View Full Version : Quack! Said Jerusha

02-28-2002, 08:33 PM
I am on a quest and hope maybe someone can help . . .

If anyone knows the words or can locate this children's poem for me I shall be eternally grateful!

It is called "Quack! Said Jerusha" written by Mildred Plew Merryman in the 1930's. Quite a lengthy poem about the charming experiences of a duckling upon breaking out of her shell. It was a favorite of mine as a little girl and I remember my Mother reading it to me many times over. I've had no luck finding anything on the internet. I have a feeling it was within a book of other nursery rhymes by various authors, which makes my search even more difficult . . . :(

It had such an impact that later in life when I had a pet duck (I hatched her myself in a little mail-away plastic incubator) I named her Jerusha. She imprinted on me as her mom and followed me everywhere. When she reached maturity I set her free to live on a farm with other duckies; last I heard she was happily sitting on a nest of eggs . . . this was many, many years ago.

Well, PetTalk people are the greatest, so I'm keeping my paws crossed that somebody will come through on this mission of mine . . . pretty please??:)

02-28-2002, 08:50 PM
Hi, AvaJoy ~

I tried searching for the book...
Here's all I could find (from a college Prof's
1994 thesis at Carnegie Mellon University):

"Quack! Said Jerusha" written by Mildred Plew Merryman

Mildred Plew Merryman = Author's full name

"Children's Stories" = title of Book

chapter "Quack! said Jerusha", pages 117­136.
Indicates "Quack! said Jerusha" was a CHAPTER in the BOOK "Children's Stories".

Whitman Publishing Co., Racine, WI, 1950 = the Publisher

There are several search hits on the Chapter title and the author, and dozens of hits on the publisher ~
BUT most of the hits lead to an article or web site WANTING a copy of the book! No web site I visited HAD a copy of the book. :( <Bummer>

You might try eBay - the auction site. (I didn't)

Good luck! :D

02-28-2002, 09:30 PM
Thanks a bunch, Phred!!!:D That is more info. than I had previously . . . had a feeling it was in a compilation book . . . just to clarify, does the book "Children's Stories" contain works from other authors or solely Ms. Merryman? I knew it was a long poem, but 19 pages . . . WOW . . . as I recall there were many illustrations of all the ducky adventures (the tale weaves from birth to adultduckhood) and so the verse coupled with all the drawings must take up lots of space on the pages.

My longing to locate this story is fueled even more upon learning what you have uncovered . . . :D

Again, thank you SO much. I have run searches for simply "Jerusha" periodically on eBay, but to no avail . . . maybe I might have better luck searching for the words "Children's Stories" instead. [/CODE]

02-28-2002, 10:33 PM
I'm dying to know and share the story now.....Avajoy you have my hopes up!! Please let us know if you find anything.


02-28-2002, 11:02 PM
AvaJoy ~

Here's some nuggets I left out...

Here is the Prof's thesis...
Thesis that quotes "Guack!..." as a Reference (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Papers/Gleicher/Thesis/)
Note: It's a Computer Graphical Drawing thesis - I have no idea how or where he used Merryman's "Quack!" writings in it! (I did NOT read the entire thesis!) But it's reference "[Mer50]" IS cited on thesis references page 243. :D

"[Mer50] Mildred P. Merryman. Children’s Stories, chapter “Quack!” said Jerusha, pages
117–136. Whitman Publishing Co., Racine, WI, 1950."

And here is where the Prof is NOW:
Prof's current home page (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~gleicher/)
You might try e-mailing him to see if he remembers how he used the book in his thesis - and ask if he ever had or HAS his own copy.

As for your question ~
His reference citation doesn't really SAY if she authored the entire book - but it appears that she might have. I couldn't find any hits on the Publisher - no company web site came up. Can't tell if they are still in business.

