-02-2002, 09:41 PM
Angel, that's adorable. Please try to get some pics for us if you are able to. I don't think I am the only one who wants to see how adorable that is :)

Well, Sohpie, I guess I can call you Miss Fancy Pants from now on. You are about as pretty as a bunny can be, I especially love the earings :) Don't walk in those heals too long, don't want to get sore feet :)

Karen, Spark is SOOOO beautiful. I was so delighted by that picture. Spark is truly smiling :) I would have loved to have Graham in my wedding, but we went to Jamaica to be married.

03-02-2002, 10:20 PM
Angels3 I would also love to see the photos, we have a girl on our community who is getting married and she has a beloved Schnauzer and was thinking where she could include her pup.
I will tell her to get a doggirl or dog boy.
ZippyCat, Miss Sophie is all dressed up in her Easter finery. What a beautiful honey bunny she is.

03-02-2002, 10:24 PM
Karen, that's a great pic of the doggie ring-bearer...& it looks like a little 'dogboy' is holding him (on the right).

Another friend told me that her daughter was married in a beach ceremony. The bride's little tibetan spaniel Ching was part of the wedding party, wearing a pink flower on her head to match the bridesmaids. They were so proud of Ching's behavior...she usually loves digging holes in the sand at the beach. But she just sat alongside the bridesmaids like an angel. Maybe she was scared her pink flower would fall off!:)

I'll see if I can get a photo.

03-02-2002, 10:42 PM
I think it's a wonderful idea to include pets in the weddin'!

Hope Miss Soph is still around when/if that time ever comes...lol

03-02-2002, 11:07 PM
Here's 2 'dogs at the wedding' pics. In the first, the dog looks like he was best man!


This is my favourite. Guess who was the only guest to be invited to go on the honeymoon with the bride & groom!!!!


03-02-2002, 11:09 PM
When I was growing up, I always used to plan to have Dessi at my wedding. I was so excited. Now she's gone, but it looks like I'll have Lolly, Reece, Shiloh, and an assortment of fosters there when I get married. Hehe, it will be chaotic, but memorable! I'll probably drive everyone nuts but as long as I get some good pictures out of it, that's all I need.

Hmm, think the groom will run away? hehe.

Oh, Spark is BEAUTIFUL!!! How handsome and wonderful he is. That must have been a very special wedding.

Sophie girl, I looove the new outfit dahling.

03-03-2002, 12:44 AM
AWWWW a cocker!!!!

03-04-2002, 04:03 AM
All the picture posted are so sweet. I don't think they would allow animals at weddings over here :( (not that I see myself in this position in the near future :D ). If I ever going to get married though I would have to involve my pets in one way or other.

03-04-2002, 05:50 AM
I think those pictures are just adorable!!

My two mutts would NEVER behave well enough to be part of the wedding but my DF and I both agree that we have to have wedding photos with them! It is especially important to both of us because they are our first dogs and with their dysplasia, we don't know how long they'll be with us.

03-04-2002, 06:05 AM
A few weeks ago, or was it months, there was a Corgi's picture in wedding posted on Pet Talk?

We took Drake with us for our wedding but decided he wouldn't behave for it. So, he stayed at the house. :D :D

03-04-2002, 07:20 PM
Gio, you're right that not all churches would allow a dog to be part of the wedding ceremony inside the church. Sometimes, though, it's possible to ask special permission.

On a sadder, note....a young man was killed in tragic circumstances here & the (anglican) church gave permission for his much-loved pet dog to sit with his family during the funeral service inside the church.

Also, when a police-dog handler was killed on duty here, the (catholic) church gave permission for his police-dog to be inside the church at the funeral.
The dog, with another handler, led the procession out of the church. Outside, over 30 other policedogs were lined up as a guard of honour.