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08-07-2005, 06:07 PM
Sick of him yet? Here he is waving his arms and kicking his little legs. He gets soooo excited over the smallest things :)

08-07-2005, 07:07 PM
Sick of him? Not by a long shot! I love to see him grow. Jonah's first months flew by, f-l-e-w! So, I am reliving them..he he he.

Of all the "typical" things babies do, and the one that Jonah doesn't...is the sucking of the thumb, and the twirl of the other hand. I have seen him suck his thumb ONE time. I wonder why that is?

08-07-2005, 07:18 PM
Sick of Tyler? I don't think so;) This video must be the cutest ever - an adult would be exhausted trying to move so quickly! He is really excited isn't he?? I think it is so cute how he can get that lttle thumb now - it really calms him right down. What a sweetheart he is:D :D Such a happy baby! His Grammy is going to go crazy over him I am sure!!

Seems like we were just waiting for him to be born, now look at him!

Johanna - yes that newborn stage is just so fleeting!! I think it is time for some Jonah pictures.:)

08-07-2005, 07:39 PM
Who could ever get sick of Tyler? He is TOO cute!!!!

This video reminds me of my little cousin when SHE was a baby. She's almost 12 years old now...I was around 8 when she was born. My mom, brother, and I went to England to see her when she was about 3 months old, and stayed with my uncle's family for about a month. I remember visiting her every morning in her room, just to see her happiness..........the kicking, laughing, smiling...oh my. Babies are so precious in the morning. :D My cousin refuses to believe me when I tell her how lively she was in the morning as a baby, because she is NOT like that anymore. :p She is so not a morning person, and gets angry if she's woken up early.

Originally posted by sirrahbed
I think it is time for some Jonah pictures.:)

I think so too. ;);)

08-07-2005, 09:42 PM
Oh gosh Missy, your little Tyler is just too adorable. I love it when they coo like that while kicking up a storm and slipping the thumb into his mouth is just too cute.

Great video and I could never get sick of seeing pictures or video's of Tyler.

It's so good of you to share his growing up with us.

08-07-2005, 09:53 PM
Tyler is such a sweetie!:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-08-2005, 02:56 AM
Oh gosh, what a sweetie Tyler is!! He is a happy and active little boy, hey Missy! It is so cute to see how he calms down as soon as he finds his thumb :) Please give that precious boy a hug from me!

ps. nice outfit ;) :)

08-08-2005, 10:37 AM
Sick of Tyler video and Pictures we need more, much more. He is so cute to watch and he is getting so big already. can't wait to see you all,
Love Mom and Grammy

08-08-2005, 04:44 PM
:D :D :D I happen to think that he's the cutest little boy in the whole world:D :D

But Jonah is cerainly a VERY close second:p :p bring on the Jonah pictures!! Is he a very busy baby? maybe he was just too busy to bother with such trivial matters as sucking on his thumb!:D