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new mom to a veiled
08-12-2005, 05:01 PM
At what age do babies cut their 1st tooth? My son is 8 months and it seems he is cutting both (bottom) at the same time. I feel so sorry for him. Much to my surprise he isn't very grumpy:confused: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a258/luvmypets/3f2a8d4c.jpg

08-12-2005, 10:00 PM
That is the right age. Your lucky he isn't grumpy.:rolleyes:

08-12-2005, 11:45 PM
Never having had any children, but having tons of nieces and nephews....

A way to help a child get thru the 'teeth cutting' stage is to have them teethe on a green onion (scallion).

It sounds harsh, but after seeing it quite a few times I do believe that it works...


good luck!

08-13-2005, 12:00 AM
Awww, what an adorable little baby you have there! So precious!

I think different children start teething at different ages. My mom said that my brother started teething at only 4 months, and I didn't start until I was 11 months...so it differs with every child. I think 8 months is a pretty common age to start teething. Poor babies go through so much pain when their little teeth start to come out. :(

08-13-2005, 12:15 AM
My little munchkin is only 2 months old and is already drooling like a champ and working on his first one. it's different for every baby:) Your son is very cute, what is his name?

new mom to a veiled
08-13-2005, 05:01 PM
Thank you all so much, his name is Cameron. I will try the scallion thing and see how it works & thanks for the link. I have tried the teething rings, cold face cloth etc. I must admit I feel kind of silly, I have a 7 year old but he didn't have any issues with his teeth. He woke up one morning with 2 bottom teeth. I can see the teeth right under the skin on Cameron's gums. I hope they POP soon. ;)

08-13-2005, 07:10 PM
Two words- Children's Motrin! (Not Tylenol, Motrin!).

Toothaches are the worst kind of pain. Adults use medication....so should children. Jonah has six teeth (11 months old), and we just finished a week ago. I imagine we have about another week before it starts again. All children do teethe differently. So get them in all at once, some early, some late. At Jonah's four month appointment, the doctor was SURE he was teething...at six months, this time he KNEW he was teething....he he he....finally, at 8 months, he began to cut his teeth.

new mom to a veiled
08-16-2005, 10:45 AM
The edge of the 1st one finally popped lastnight!!!!! The Motrin worked great. He just needed it at bedtime, to take the edge off. Other than that he has been in good spirits :) Thanks to everyone again for all the great advice :D

08-16-2005, 03:44 PM
Cameron is adorable.
I hope those toothy smoozies stop hurting!

08-16-2005, 04:27 PM
My son started around 4-5 months. Drool Drool Drool!! ;)

BTW, your son reminds me of my son...I will have to post a pic of him when he was around that age...

You said that you have heard of a cold face cloth...but i was also told to freeze a washcloth and let them chew on that...

new mom to a veiled
08-17-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
You said that you have heard of a cold face cloth...but i was also told to freeze a washcloth and let them chew on that... [/B]

I would love to see a pic of your son, and thanks for the advice. I havent tried freezing a face cloth, I always just ran it under really cold water. I will give it a try. Thanks!!

Thanks Carmen, to bad you live so far away. I could sit your furkids, and you could sit my skinkids!!!!!

08-17-2005, 01:23 PM
Who among you and your hubby have blue eyes?
He has pretty eyes.

new mom to a veiled
08-17-2005, 02:05 PM
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by beeniesmom
Who among you and your hubby have blue eyes?
He has pretty eyes.

I do, my husband and Brayden (older boy) have brown eyes. He only has pretty eyes cuz Kittycats delight took the red eye out of the pic (thanks again ;) ). It's funny Brayden is a clone of his dad, and I think Cameron will look like me.