View Full Version : One or two pups?

02-15-2001, 10:57 AM
We currently have an 8 year old lab female that isn't interested in other dogs. She is not aggressive towards others but she does get upset if they are in her territory. The question is we are owed another pup from her breeder because of hip dysplasia. We would like to get that replacement pup and were thinking of adopting another pup,maybe from a humane society or ? so that they would be socialized properly and also to relieve the older lab. How hard is it to train two pups at the same time? Is that feasible? I will be taking off a month this summer. Any thoughts would be helpful.

02-16-2001, 11:28 AM
You are one brave soul. One puppy at a time has always been enough of a challenge for me, but there has got to be someone out there who has tried this, that is, if they survived!!!

02-18-2001, 06:12 AM
I'm with you Rachel,
One pup at a time was enough
challenge for me. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

02-18-2001, 05:53 PM
Mine were 5 months apart and I got them both as six week old puppies. They adore each other. Mine are half sisters, sharing the same father. But, a few words of advice, learned the hard way. 1) Give them each their separate time to train and love. 2) Definitely invest in obedience classes, even if you have to take them one at the time. Best if an adult can take them through. 3)LOVE them to death!
Lilly and Honey are as different as night and day, but they love each other unconditionally and they love us the same way.
Good luck with your decision.