View Full Version : I'm going to the movies on Tuesday...

08-06-2005, 09:24 AM
... for the first time in around 30 plus years! :D :D

The last film I went to see was starring Elvis, the live in Las Vegas one, so you can see how long ago it was. Heck, I guess more than a few of you hadn't even been born then! :)

Oh, the film I'm going to see? It is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". :D


08-06-2005, 09:44 AM
I can't say I saw the Elvis one at the movies, but I did see the original "Charlie" at the theater.:)
I hope you enjoy it Chris, I dare say you will find the seats a tad more comfy.:D

08-06-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Oggyflute
... I dare say you will find the seats a tad more comfy.:D
Really!? I'll let you know. :D :D

Samantha Puppy
08-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Mmmmmm... Johnny Depp...

Have you seen any Tim Burton films? If not, you might want to watch one or two before you see this one. He's odd, but it works for this movie - if you like his style.

08-06-2005, 12:26 PM
Sounds good to me. Hope you have a great time.:) I can't
remember the last time I saw a movie at a theatre.

finn's mom
08-06-2005, 01:26 PM
I hope you enjoy it. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are both weirdos, but, that's why I love their collaborations. ;) And, almost anything they do separately, too. Let us know what you thought of the movie. I started a thread in general when I saw the film, that's how much I wanted to talk about it. :)

08-06-2005, 01:42 PM
I know you love Depp.. and I think he's attractive, too.. but I absolutely disliked this movie. I regret spending my money to see it.

I guess it's just I LOVED the original movie SO much that I don't think it should try to be remade. A lot of my favorite parts in the original (OOMPA LOOMPA SONG!!) aren't in the new movie.
I thought it was cheesey, that's all. ;)

Although, i'm not huge Depp fan either. The only movie he's been in that i've REALLY adored was Edward Scissorhands.

08-06-2005, 01:57 PM
I wasn't really interested in going to see this film, thought I'd wait for the DVD. But then I saw the trailer, and then the documentary, 'The making of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' , changed my mind and now I can't wait! It looks like fun, I know it was fun to make. :D

I'd thought that last week was the last of the run here and was non to pleased that I couldn't go see it. Then today I saw it was still playing so I went ahead and booked tickets. Two, one for me and one for my grandaughter, (she was suprised and so happy), for Tuesday, 2pm. Fingers crossed nothing happens to stop us from going. :D

Kay, I have never seen the Wilder version all the way through, just bits here and there, and it never took my interest. So I guess I've got a different take on it. :)


finn's mom
08-06-2005, 02:00 PM
Hey, Chris, did you ever read the book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Did you see the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie with Gene Wilder? The Gene Wilder version is nothing like the book, but, the Johnny Depp version is. I love all three, though. ;) I just adore the concept of the chocolate factory and all the naughty kids getting what they deserve, and, the sweet, poor Charlie winning everything. The only thing really different about the new movie compared to the book is that Tim Burton added an extra dimension to it by flashing back to Willy's childhood and why he's so obsessed with chocolate and candy to begin with. It's interesting. Not necessary, but, interesting. The beginning of the ending is way different, but, the very end is pretty much like the book. (Hope that makes sense) The oompa loompas sing a lot in this movie, but, that's what they did in the book, too. I mean, the lyrics in the movie are verbatim, taken straight off the pages of Roald Dahl's book. It was so weird, because I read the book recently, considerably later than I saw the Gene Wilder version, and, was amazed at how many things were different. It's no wonder Roald Dahl didn't like the movie. I love it, I grew up loving it. But, there were so many things that weren't in the Wilder version, that should have been and so many things that they added. Like the whole scene where Charlie and Grandpa Joe have to burp to get down so they don't get chopped up by the ceiling fans or whatever...sorry, it's been awhile since I watched the Gene Wilder version. But, I kept waiting to get to that part in the book, but, they barely mention that room at all! Anyway, sorry for rambling, I love the book and both films, and, I'm a flibbertigibbet, so, I talk too much. Ok, tell us what you think when you get back from the movies!

finn's mom
08-06-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Kay, I have never seen the Wilder version all the way through, just bits here and there, and it never took my interest. So I guess I've got a different take on it. :)


Ah, so you answered part of my question by saying this to kay. I have been typing my response for a bit, sorry I missed this. :)

08-06-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
The only movie he's been in that i've REALLY adored was Edward Scissorhands.

me too ;)

08-06-2005, 02:17 PM
Listen Chris - just go to see the movie and love it!! Hope you and your grand daughter have a real good time together.