This could become a Major Pet Talk Project! ;)

03-03-2002, 05:35 PM

I took your advice, Phred, and got the Prof's email address from his home page, despite my computer warning me that I had performed an illegal operation, blah, blah, blah and freezing the site. I tried accessing it from both his thesis page and also from the URL link you so kindly provided; still I got the illegal notice, but managed to quickly jot down his email and then composed a short plea and lo and behold - I can hardly believe it!! - he answered back and YES, he still has the book packed away with his wife's keepsakes and he will gladly scan the poem and send it to me!!!!! I can barely contain my anticipation - I feel like a kid on Xmas Eve!:D :D :D

Phred, you are indeed a Prince among men, and I am most beholden . . . thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!:)

Logan, I will happily send you a copy if you want when it arrives!

03-03-2002, 10:13 PM
Ava Joy, I am so, so happy for you. I too, roamed around trying to find it for you somehow on the internet, but to no avail.

When you do receive it - could you share it with us if it isn't too long or difficult for you to do.

I too, have a favorite book from childhood called Miss Hickory, but fortunately I was able to find a copy as an adult.

It was fun looking for it though, so thank you for posting this and HUGE thanks also to Phred for his hard work.

03-04-2002, 03:48 AM



03-04-2002, 05:47 AM
What great work, Phred!!!! And yes, Avajoy, I'd love a copy, so let me know when you get it!!! :D :D

11-20-2006, 11:21 AM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

11-20-2006, 12:00 PM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

Wow, I remember when AvaJoy first asked this question. :) I looked
and searched for days to find an answer.

BSC, It would be great if you sent a PM to her so she doesn't miss this
older thread. Thanks. :)

Susan Billstrom
11-24-2006, 11:12 AM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I would love a copy of this book. Please let me know how to obtain a copy!

Susan Billstrom
12-06-2006, 11:38 AM
I have received responses to my post; however, I do not have any copies of the book Children's Stories with the poem Quack said Jerusha. I am trying to purchase a copy. Please help me if you can!

01-19-2007, 07:59 PM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I would love to have a copy!!!! I, too, have been searching for years for a copy of this poem!! It was one my Mom and I read together over and over..it was (and still is) a favorite.

Please send me more info on how I can reach you and get a copy! Thanks to you all, this is the first info I have found and I have been searching for years!!! :)

01-19-2007, 08:01 PM
Please send me info on how to get a copy...i have been searching for years...it is one of my childhood favorites and my Mom and I used to read it together all the time. She is now 84 and I would love to get a copy for us to read together with my daughter!!

Thanks to you all...this is the first info I have seen on this poem and I have been searching a long while!!

Peace :)

01-19-2007, 09:09 PM
Susan (Avajoy) sent me a copy when this thread originally started. I think I can get my hands on it and mail it to you. Please send me a PM with your name and address and I will gladly copy it and send you what I have, but it might be a week or so before I can do it as I am going out of town for part of the week.

Please understand that the copy I have is a Xerox type copy, not an original.


01-30-2007, 08:11 PM
HI There!!! I am SO excited!!! I have been searching for the book that contains Mildred Merryman's 'Quack', Said Jerusha' also. I have a copy that I received from my grandmother when I was 4. It is packed away and I would very much like to find a second one for my g'babies! We love Jerusha!

One morning when Jerusha woke
she took her perky leg
And gave a sort of 'pokey-poke'
and pushed away her egg.
And as she stepped from out
her shell
And looked around for luck,
"QUACK! said Jerusha,
I seem to be a duck!"

Like the earlier poster on this forum, this too has been one of my favorite poems all of my life. My book is yellowing and a bit fragile, so that is why I am looking for a second one that I can use with my g'babies. If any of you know where I may find one, please let me know.
Thanks so much for any help.
<>< Lee

Susan Billstrom
03-20-2007, 12:29 PM
I am still looking for this book. Where are you BSC? Please reply! Susan ;)

I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-20-2007, 02:48 PM
There is one listed on eBay at the moment:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Childrens-Stories_W0QQitemZ320093797451QQcategoryZ29223QQssP ageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Not 100% sure if it's the same book, but may be worth $3 plus shipping to find out! (Or maybe send a message to the seller and ask if the poem you are looking for is in the book).

There is also a copy listed here (http://www.tias.com/277/InventoryPage/1519433/1.html?pageNo=1&catId=nbks) for $45 but the story is listed as "Quack said Joshua"

03-21-2007, 08:22 AM
I sent you a PM, Susan. :o I can't believe that after all of this time, I can't put my hands on the copy of it that I had. As soon as I locate it, I will make a copy and send it to you. But in the meantime, if you can buy the real thing, I'm sure you'd rather do that.


