View Full Version : Kong's stuff-n-snaps??? dissapointed

08-12-2005, 01:37 PM
I have always used kongs but this is the first time I bought the stuff-n-snap treats.

I bought the mini ones for my puppy kong for Kaige, the info on that kong said to use that size. Well the treats are too small for the kong & just fall out, either that or they turn sideways & become lodged way up there. Kaige shakes the ones out that he can & after about 2 seconds gives up on the one lodged inside it.

To top it all off I also bought a package of the large ones for Nanook & Raustyk's kong. Wouldn't ya know it, the same thing... their kongs say to use that size treat yet they too are way too small.

I plan on using something else (paste, peanut butter, cheese etc.. ) for the rest of them but was wondering if anyone else ran into this problem? Or if I am stuffing them wrong?
They say to put the fat end in first and thats what I'm doing but I didn't want to lodge them too far into the tip as my dogs are never able to reach that far in to clean it out. But I tried it anyways and it did lodge them in there but as soon as they squeeze the kong they fall right out. Or if I lodge them in there really good they can't get them out and believe me Nanook & Raustyk do not give up. They worked at it for hours & only touched the very very tip of it. It was after HOURS that they then gave up.
I think they are just a waste of money, I've used MANY other treats that work way better than those do.

They all LOVE the taste of them, I don't have any issues with that. lol

I plan on writing Kong about this but wanted to see others views on it first.

08-12-2005, 05:37 PM
I think you're supposed to combine the Kong stuffing (that comes in an aerosole can) with the treats. I'm not sure, but it'd give the treats a little more 'stick' to the Kong itself. I've never used any of the Kong stuffings (treats or can). I only use "human food" for special treats like a frozen Kong. Plus, they stuff fabulously!

08-12-2005, 10:33 PM
I always wondered how those treats were supposed to work also. I'd imagine they wouldn't stay in for more than a second or two. I'd combine them with peanut butter but then I'd use regular treats instead of buying the kong brand treats.

08-15-2005, 08:44 AM
Thanks for your thoughts. I figured I'd have to add something to them, but the only reason I bought them is because it says you can use just them in the kongs, thinking it would be great for a very quick treat with no mess. lol
If I have to add stuff to it anyways I'll save my money & do it the old way again.