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08-07-2005, 08:37 AM
Jewlery....i really love jewlery! My favorite kind has to be rings followed by necklaces. But itwas a really hard choice!:)

08-07-2005, 09:18 AM
I don't usually wear bracelets, anklets or necklaces because I tend to break them at work.

I just wear the studs I got my ears pierced with, because I'm too lazy to change earrings.

But I do have a ton of rings.

08-07-2005, 10:56 AM
It was a VERY hard choice between Bracelets and Rings..... I just love them both. But I voted Bracelets. I also love earings and don't care much for necklaces.:)

finn's mom
08-07-2005, 11:09 AM
I put rings only because that's what I have the most of. I have two rings and three toe rings. I wear the same necklace every single day. I rarely take it off. Sometimes, I'll wear a cutesie kinda inexpensive one if it looks good with the outfit. Or for dressing up on occassion, I'll wear a fancy looking necklace. Even though my every day one is the most expensive. I always wear the same hoop earrings, and, the same watch. It's a loose kind of watch, though, so, it feels like a bracelet. I have a bracelet that matches my necklace, I just have to get part of it fixed. I love anklets, but, don't have a nice one to wear all the time. I saw one at the jewelry store that I loved, maybe I'll be able to get it one day! :)

08-07-2005, 11:14 AM
I don't wear any jewelery, just make it. ;)

The only thing I wear is a water-resistant sports type watch.

08-07-2005, 11:46 AM
I like all of them. I wear earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces, and toe rings. :)

08-07-2005, 12:20 PM
I like necklaces :) rings are ok and I harly wear earrings :p

08-07-2005, 01:33 PM
Necklaces for me too. I love rings but I hardly wear them and I find it is harder to find a nice ring than a nice necklace. I am super picky. I almost never wear earrings as I have a nickel allegry and almost all of them cause me to get a mojor infection. Yuck. And I am also addicted to body jewelry. Tongue studs to be exact. I have about 30 of them and if I see one I like I cannot leave the store without having it. :p

08-07-2005, 02:03 PM
EARINGS!!!!! I *love* earings...they look so pretty. I love bracelets too. I like necklaces too. I don't wear rings that often, but they are lovely. The only type of jewelry I'm always wearing are earings.....everything else is just for 'special' gatherings, etc. I do always wear my watch though, and it looks kinda like a bracelet, so I guess that counts as jewelry in a way.

08-07-2005, 02:15 PM
Bracelets for me. I have beautiful bracelets in several different colored stones, and one of just gold dolphins.

Before I get dressed in the morning, I put on a bracelet to match whatever clothes I'm going to wear that day. I often get complimented on my bracelet, and I tell people they were each a gift from my husband, to which women usually say "Wow, he has good taste. You should keep him!"
I smile, and say, "Yup, I know!"

I often pick out a necklace to wear as well, I have many vintage ones that I inherited, several of which are crystal of differing color schemes. Some necklines are enhanced by a necklace, some not!

I'm not really a girly-girl, or into fashion at all. But since I worked at a couple different Earring Trees as summer or part-time jobs when I was in college, and just afterwards, I learned the right jewelry can really "complete" an outfit, and even improve one from being "eh, okay" to just right!

08-07-2005, 05:47 PM
I love jewellery(nz SP) as well, but I only have a few good pieces that are not over expensive, but reasonable quality, as I am allergic to anything but gold or silver, although nowadays I only wear gold as silver goes black on me within a few days, so I have given all my sterling to my daughter, a shame as I prefer silver to gold.

I own about 3 pairs of earings, three necklaces, and five rings , but only wear two of them, the other two I wish to have made into another ring or necklace someday,and that is about my lot, so I am not exactly dripping in it., or overly adorned by it.