Susan Billstrom
04-09-2007, 09:48 PM
Hi Logan, Thanks so much for thinking of me. I am still trying to buy the book, but it proves to be difficult. I thought the posting by BSC, who owns a bookstore and says they have copies of the book was great, but I never heard back from them.

Hi Ally Cat's Mommie, Not the same book: Children's Stories, but thanks for trying.

Thank you everyone, Susan :)

04-10-2007, 02:43 AM
Now I am sorry that I didn't answer the thread earlier because my favorite used books website, www.zvab.com had it several times. Now they don't have it anymore but I suggest you check it out- it coordinates the offers of worldwide antique bookshops - I found already so many books over it and if it's not there, check again in a month or so.

05-31-2007, 04:05 PM
AvaJoy, were you ever sent a copy of the children's story "Quack!" said Jerusha? If so, would it be possible to get a photo copy from you? I will be happy to pay for your time and expenses. I also loved this story as a little girl and have been searching for my own copy. Many thanks!!

06-17-2007, 07:14 PM
AvaJoy, were you ever sent a copy of the children's story "Quack!" said Jerusha? If so, would it be possible to get a photo copy from you? I will be happy to pay for your time and expenses. I also loved this story as a little girl and have been searching for my own copy. Many thanks!!

Yes, I have the book this poem is in . . . I sent you a PM . . . did you not receive it?

01-07-2008, 03:38 AM
I also have been looking for the story 'Quack! said Jerusha' for many years...and also named my duck (in 1957) after her. The illustrations were lovely of this duck with a bandana on her head. If anyone has a copy, can scan a copy or sell me a book, I also would be grateful!

01-07-2008, 04:00 AM
Yes, I have the book this poem is in . . . I sent you a PM . . . did you not receive it?

I just now found this thread on the internet after searching for YEARS for this poem Quack! Said Jerusha. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to sen/sell/scan a copy for me? You cannot believe how many children's books I have searched over the years in hopes of finding the story of this adorable and well beloved duck.

01-07-2008, 08:44 PM
PM me if you are still looking for this poem. I do not go online every day as my schedule does not permit, but I will get back to you.

02-24-2008, 04:37 PM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I too am looking for a copy of this book. If you still have any please let me know. Many thanks.

02-24-2008, 04:41 PM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I too am looking for a copy of this book. If you still have any please let me know. Many thanks.

Susan Billstrom
02-27-2008, 03:55 PM
Hello, I was never able to receive an answer from BSC, who is the book dealer that said he had 12 copies. If you ever do find a copy, please let me know. Thanks, Susan Billstrom

05-04-2008, 03:10 PM
Does anyone just have the words to this...when I was little I had to sit with my baby brother on our front porch while he took his afternoon nap...he would only stay there if I read and acted out this poem...we had the book...it was in a huge green covered book of other stories and poems but it is long gone...I would love to have the words to it...can anyone help?

05-09-2008, 09:34 PM
Hi and welcome to Pet Talk. I have the poem in the big green book as you described. If you want a xerox copy of it, PM me.

06-13-2008, 02:49 PM
[QUOTE=AvaJoy;93009][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=deeppink]I am on a quest and hope maybe someone can help . . .

If anyone knows the words or can locate this children's poem for me I shall be eternally grateful!

It is called "Quack! Said Jerusha" written by Mildred Plew Merryman in the 1930's. Quite a lengthy poem about the charming experiences of a duckling upon breaking out of her shell.

Please let me know how I might get a copy of this precious poem. I too have been on a (passive) quest for info about the poem and a copy. I recited a portion of it at my kindergarden graduation in 1959.
If it is not emailable I'll gladly pay for postage and trouble.
Contact me [email protected]

Ever so Grateful! Long live Google! Long live Jerusha!

06-16-2008, 11:39 PM
I didn't realize the poem I'd loved was a tiny portion of a larger one.

