View Full Version : a RL Lassie (not so) Collie!

08-08-2005, 08:17 PM
ok to "lassie" is sweep, a border collei and Happys older sister. the story? at the flyball tourny my mom was at this weekend they were given a very nice campsite away from other campers and near a nice river. well Happys breeder took her 4 pyrsheps and her borderjack puppy for an off leash walk around their camping area and when she came back zoom(pyrshep) and Quick(borderjack) were missing. everyone searched high and low for hours trying to find the dogs when suddenly sweep went to the edge of a 40 foot drop to the creek and stood there and stared, she would not move and would not be called away so off they went to go see what sweep was doing, they looke down and about 5 feet down there is a ledge wedged into a small cornor and on the ledge were Zoom and Quick. Leah layed down and quick jumped up so she grabbed him and toss him back onto the main ground. zoom was not so simple hank had to be lowered down by his ankles to pick her up, cant risk dropping her as 30 feet below the small ledge was a fast moving river, thankfully Zoom was safely brought back up to the main ground. true story, happend on saterday! lol

08-08-2005, 11:03 PM
OMG!!! How scary:eek: I would die of that happened to Jesse!!!!! Too much stress in one day!

I am glad that everyone was okay,
Steph and Jes