View Full Version : I am too insecure about my height..

08-07-2005, 12:24 AM
Tell me to stop it & get over it.. I haven't really come at peace about my height issue. Seeing that I'm only 4'8", I wish I was taller. I'm pretty self conscious about my height once I see myself in a picture.. especially when I'm standing next to someone taller than me, gee, not again, I looked at my pic with Phil Vassar, first I thought, awww, how cute! But after thinking that, I thought "Man, I'm tiny.. why can't I be taller?"

Just venting.. I hate being short at some times.. I know I probably have vented before, but I'm doing it again.. it means I'm not over it.. I'm trying to accept it.. I mean.. I know I have a bigger personality... and it weighs more than what my height is.. if that makes any sense..

finn's mom
08-07-2005, 12:38 AM
Stop it and get over it. :) You are a beautiful girl. You have a great face, a gorgeous smile! I can't tell what your BOD really looks like, but, you look great in all of your pictures. I'm not a lot taller than you, and, I hated being short for most of my life. I love it, now. There are very rare occassions that I envy tall women. Only because really tall women are not common, and, being uncommon is enviable to me. But, just look at it this way, you're unique. Heck, I'm almost always the shortest person in a group. I'm only 5'1. I love it when I'm standing next to a guy who's more than a foot taller than me, I think it's cool. k9soul (Jessica) just recently posted a thread about acceptance. If you didn't read it, you should. I did, and, it's a good reminder. You almost **have** to go through what you're feeling, it's like a right of passage. Take your insecurity about your height for what it is...a phase. You'll find your niche, you'll find a way one day to focus on the things you do like about yourself, and, not worry as much about the things you don't like. Especially when it's something you don't have control over. So, yeah. Stop it and get over it. :D

08-07-2005, 02:29 AM
Awwwwwwww!!!! Don't be insecure about your height!! Everyone is different, and there is nothing wrong with being short or tall or somewhere in the middle! God made us all different. Out height, skin color, eye color, face, hair, smile, etc. all makes us the unique individuals we are. No one is the same...everyone is different, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being smaller than others. Hey.....the smaller the cuter....don't forget that. ;) We humans come in all shapes and sizes, and should be happy and content with who God made us. Don't ever think less of yourself because of your height. I'm 5' 3", and sometimes feel short when around tall people, but that's okay. Like I said, God made us all different, and being tall doesn't in any way make one better than a short person, or vice versa.

08-07-2005, 03:56 AM
What's all the fuss about? I'm only 4'10" and don't mind at all. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-07-2005, 07:02 AM
TRy to accept, and move to on with your life. My daughter is 16 and is only 4'8" too, and she know she won't grow one more single inch! There was a time where she didn't accept it too. That was when all her friends suddenly started growing, where she did NOT. We asked for x-rays then to know how tall she would get. The answer was short and hard: no more growing !!
That day she reacted very mature . "Okay," she said, " from now on, my pants will never get to short anymore!"
She never again complained about it. Her boyfriend is at least 1 full head taller, and he says she is "very cute" ;)

08-07-2005, 07:08 AM
I'm 5'2" my hubby is 6'5" I did mind when I was in grade school everyone started growing and I didn't . But we kid around I get the low stuff for him he gets the high stuff for me.

08-07-2005, 09:22 AM
There is a bonus to being "vertically challenged" ... you can date "vertically challenged" men and still have them be taller than you.

I'm 5'7", and I have a hang-up (shallow, I know) about dating men that aren't taller than I am. That eliminates some really nice guys, I'm sure.

08-07-2005, 09:55 AM
Ohhhh, don't worry about it! I'm 14 and only 5'2". I feel pretty short next to other people my age. :p

08-07-2005, 10:04 AM
Dont worry so much about it. I know exactly how you feel. I just turned 14, and Im 5'9 1/2 (and still growing!) ! I always feel like a giant compared to all my friends... or just anyone! ;) People used to tease me about it and call me a giraffe or pencil neck... it use to hurt my feelings but now I think it's kind of funny. :p Sometimes I wish I was shorter... and the shorter people sometimes wish they were taller. Trust me, you've got it easy. I always have to bend down to get inside of a tent, go under something, and its much harder for me to limbo! ;) But hey, My Mom is 5'0 and my Dad's 6'5. Lol

Think of it this way, some taller people may admire you, and wish that they were shorter. :) Believe me, it will be much easier for you to get a guy thats taller than you, than it is for me. :p

I hope this makes you feel just a little bit better. ;) :D