It's a delight. Thank you SO much, AvaJoy!!! :love: :D :love: :D :love:

06-25-2008, 09:51 AM
You are very welcome, AmberLee! :) Yes, it IS lengthy (20 pages) and the illustrations are so darling.:love:

Davidrenae, I tried to email you with details. You will need to PM (Private Message) me if you are still seeking Jerusha.

09-27-2008, 10:12 PM
I, too, have been looking for the poem, "Quack", said Jerusha, for quite some time! When my children were small they received this big story book for Christmas one year and we literally 'wore' the book out! The older children all remember Jerusha but unfortunately the younger ones didn't get to see that book since it became lost somewhere along the way! I have read the response from a BSC user and I would like to know if that person still has or can get any copies of the "Childrens' Stories" book, which I understand contained the poem about Jerusha!! I now have grandchildren and would love to have a copy for them. If at all possible, I would like to have the entire book but if not, I would be most happy to have just a copy of the Jerusha poem, it was a precious poem! Thank you very much,

09-28-2008, 02:05 PM
Hi, Grammaw, and if you are interested in a xerox copy of Jerusha you can private message (PM) me. It is a darling poem, and the illustrations are equally as adorable!

11-26-2008, 03:06 PM
I am on a quest and hope maybe someone can help . . .

If anyone knows the words or can locate this children's poem for me I shall be eternally grateful!

It is called "Quack! Said Jerusha" written by Mildred Plew Merryman in the 1930's. Quite a lengthy poem about the charming experiences of a duckling upon breaking out of her shell. It was a favorite of mine as a little girl and I remember my Mother reading it to me many times over. I've had no luck finding anything on the internet. I have a feeling it was within a book of other nursery rhymes by various authors, which makes my search even more difficult . . . :(

It had such an impact that later in life when I had a pet duck (I hatched her myself in a little mail-away plastic incubator) I named her Jerusha. She imprinted on me as her mom and followed me everywhere. When she reached maturity I set her free to live on a farm with other duckies; last I heard she was happily sitting on a nest of eggs . . . this was many, many years ago.

Well, PetTalk people are the greatest, so I'm keeping my paws crossed that somebody will come through on this mission of mine . . . pretty please??:)

It was one of my favorites, too. My grandmother read it to us. Here it is:


One morning when Jerusha woke,
She took her perky leg
And gave a sort of poky-poke
And pushed away her egg;

And as she stepped from out her shell
And looked around for luck:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I seem to be a duck!"

At once Jerusha went to get
A dainty bite to fill her,
When perched upon a plant she met
A portly caterpillar;

And thus as she divided him
And downed him with a scrunch:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, feel my fuzzy lunch!"

Jerusha glided off the grass
To take a little wade;
She gazed into the looking-glass
The wavy water made;

And when she first beheld herself
Appearing through the blur:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Now, where have I seen her?"

Jerusha traveled to and fro
To hunt a little home;
She found an empty pumpkin, so
She bought it from a gnome.

And though at first it took her breath,
It seemed so tight a fit,
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Perhaps 'twill grow a bit!"

Jerusha paused beside her sill
To pick some prety phlox;
When all at once beyond her bill
She spied a wily fox.

"Good morning, Madam," said the fox;
"I hope to call some night!"
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Isn't he polite!"

Jerusha went a-marketing
To buy potatoes cheap;
She tripped upon her bonnet string
And tumbled in a heap.

Kerplunk! went all the vegetables
And down the basket crashed:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I like potatoes mashed!"

Jerusha, once, correctly shod,
Attired in bib and sack,
Went out to take a promenade
Upon the railroad track:

When like a flash an engine came
And dumped her in the dirt:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I hope the train's not hurt!"

Now, just beside Jerusha's hedge
There lay a ripply pond;
She set her feet upon the edge,
She waded out beyond:

She flipped her wing and felt herself
Go swimming pat as pat:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Now, where did I learn that!"

Jerusha found a walnut shell
A squirrel had left one day;
Beneath a breezy heather bell
She looked and there it lay.

And as Jerusha looked at it
And poked it with her shoe:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Whose little egg are you?"

One day Jerusha paused beside
A meadow full of mustard;
"Oh, what a pretty sight," she cried,
"It's just like yellow custard!"

