View Full Version : Been told baby mice are RATS! OH NO! *pics*

08-09-2005, 10:32 AM
Okay, so I've posted many photos of the babies on mice/rat forums and been told they are too big to be mice, that they are probably rats.
I can't keep rats!!! What in the world am I going to do with them if they live?

Here are some photos, anyone have a clue what they are?



Pawsitive Thinking
08-09-2005, 10:34 AM
Rats are cute too

08-09-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Brody's Mum
Rats are cute too

Yes, they are. But 3 wild rats in a house with 6 dogs, 2 cats, and 14 fish isn't cute. I think I've gotten myself in over my head. :(

Pawsitive Thinking
08-09-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by LuvGold00
Yes, they are. But 3 wild rats in a house with 6 dogs, 2 cats, and 14 fish isn't cute. I think I've gotten myself in over my head. :(

I see your point

08-09-2005, 11:05 AM
Rat rescue! Yes, Kara is comin' :p


08-09-2005, 01:08 PM
Oh no! I know that you can't keep them, but, can you raise them? Or maybe you can ask the vets to do it? I am not sure, but, you are a very kind person to dedicate your time to them right now!

Steph and Jes

08-09-2005, 01:24 PM
I will raise them, but I'm going to start looking for Rat Rescues in my area. Because I cannot keep even 1 rat in this house... :(

08-09-2005, 01:29 PM
Why can't you have just ONE rat? You have too many animals, or, your fiance' doesn't like them?:)

Atleast you can raise them. Do you want me to look for a rat rescue, or someone who can adopt them. I am part of a forum that will probably have an answer for you:)

If you do, pm me, and I will let you know what info I need on you and them!!!

Good luck,
Steph and Jes

08-09-2005, 02:00 PM
oh gosh, they sure are pretty darn cute. i'm not sure what you should do with them. maybe when they are old enough take them to a wildlife place or see if a zoo or petting zoo can take them. don't sell them as feeder rats or to petstores. they will end up in a snake's belly.

08-09-2005, 02:08 PM
jesse_3 :

I sent you a PM :)

I would never ever let them be feeder rats, I'll find a place for them. :)

08-09-2005, 03:25 PM
if they are wild.. i would uhh... o man.. I guess i would try to raise them.. and love them.. then when they were old enough i would take them to the vet to get inspected for disease's.. then i would give them to an animal refuge ... ugh...

wild rats ?? i dunno about that.

08-09-2005, 03:32 PM
I don't even know what wild rats grow up to look like... oh man, I better start reseaching...!

08-09-2005, 09:29 PM
Hmm, that's a tough question! It's not exactly like people would want you to release rats back into the wild... and I don't think wild rats make good pets.

I just found this page which coluld help:

And here's a pic of a wild rat

08-09-2005, 10:11 PM
Well, no worries there, I don't want to keep them. The only way they would stay here is if they were mice... I can't keep 3 rats, no way.
I just hope I can release them, and they live.

08-09-2005, 10:14 PM
If you raise them, they won't be wild. Rats are smart and can be very affectionate if handled alot from a young age. Coming from wild stock, they will probably starle easily and may have some stronger responses than a rat bred from tame stock, but they are the same species, not like wolves vs dogs. Try to find a rescue place for them. You are very kind to be doing as much as you have....

08-09-2005, 10:21 PM
You say you can keep 3 mice, but not 3 rats? Can I ask why?

IMHO, rats are better pets than mice. You can get them out and let them run around without worrying about them getting loose and never coming back. Mice are not as relaxed (in my experience) than rats. Rats can become your best friend in a second; don't get me wrong, I know that mice are some people's favourite pets. Also, they're no harder to take care of. You still have vet bills, food, cage cleanings, playtime, etc.

And yes, those do look like baby rats. Cuties, too bad I can't take them.

Wild rats are different than domestic rats, yes, but I don't know about being raised from almost birth. My guess would be they'd act somewhat the same but maybe a little different instincts. I know of people who have taken in wild rats. I also know of someone who took in a wild mouse and housed them with domestic mice. So, maybe it's the same with rats - they can still live together, no problem.

I don't know how rat rescues are going to feel about someone raising rats and then just dropping them off there. You might want to consider finding them a forever home instead of a shelter for them.

You said they were found under your fiance's motorcycle, right? Were there any other rats in site? Usually (some momma rats aren't like this at all!) rats have more than 3 babies. Unless she realized she couldn't nurse all the babies and left 3 purposely behind, I'm guessing she would've come back for the remaining three. Maybe I'm just weird, but I wouldn't have "bothered" them for a while. Just checking on them without invading. I would've looked for a nest or the sign of a momma rat. But yeh, maybe I'm just weird.

Good luck with whatever you do.

08-09-2005, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by barncat
If you raise them, they won't be wild. Rats are smart and can be very affectionate if handled alot from a young age. Coming from wild stock, they will probably starle easily and may have some stronger responses than a rat bred from tame stock, but they are the same species, not like wolves vs dogs. Try to find a rescue place for them. You are very kind to be doing as much as you have.... I posted after you, so I'm just clearifying. The difference is one is Rattus Rattus and one is Rattus Norvegicus. So while she will be raising them, they still have the wild genes in them - meaning, no matter how much love is expressed to them, they will still be classified as wild, and not domesticated.

08-09-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by buckner
You say you can keep 3 mice, but not 3 rats? Can I ask why?
I was going to ask that too. Rats make wonderful pets!