I'm looking forward to seeing it too! (When I've persuaded Don - he gets fed up when I drool over Johnny Depp!!:D :D )


08-06-2005, 02:22 PM
finn's mom, I haven't read the book either! :D :D

Kay & beeniesmom, I haven't seen Edward Scizzorhands yet either! :D It is on my DVD rental list but the club decides in which order they are sent out, maybe I'll get that next week. :D

Benny and Joon was one of this weeks JD films, I so loved it I've gone and bought it! (my excuse to myself was that it is on discount. :D)

finn's mom
08-06-2005, 02:27 PM
Oh, Chris! I love Edward Scissorhands, that's one of my favorite movies, not even just a favorite Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie. Just one of my all time favorites. Edward will just break your heart, he's such a wonderful, pure character. When you watch it, these are my favorite parts: when he's trying to put men's clothes on, and, he can't get the shirt on! OMG, that makes me cry every time, the look on his face! Ugh. And, when he drinks "lemonade" with the dad of the house one night (it's actually alcohol), and, the next morning, the neighbor brings actual lemonade to him. Ha ha ha ha, the way he says "lemonade?" and the look on his face, oh, man. That cracks me up! Johnny Depp is genius in that movie! I've pounced on everything he's in since then. :)

It's cool that you haven't read the book. This will be interesting, then...to see what you think of the movie, not being tempted to compare it to the book or the first film. Cool. I hope you like it, especially since you haven't been to the theater in so long! I'd hate for you not to enjoy your first movie back! That'll be cool to be with your grand daughter, how old is she?

08-06-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
Listen Chris - just go to see the movie and love it!! Hope you and your grand daughter have a real good time together.

Oh, I will, and we will! :D

I'm looking forward to seeing it too! (When I've persuaded Don - he gets fed up when I drool over Johnny Depp!!:D :D )

Guess I'm lucky, I can drool away to my hearts content! :D :D

finn's mom, Dannielle is nine, or, as she states (in an aggrievated tone) nine and threequarters! :D By the way, she is a big JD fan too, of course that's mostly because of Captain Jack! :)

finn's mom
08-06-2005, 02:38 PM
Oh, Chris, she'll have so much fun. That movie made me feel like a kid again, it's just so colorful and over the top and silly, it's awesome! :)

Killearn Kitties
08-07-2005, 04:54 AM
LOL! Yes, the seats are much more comfy these days, but you do know it's not 1/9 to get in any more?????? Costs a fortune now! ;) :D :D

Have a great time.

08-07-2005, 07:41 PM
Have a great time Chris and don't forget to come back and give a review. Nice talking to you today. :) :)


08-07-2005, 08:11 PM
Wow 30 years i think youll really enjoy the newer movie theatres but its not like i would really know cause im only 13 but o well i still do really love going to the movies. Hope you have a great time!!:) :D

08-07-2005, 09:28 PM
I LOVED that movie! I thought that it was hilarious!-and I hope that you enjoy going to theater again!

Steph and Jes

Samantha Puppy
08-09-2005, 03:03 PM
Well Chris? It's 4pm Tuesday afternoon here which means it's 9pm over there and the movie is long over. Did you like it?

finn's mom
08-09-2005, 03:24 PM
Jaime beat me to it...I was going to bump this up and ask you if you and your grandaughter enjoyed the flick! :)

Killearn Kitties
08-09-2005, 04:07 PM
He he he, I've been wondering too! :D Did you have a good time, Chris?

08-09-2005, 04:49 PM
Oh, my, like it? No, I loved it!! :D Danni did too. :D She also reminded me several times on the way out how I wasn't interested in seeing it in the beginning!
I wouldn't know where to start in saying what parts of the film I liked best ... JD was so good, you entirely forgot it was him, he totally became Willie Wonka. The children were great, especially Charlie! ... the glass elevator scenes were brilliant, especially when Wonka forgot the door was closed. :D ... I loved the bit where the grandma says 'Mr Wonka, you smell like peanuts, but I like it' and Willie replys, 'you smell like old people, and soap, and I like it!' and they hug. ...
Ok, I could go on and on - but I won't! I guess by now it is quite clear that I had just the bestest time! :D
One thing is for sure I'm going to be first in line when it comes out on DVD, in fact I already have a reserve on it in rental! :D


p.s Earlier in the thread we were talking about Edward Scizzorhands and how I hadn't seen it? Well, guess what, the rental have picked it out as the next one to send me! Yippee! :D

finn's mom
08-09-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Oh, my, like it? No, I loved it!! :D Danni did too. :D

p.s Earlier in the thread we were talking about Edward Scizzorhands and how I hadn't seen it? Well, guess what, the rental have picked it out as the next one to send me! Yippee! :D

Awesome! I felt the same way, there were too many parts that I loved, there's no way I could pick just a couple. The elevator was very cool! I loved the candy boat, too, it's exactly like the book. You and Danni should read it together, it's such fun! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself! Doesn't it just make you feel like a kid again?!

You will LOVE Edward Scissorhands. It is such a beautiful film, and, Edward will devastate you, his character is just wonderful. You will for sure have to give a review on that one after you see it. It's one of my heart movies! :)

08-09-2005, 06:24 PM
I went and saw the movie and I really enjoyed it too!!:) Had some very cute parts to the movie, but of course nothing is quite as good as the original in my opinion.

finn's mom
08-09-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by cookieluver7
I went and saw the movie and I really enjoyed it too!!:) Had some very cute parts to the movie, but of course nothing is quite as good as the original in my opinion.

Do you mean the original book or the original movie?