When puff, puff, puff! a mustard whiff
Came blowing on the breezes:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, hear my ducky sneezes!"

Jerusha took a crooked pin
And caught a frisky fish;
She fried him frizzy, tail and fin,
And went to get a dish;

When out he flapped and flipped away
As fast as he could run:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I thought that he was done!"

Jerusha used to like to sit
and hear her chimney poof;
She liked to have him growl a bit
and grumble on the roof;

And while she watched his smoke go up
In lazy little swirls:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, see the chimney's curls!"

When winter came Jerusha went
To skate upon the ice;
Oh, merrily she bowed and bent
And found it very nice;

Till, all at once, she met a hole
And zipped around the rim:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"This is where I swim!"

Jerusha cocked her eye one day
Upon a furry bunny;
"Ho!" she heard the fellow say,
"You feathered folk are funny;

"Just think, my dear, were you like me,
Then you could hop much higher."
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I'd rather be a flier!"

Once when Jerusha slumbered sound
Beneath a weeping willow,
A farmer snipped her feathers round
To make his wife a pillow;

Then lo, at length Jerusha woke
and felt her heart go throb:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, see my ducky bob!"

At last Jerusha quite grew up
And met a handsome Drake;
He took her swimming after sup
Along the lilied lake;

"Oh, wouldn't it be nice," said he,
"To always swim like this?"
"Quack!" said Jerusha
And blew a little kiss.

Then soon the quacking preacher came
And made them man and wife;
Jerusha took her husband's name
And settled down for life.

"A penny for your thoughts, my dear,"
Said Mrs. Hen with clucks:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Little baby ducks!"

And as Jerusha murmured that
She lifted up her legs,
and there beneath Jerusha sat
A lot of little eggs;

And when from each a yellow head
Began to bob and crook:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, Papa, come and look!"

And so the little duckies,
Like other girls and boys,
Grew up and played around the house
With pink and purple toys.

"We'll play along till after nine,"
The jolly babies said.
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"It's time to go to bed."

By Mildred P. Merryman
in "Children's Stories" Selected by The Child Study Association
Illustrated by Theresa Kalab
Copyright, 1950 by Whitman Publishing Co., Racine, Wis.

11-26-2008, 04:58 PM
I am on a quest and hope maybe someone can help . . .

If anyone knows the words or can locate this children's poem for me I shall be eternally grateful!

It is called "Quack! Said Jerusha" written by Mildred Plew Merryman in the 1930's. Quite a lengthy poem about the charming experiences of a duckling upon breaking out of her shell. It was a favorite of mine as a little girl and I remember my Mother reading it to me many times over. I've had no luck finding anything on the internet. I have a feeling it was within a book of other nursery rhymes by various authors, which makes my search even more difficult . . . :(

It had such an impact that later in life when I had a pet duck (I hatched her myself in a little mail-away plastic incubator) I named her Jerusha. She imprinted on me as her mom and followed me everywhere. When she reached maturity I set her free to live on a farm with other duckies; last I heard she was happily sitting on a nest of eggs . . . this was many, many years ago.

Well, PetTalk people are the greatest, so I'm keeping my paws crossed that somebody will come through on this mission of mine . . . pretty please??:)
oops, sorry. I left out 2 verses:

"Quack!" said Jerusha
"I'd rather be a flier!"

Jerusha took her sled in tow
And hauled it up a hill;
She started at the top, heigho!
And coasted with a will.

Down like a flash Jerusha came
And bumped the water trough:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"That's how I get off!"

Oh, how Jerusha loved the Zoo--
The monkeys in their hut;
But best of all she liked to view
The peacock with his strut;

And as she watched him take his tail
And flirt it like a fish:
"Quack!" said Jerusha
"Oh, Mister, what a swish!"

Once when Jerusha slumbered sound
Beneath a weeping willow,

02-03-2009, 07:28 PM
I just wanted to thank you all for having completed MY quest! I actually have the book "Children's Stories", which I read so many times to my little sister that it is in really sorry shape. I was missing only two pages ... the first two, in the adorable poem of Quack said Jerusha. I used to have it all memorized, but at 63, I've apparently got some leaks in my memory banks.

