View Full Version : Friends cat not using littler boxes

08-12-2005, 11:26 PM
The cat has 2 boxes, with different litter in each. Has liked them both for several months. Oh, 1st off, cat is going to vet tomorrow to see if there is any infection going on. Now what can she ask for if there is no bladder infection? Isn't there some kind of wall plug in or meds that help? This happened when she first got the cat, full grown, several yrs ago, she has off and on had this problem and pooped and peed out side the box on several occasions. Not near the box. Food, ect. is all the same. She has never had a bladder infection. She uses PetSmart vets. They just told her to change the type of litter. I am ginving her the link to this thread so she can check in for your answers. Please post anything that you can think of for her to ask the vet too. And any thing you think may help the poor cat.
Thanks in advance Katz

08-13-2005, 06:36 AM
Physical reasons: Not only UTI but crystal/stones are a possible cause of missing the box. Plus any illness that makes them feel "sick" when they need to go. Diabetics and kidney patients often miss the box because they can't hold it.

Behavioral reasons: If the cause is stress then feliway plug-ins might be what you are thinking of. There are also medicines to reduce stress.

BUT, if it is not stress it could be habit or defiance.

THINK: Has anything changed? Besides the obvious, food, litter, placement of boxes, has your routine changed? Any new members to the family? Stray cats bothering her through a window? Are there other pets? Do they possibly scare her away from the box? How often do you soop? (she might not use the box more than once if it is dirty)

If nothing can be found physically, you may need to "retrain" her to the box by confining to a small area until she uses the box exclusively.

Good luck.

Lightning SuperCat
08-13-2005, 06:57 AM
I heard if it's not private enough, the cat won't use the box. I can't think of anything besides what Jen said. I hope you find out the problem soon!

08-13-2005, 08:35 AM
Thanks guys, I'll tell her what you said so she can ask the vet. Again Thank you.

Laura's Babies
08-13-2005, 08:42 AM
Jen about covered it all and left nothing else for the rest of us to say... Except to wish your friend the best of luck to resolve this problem. Kitties are such wonderful, complex creatures and I ask you friend not to cast her out if she can't solve this problem right away. The cat has something wrong or something on her mind and it is up to her humans to figure it out and help her.

08-13-2005, 10:00 AM


08-13-2005, 11:08 AM
jenluckenbach more or less covered everything but there's one more thing you can try. As smart as cats think they are, you can always try psychological warfare.
Cats HATE to poo in the same area they eat. If you lay out a dish of food in all of the "trouble spots" the cat will probably start to avoid them.
Another thing is to use disenfectant at the places the cat has gone outside the litterbox and disguise the smell COMPLETELY otherwise it might prompt the cat to go there again.

08-15-2005, 03:01 PM
Well, she went to vet and no infection. The bad news is they think it's the kidneys. She is already on pres. food and one med for bowel movement troubles. Now the kidney thing would require a different food. Anyway tomorrow they are going to do an ultrasound to rule out any growths. And then go from there,
Thanks again for your your helpfull thoughts. She took a list of them to Dr. and asked about each one.

08-15-2005, 03:05 PM
I sure hope it is something they can treat. :(

08-16-2005, 10:49 AM
I hope it is nothing serious. Please keep us posted as to what happens. Good thoughts to your friends kitty!