View Full Version : "Bumples"

Julia Felix
08-11-2005, 06:45 AM
Good Morning!

After lurking on CatoftheDay.com for longer than I can remember, I decided to come out of lurk just so I could share the word my husband and I came up with to convey that truly perfect gesture that cats use when they like you, are glad to see you, declare you to be their own OR, when the little dickens want something;) aka the "head butt". Instead of saying that--which we find a little coarse--we call it a "bumple".

And our big lummox of a fur kid kitty is doing that to me right this very minute because he wants to go outside to be eaten by a coyote or a couger or a raccoon but I'm on to his wiles. He never bumples me unless he wants something because he's Daddy's boy through and through and I'm just the can opener and the poop scooper. In addition to being one of the most beautiful cats I'ver ever seen, he's a heart breaker. But, hey. He's a cat. Sigh.

I can still admire his great beauty and be his personal slave. I'm content with the scraps of his love. ; )

Bumples to You All,


Pawsitive Thinking
08-11-2005, 06:53 AM
Bumples!! Love it!

No more lurking eh?

Lightning SuperCat
08-11-2005, 07:11 AM
Welcome, Lisa!!! :D :D I like the "bumples." Lightning rubs my nose more then a head butt-more like a eskimo kiss. We call them "kitty smooches":D

OR, when the little dickens want something

Besides "Hello" and "You smell good-where have you been???", That's about the only reason he does it. I taught him-I actually taught him to DO something!:p-to give me a kitty smooch when he wants a kitty treat.:D

08-11-2005, 07:13 AM
Welcome! We'll look forward to seeing your kitty soon. Hope you like it here.

08-11-2005, 08:02 AM
Good morning to you too and a very warm welcome to Pet Talk. I'm Vickie but I prefer to be called Slick and I live near Vancouver, BC, just over the border from you. I'm owned by two furkids myself. Max the Persian is 12 and Speckles the Tabby is 18 and yes, I'm their purrrrsonal slave too.

Your furkid sounds beautiful and I would love to see a picture of him. What is his name? Bumple? Just love the "bumples" and I've added it to our "Furminology Dictionary" that you can view here. :D

Again, welcome. :)
Pssst, I see we are the same age....;)

08-11-2005, 08:25 AM

08-11-2005, 08:31 AM
:D Welcome and I hope you stay around and post more often!

08-11-2005, 08:36 AM
Hi and Welcome to PT!! Bumples!!! What a great word!

Hope to hear more from you and see pictures of your beautiful boy!

08-11-2005, 09:18 AM
Welcome to PT! I hope we can see soon many pics of your big furkid.
I am also owned by a big furbaby named Peppito, and he is also the most beautiful cat I've ever seen ;) ;)

Laura's Babies
08-11-2005, 09:33 AM
Welcome to PT! A Fun place to be! As you can tell, we all LOVE pictures so we will pester you for pictures... You should "share" the beauty of your baby here and enjoy the beauty of ours!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2005, 09:44 AM
I love it! And you're right, it does sound so much more serene and calming than head butts. :D


08-11-2005, 02:14 PM
Aww! Bumples! I LOVE it!

My Mitzi also does pawsie tap-taps when she wants attention. When she gets a little rambunctious and wants to do more than a bumple, she does what I call "Mitzi Up-Up's" She bumples but because she's so small, she has to jump up to make sure she makes a connection. It's hard to explain, but it's SO cute when she does it. ... only on PT :rolleyes: :D

08-11-2005, 04:29 PM
LOVE "Bumples"!!! So cute and perfect for my dantier kitties. :)

Great word!

Welcome to PT!! :)

Julia Felix
08-12-2005, 03:58 PM
Meow! So many responses and such a warm welcome <GGG>

I will see if my husband can dig out at least one, maybe more, pictures of our BOY cat Sarah to share with you all. As I mentioned, he won't have hardly anything to do with me (I just got hissed at for having the gall to ask him to move so I could partially lay down for some laptop 'puter time. Silly me! I could have sworn it was on my side of the bed, too.) so my husband and his personal love slave gets all the good pictures. Now, to just get him to slow down enough to do this for us all ; )

Sarah is a medium haired beauty in summer but in winter, when we adopted him from the Seattle Animal Control Shelter (Thanks Pet Finder!), he has about a mile of lush, gorgeous fur and they miss-sexed him, our vet missed it and until he was knocked out and shaved to be spayed because the shelter gave us 30 days to produce proof we had it done, we all thought we had a very big girl on our hands. She got a new name from us and we used it around her about every 30 seconds so she'd get it. "She" got it very well, of course because he's a very intelligent cat and we decided we just didn't want to introduce any more chamges in his life at that point.

Now, he comes to "Mr. Sare, Moopety Boop. The Moopster, Baby Boy, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Bumpkin Boy, Sweet Boy and Our
Guy". Lordy, How do we come up with these things??!

Oh, and, to the Vancouver, BC writer, as it happens my husband is a Canuck and we lived in North Van and Coquitlam the first 12 years of our marriage <g>. So, does this mean we're related? ; )

08-12-2005, 04:07 PM
Welcome, welcome and love the 'bumples' word! I've learned a lot of new words since I got here...scritches, head bumpies, bumples, airplane ears (one of my favorites), pee biscuits and many more.

It's a fun place to be and the people here are super! The pets aren't bad, either!! ;)

I understand your position...I'm in the same boat. Our two boys ADORE their pawpie, but I'm the slave to them and once in a while I'll get a head bumpie. If I call them, they run to him, well you get the picture!