So THANK YOU for having found and typed up that poem! I now have a 4-year-old granddaughter and two tiny great-grandchildren, and I truly wanted to be able to repeat that poem, even if the first few drawings aren't with it!

03-23-2009, 02:44 PM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I have been looking for this book for years! This was my Father's favorite book as a child. If you still have one available, I am interested. Thanks!

08-05-2009, 06:29 AM
My mother has been looking for a copy of this poem for years. She (and I) would be so happy if someone could provide us with a copy!
Thanks in advance for your help!


08-09-2009, 01:32 PM
Hi, Dan ~ Just PM (Private message) me with your address and I can mail you a 20 page xerox copy, complete with the darling illustrations. Nothng is lost in the copy since it was originally black and white.

09-25-2009, 12:21 AM
Hey AvaJoy!!! I have been looking for this for years and cannot believe I have finally come upon some information!!!

Would you mind sending me a copy of this too? If you will email me your address, I will send you a SASE. I am so excited....I kept asking everyone in my family if they remembered it but nobody did!!!


09-26-2009, 11:04 AM
Hey AvaJoy!!! I have been looking for this for years and cannot believe I have finally come upon some information!!!

Would you mind sending me a copy of this too? If you will email me your address, I will send you a SASE. I am so excited....I kept asking everyone in my family if they remembered it but nobody did!!!


Hi, happy to oblige and just send me a PM (private message) with your address.

12-11-2009, 09:39 PM
I know this is a really old thread, but I am looking for a copy of the Bedtime Stories book with the "Quack! Said Jerusha" poem in it. If anyone has one they are willing to part with or knows where I can get one it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

02-25-2010, 10:24 PM
So glad to see someone else's interest in this poem.
But, the bad news is that I have my things in storage, and can only remember these opening stanzas:
One morning when Jerusha woke she took her little leg
and gave a sort of pokey poke and pushed away her egg.
And when she walked/went into the world and looked around for luck,
"Quack", said Jerusha, I seem to be a duck.

And then either the next or soon after:
Jerusha went upon her way attired in bib and sack
And ..... upon the railroad track
When all at once an engine came and dumped her in the dirt,
"Quack", said Jerusha, "I hope the train's not hurt"

Just so you know, I will be happy to transcribe/post the entire 20-stanza poem after I retrieve my things from storage, or if I find the carton containing this book (A Garden of Child's Verses) near the front of my storage unit.

I love this poem... and can't imagine that it has not been kept in the minds of children for the last fifty years. It is so positive and creative, and when I think of the limited audience, I am greatly saddened.

Please feel free to contact me directly at: [email protected]
Please put "Jerusha" in the subject line so I know it isn't spam.

03-19-2013, 03:58 PM
To the person that has and shared the story of Jerusha a heartfelt thank you. I too have been looking for a copy of the poem for more years than I care to count. How ironic that a the grocery store yesterday a lovely small duck got my attention. Had to have her and brought her home. Of course, her name has become Jerusha. Asked her at that time " do you think I'll ever find a copy of your story little girl"? Within a couple hours I did. Once again, thank you so much. ;)

03-21-2013, 09:17 AM
To the person that has and shared the story of Jerusha a heartfelt thank you. I too have been looking for a copy of the poem for more years than I care to count. How ironic that a the grocery store yesterday a lovely small duck got my attention. Had to have her and brought her home. Of course, her name has become Jerusha. Asked her at that time " do you think I'll ever find a copy of your story little girl"? Within a couple hours I did. Once again, thank you so much. ;)

I can make xerox copy of the poem complete with illustrations from my book. If you are interested, just private-message me. Then you could read it to your little Jerusha duckling at bedtime every night like my Mother did for me.:love:

Christine Higgins
06-26-2017, 12:49 AM
I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.

Many Thanks

I have been looking for the book for years if anyone still has a copy or would copy the pages and either email or send to me I would love to pay postage to have a copy of it with all the little pictures. I must have been pretty young because I sat on my babysitter's lap while she read it to me over and over. I had a copy of the 1950's book. Thank you! to who ever would respond.