View Full Version : Ideas and suggestions needed please...

Laura's Babies
08-08-2005, 06:09 PM
My daughter and law and I are wanting to do something for Eddies Angels, the 6 guys that came to his rescue the day he was on fire... In case any of you missed that amazing story.

When the panel box exploded on Eddie that day, these guys heard the explosion and ran to see what had happened and found Eddie walking down the hall on fire saying "Help me! I am on fire!". Geroge was the first one that got to him and told Eddie to drop and roll. George has just had back surgery and could not bend his back to help but Eddie dropped and rolled as Geroge told him to do, only he rolled into George, knocking him down. The rest of the guys were there by then and beat the fire out on Eddie with their hands, burning them and pulling his burning cloths off of him. Someone else grabbed some clean rags nearby and covered Eddie with the rags and poured water over his burns to cool them down. One of them grabbed a fire extinquisher to put the fire out around them since the building was on fire by then.

When these guys were ordered to leave the building they refused to leave Eddie. Even when the firemen came and ordered then out, they would not leave him, saying "We'll go out when HE goes out!".. These guys had never met Eddie until this happened.

There will be a ceremony to honor these guys and what they did and they will recieve an accomondation for their heroic act from the Commander of the base this happened on. But Regina and I feel like WE should do something too, but we have NO clue what we could do to show the love, apperciation, and admiration to reconize what they did from Eddies family. They gave us Eddie's life so that he can someday be with his family again.

I met all these guys and got to hug them all and the last time I was there, George paid Eddie another visit and he and I got to talk for a rather long time. He has been by often to see how Eddie has been doing and this time he got to see Eddie OUT of bed and out of his room. His wife had even brough Eddie some banana pudding she had made and it was just a wonderful day/visit. After they left Eddie told me "I didn't even know that guy until this happened. Isn't he nice? I hear this upset those guys real bad."

How do you THANK someone who saved your husband/son? What can you do, large or small so that they will know you acknolge and apperciate what they did...

Any ideas?

08-08-2005, 06:34 PM

I can only imagine they know how grateful you all are to them. But, I guess a nice card...a special dinner inviting them all to, when your son is better?

Anything you give them will be appreciated, I'm sure.

I'm so glad they were there for your son, they're angels, you're right.


Laura's Babies
08-08-2005, 06:37 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that we do plan a BIG B-B-Q when Eddie is home to honor them but we wanted something to present them with at the award ceremony.

08-08-2005, 07:09 PM
1. Make them each a small "I Was Eddie's Angel" plaque, with a smiling picture of Eddie on it

2. Bake them each a cake or whatever other special treat you like to make, put it on a pretty plate for them to keep, wrap it up with a big bow. Something they can take home and share with their own families.

3. Little angel-shaped pins - pretty easy to find. Small but something they can pin onto their collar, or use as a tie tack, or even just punch into the visor on their vehicle.

Laura's Babies
08-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Karen, I like your ideas, all of them...

Regina and I baked a HUDGE tray of treats and took it with us the day we first went to meet these guys.

I had the idea of a single red rose with a angel pin attached to the ribbon but felt like we should do more....

I like the plaque idea and that could be presented with the rose...


08-08-2005, 11:22 PM
Luara I think the ideas said before are the best. I have a guy like one of these angels and too much fuss really makes them uncomfprtable . Beleive me they know how much they mean to you, otherwise they would not have do what they did. I know when my Tim was afire fighter he was always embarassed by too much fuss(even when he deserved it) To him it was just part of his job and being a careing human being.

08-08-2005, 11:51 PM
I have no idea's. You probably express how much gratitude you have for them. The rose with the plaques and a BBQ banquet, will be a lot to handle. Maybe each haveing a card and more hugs from your family.:)

That is amazing how nice and selfless people can be.

Steph and Jes

Laura's Babies
08-09-2005, 01:29 AM
Corinna, I think you may be right as these guys are not firefighters, just men who were at work in the building and went to see what the explosion was and life threw a burning man in their path.

NO ONE knew what they had done until the next day when the office Eddie worked at went to see where it happened and noticed these guys with bandaged hands and people started telling the events of how they refused to leave him. They were embarrassed when Wes, Eddies supervisor thanked them over and over for saving his friend, co worker and a wonderful guy.

(We are still going to do something though, even if it is something small and the BBQ which is going to be BIG!)

Pawsitive Thinking
08-09-2005, 06:31 AM
How can you say "thank you" for what they did - amazing!! I think I'd have to "adopt " them all as honourary family members for ever

08-09-2005, 10:09 AM
I don't know, it is hard to thank someone for such an act of heroism and selflessness. I think anything you do for them will be appreciated.