View Full Version : Can I ask you something........

Pawsitive Thinking
08-09-2005, 04:17 AM
I am beginning to find that my mood swings are starting to get worse again and I have no enthusiasm for anything. I have real trouble in the mornings but by afternoon seem to be coping again.....happier for a start. I've just weaned myself off Prozac over a considerable period of time and don't really want to have to go back on them. Does anyone have any alternative ideas for beating the blues without medication?

08-09-2005, 05:07 AM
Pet Talk is one way! Maybe going for a walk with Tobey when you're feeling down, taking everything around you in. Call a friend, ask how her day is going, thus not being wrapped up in your own. Good luck, I'm sure you'll get many more suggestions! :)

08-09-2005, 06:07 AM
I sometimes have a hard time being motivated to do anything which I think is a form of depression. I find that once I force myself to start a small project and see something accomplished, it is a real booster to my mood. The worse I feel, the smaller I set my goal. It is the accomplishment of even something small that is helpful to me.

08-09-2005, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
I sometimes have a hard time being motivated to do anything which I think is a form of depression. I find that once I force myself to start a small project and see something accomplished, it is a real booster to my mood. The worse I feel, the smaller I set my goal. It is the accomplishment of even something small that is helpful to me.

This is something that I do also. I know how hard it can be to beat depression and those nasty mood swings. I wish you all the best. Hang in there!

08-09-2005, 08:16 AM
Gee... good question. I myself suffer the ame thing and have been wondering for a few weeks now if I'm starting to slip into a depression.

This has already been said, but it bears repeating:
One thing that does help me to to actually FORCE myself to do something I used to do, but haven't in a while. So say, I used to love to do needlework (true I did) but I haven't done anything in over 4 years. I am considering whipping out my supplies and making something. I usually get happy feelings because it brings back happy times for me and I enjoy the whole process of making something.

08-09-2005, 08:22 AM
I think that being worried about slipping back is a very real fear. It is good that many of you recognize this and are trying to stop the decline! I am there also and know that fall is always a hard time for me (went through a sexual assault exactly six years ago) Plus, are the days getting shorter? It seems like they are.

catnapper - creating something is a great idea! Brody's Mom - thank you for starting this thread! I hope you can take some actions to feel better without medication as I am attempting the same thing! (Klonopin and Prozac) (((HUGS)))

08-09-2005, 09:09 AM
I am trying to go through the same thing right now (Effexor). After going off the medication is is normal to go through a small time of depression; someone on an SSRI (like Prozac) has more seretonin receptors occupied than someone never on one. Even going off Prozac slowly, your brain needs to get used to it. Try going for walks, take up a hobby, or doing something you enjoy. Give it a little time, you'll feel better! :)

finn's mom
08-09-2005, 09:22 AM
I find that when I manage my time better, I feel good about things, and, am more motivated overall. Like if I schedule some things to do during the week (for me, it's the dance class, the pilates thing, etc), it gives me something to look forward to. Something fun, but, that is physical (basically, exercise), is a great way to boost mental health. Drinking lots of water helps my moods, too, for whatever reason. But, being productive is my anti-depressant.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-10-2005, 05:05 AM
Thank you for all the support - I do find that once I actually do something my mood does lift, just have a struggle finding the ooomph to start! Knowing I can "talk" to you helps too.....

Cataholic - thank you for the pms! May try giving my system a little boost to see how it goes............

08-10-2005, 08:41 AM
I know all about anti-depressants. Been on them for years. There are some natural remedies such as Black Cohosh. Go to a natural vitamin store and ask. They'll also have charts that can guide you to what you need.

Don't expect a miracle overnight, as it takes at least a month to get into your system. Good luck. Let us know how you make out.