View Full Version : See a cat eating a Krispy Kreme donut

Dirty Howie
02-28-2002, 09:44 AM
Check out Bukey the cat http://www.anti-heroart.com/donuteatingcat.html

02-28-2002, 09:48 AM
My Magic (R/B) used to love glazed donuts. I always thought it was such an odd thing for a cat to like. He didn't get many of them because I didn't think it could be good for him.

K & L
02-28-2002, 09:49 AM
Too funny! That cat knows a good donut when it smells one!

02-28-2002, 10:02 AM
Very funny! I especially liked how he is licking his paws after his deed! Yum! :D I have told this story before on Pet Talk but for the newcomers I will repeat it. One morning several years ago I came downstairs to see my two dogs at that time standing in front of Trevor, my cat, just staring. As I got closer I realized that Trevor had a cream donut in his mouth that he had gotten off the counter (opened the box himself!) and the dogs were waiting for him to drop it! HA! He wasn't about to do that but didn't quite know how to manage eating it either! I still laugh to myself when I remember that sight!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-28-2002, 10:03 AM
This is soooo funny!!! :D :D :D

It's really neat how you have the slide show thing too. Then we could see the progression from a tentative lick or two, all the way to time to clean the paws.

Reminds me of Tubby. Terry (Tubby & Peanut's "Dad") really likes microwave popcorn. Tubby likes it too and it's so funny because Terry will hold the bowl out for Tubby, and Tubby just reaches in and takes a piece on his own. Then while he's eating, Terry will take a handful or two, then offer the bowl back to Tubby. It's quite comical during football season to see my two guys on the couch eating popcorn and watching the game together. :) It's weird too because if we pick a piece out and give it to Tubby, he'll kind of pick at it and only eat part of it, while the rest makes a big mess on the couch. But when he picks it out himself, he tends to eat the whole thing! Guess he's trying to tell us he's old enough to feed himself. :rolleyes:

02-28-2002, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion

I think Crispy-Creme Dounut is from Texas. As Homer Simpson would say: Doh-nut... :D

This was exactly my thought....MMMMmmmm.....doh-nut......
LOL LOL What a gorgeous cat Bukey is!!! Can't blame him for liking Crispy-Cremes...they're soooooooo good! LOL LOL

Welcome to Pet Talk!

03-02-2002, 10:40 AM
hmmmmmm, Kripsy Kreme..that's my favorite..but they dont have dunkin cake sticks...:(

03-02-2002, 06:43 PM
Friday, I obtained some apple turn-overs. Also I found that Snow Tiger goes "crazy" over them. He gobbled down a couple of pieces that were given to him, like canned cat food, and wanted more!


03-02-2002, 06:48 PM
When I found my sweet Shrimp Boat (RB) she was eating a Krispy Kreme jelly doughnut! :) Sweet memories. :(