08-09-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by wolfie
I was going to ask that too. Rats make wonderful pets!
If they are born Fancy Pet Rats..but they still have the wild gene. And I don't think Kara ever planned on keeping the mice*if they were* either. :(

08-09-2005, 10:38 PM

I totally undestand what you're saying. Honestly, I don't have enough room for 3 rats, they would take up more space than 3 field mice, correct?

Let me go into more detail about how they came into my home.. :)
My fiance had noticed something was getting into his motorcycle a day or so before... Something had chewed up his insurance card which is under the passanger seat of his motorcycle. So, being the man he is, he stuck a box of decon under the seat (which he didn't tell me until after). :( The next morning, this rodent had made a nest IN the decon box, which is where these babies were. He removed them from the decon, and placed them in a cardboard box in the same area as his bike was. We kept a close eye on the box for the whole day, no Momma rodent returned and I was not going to leave them overnight to be eaten by something or to freeze to death. So, they came home with me.

So here I am now, with these 3 babies, of which I am still not 100% sure are Rats... They just seem to big to be day old mice... BUT, they very well could be.

08-09-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by wolfie
I was going to ask that too. Rats make wonderful pets!

Me three....I've had rats and mice and I would rather have rats again. Mice are WAY smellier and not nearly as affectionate. (Though very fun to watch)

08-09-2005, 11:13 PM
Here is a photo of them, I put a q-tip in the picture so you can get a guess at their size.
I'd love to hear if anyone thinks they are rats or mice? :)
Whatever they are, they are pigs, see those milk tummies???

*warning-large picture*

08-09-2005, 11:47 PM
WOW! They are tiny! I don't know though, I am not the best with rodents, but I would guess a rat...

They will be cute when they get older and have fur! My friend had a hamster that had babies, and you could see the milk in their bellies too! I think that it is neat, but other people can get grossed out by it...

Congrats on getting them this far!-Praying to get them even farther!

Steph and Jes

08-10-2005, 02:59 AM
Upon close examination they do not appear to be rats. Their body shape is very different. Granted, they could be black rats and not Norway rats. Or they can be a different type of rat, or rat relative. Their body shape is different. Plus, they look very very premature and underdeveloped if they are baby rats. Their head is a lot more elongated. If they do turn out to be wild rats I would always take them. I have had several wild roof rats in my day. Raised from an early start they can be just as great as a pet as domestic rats, just with a bit more of a wild streak. ;)

Here is a pic of one of my newborn litters of rats for comparison. :) Notice the difference in head shape and especiall the difference in hands/feet and legs.

08-10-2005, 03:02 AM
Notice how your babies legs are a lot longer? Also, note the lack of whiskers on your babies.

08-10-2005, 06:33 AM
I do see the difference.... Do you think they could be mice then?
I'm glad to say I think they are doing pretty good, they are all eating like pigs and going to the bathroom regularly.
If they are rats, do you really want them? I don't think there is anyway I could get them to you though... :(

08-10-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by LuvGold00
I do see the difference.... Do you think they could be mice then?
I'm glad to say I think they are doing pretty good, they are all eating like pigs and going to the bathroom regularly.
If they are rats, do you really want them? I don't think there is anyway I could get them to you though... :(

That's what rat trains are for. :p If they ARE wild rats, you can try to keep them as wild as possible and I can help you with training them to be released if that is something you might be interested in. Looking at the pictures they resemble deermice babies, so it's a chance they could be that. Just be careful with touching their feces, as some wild mice can carry hanta virus. I've raised baby mice and rats before. Though little, they are incredibly easy to raise from newborns. If you do a search for mice my baby mice that I handfed should show up. :)

08-10-2005, 01:12 PM
I agree w/ cass. Either they are mice or some other species of rats as they do not resemble any baby rats I've ever seen & I've seen my share of wild rats too.

With the chewing of the wires & what not I doubt it but there is a slight chance that they could be something else all together like a mole or something????

They have full milk bellies so it looks like your doing a fine job so far. Good luck!

08-10-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I agree w/ cass. Either they are mice or some other species of rats as they do not resemble any baby rats I've ever seen & I've seen my share of wild rats too.

With the chewing of the wires & what not I doubt it but there is a slight chance that they could be something else all together like a mole or something????

They have full milk bellies so it looks like your doing a fine job so far. Good luck!

Ya, there is no way of knowing for sure. Watch, they're going to turn out to be rats, LOL!!! :p

08-10-2005, 01:27 PM
:eek: they are tiny compared to that Q-tip! They are adorable, though! :) Thank you for taking them into your care, we do need more people in this world like you! Good luck with them!

08-10-2005, 11:06 PM
Well, they are still eating. But seem kinda thin to me, I can see their ribs, is this a normal thing? I'm use to puppies, who are fat from day one. :)
Do you think I am OK feeding them before I go to bed around midnight, and then again at 6:30am, or is this too much of a gap with no food???
They are really changing color now, becoming much darker.
And really moving around alot.

Cass, no matter what they are I want to release them, so any suggestions on how to keep them wild would be great! And/Or if you want them, they are all yours!

08-10-2005, 11:22 PM
I think that the gap is too big, sorry. I know that you loose a lot of sleeptime that way...

Maybe you could just stretch it too eevery 3 hours? To keep them wild, just keep it to feeding them, then nothing else. No bonding to them or anything! I know that will be hard, but, if you want them to be okay in the wild, you don't want them to be attached to you.

Steph and Jes