View Full Version : new PICS!

08-06-2005, 12:20 AM
ok first at the fair today I went to see the superdogs show, a friend saw it in calagry and said she was not impressed so I went to see it today, to be honest I was not at ALL impressed, EVERY one of my dogs could easily out preform all those dogs, and in a half hour show they did nothing but weave and do REALLY slow flygility, I felt like telling them I would be back for there next show with 3 of my dogs and show them what REAL preforming was lol (3 being Happy-speed, the crowd seemed to like that so they would love to see a litterly blure run the flygility lol, perky, she knows tones of tricks and LOVES preforming, and Blair because he is also used to preforming for an audience and people love his tricks simply because he is adorable lol, no Misty because while she knows tones of cool tricks, she gets scared around lots of people) I am sure there are plenty of decent superdogs out there, but this show was not at all impressive, even the people who saw it who are not as into the dog world as I am were not impressed

anyway now for pics! lol

first, Blair man!









more commin....

08-06-2005, 12:22 AM





and the perky monster!


08-06-2005, 12:33 AM
=) aw, cute pics of the pups!! I love the first picture of Misty and Happy smiling... Gonzo looks sooo much like Misty, they should've had babies ^_~! *g*

Its too bad you didn't see a good Superdogs show.. Id totally go if I lived in Canada

08-06-2005, 12:50 AM
Great pics, your pups are always smiling.:)

08-06-2005, 10:44 AM
they are sooo cute!

08-06-2005, 11:10 AM
Aww cute doggys!!!

08-06-2005, 11:26 AM
Great pictures! Your dogs are cute!!

08-06-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by cali
ok first at the fair today I went to see the superdogs show, a friend saw it in calagry and said she was not impressed so I went to see it today, to be honest I was not at ALL impressed, EVERY one of my dogs could easily out preform all those dogs, and in a half hour show they did nothing but weave and do REALLY slow flygility, I felt like telling them I would be back for there next show with 3 of my dogs and show them what REAL preforming was lol (3 being Happy-speed, the crowd seemed to like that so they would love to see a litterly blure run the flygility lol, perky, she knows tones of tricks and LOVES preforming, and Blair because he is also used to preforming for an audience and people love his tricks simply because he is adorable lol, no Misty because while she knows tones of cool tricks, she gets scared around lots of people) I am sure there are plenty of decent superdogs out there, but this show was not at all impressive, even the people who saw it who are not as into the dog world as I am were not impressed

As a member of the Superdog Team I can't let this comment pass. Do you realize how much time and effort goes in to training the dogs for the show? Obviously not otherwise you wouldn't be making comments like that. I myself work hard to ensure that Smudge and in the future Beaker as well are ready to handle the pressure and stress of the shows and I know that all the other team members do as well. Why in Regina alone this week we have master level agility dogs, top level flyball dogs, competitive obdience dogs, champion show dogs(I know you don't care about that one), sled dogs, competitive frisbee dogs... the list goes on and on, and that's just the dogs that were there. From the ones that weren't there you have world level agility dogs and handlers, and some of the best freestyle people around. So the show wasn't one of the teams best ones, it happens you know.

You think that your dogs would be able to do all the things that happens in the show and do it better? Okay well let's see have they ever performed in an environment that has well in to the thousands, on carpet, with loud music and lighting? Dogs have to be able to handle that before they are even allowed to take part in the the opening which is actually a lot harder then it seems? Have you ever tried to walk in time to music, while making sure your dog heels and that you are keeping up with the person on the opposite side of you? Have they ever been "Mobbed" by children petting them, pulling on their tails and ears, and poking them? Would you and your dogs be willing and able to blow an event just for some laughs? You have to be able to do that, in the shows not everyone can perfect. That's just some of the things that the dogs have to go through on a show by show basis, I didn't include the ever changing games and equipment or the stress that can happen back stage, or the expectations for the team members when they are at the shows.

When the producers of the Superdogs show pick the dogs for the show they take in to consideration all types of things like the breed, what kind of things they know, how they look, and yes even what kind of team member the owner would be. For instance for a border collie they pretty much expect them to be perfect. In other words, they want them fast, well trained, nice looking, able to do any and everything that they throw at them, which is one of the reasons that Winter will never do a Superdogs show she can't handle the noise and shes not perfect, and I for one refuse to set my dogs up for that.

If you still think that your dogs are better trained then the dogs that are there and you can out do them any day of the week then go ahead get in contact with Herb and Chase and tell them about your dogs let them decide, but DO NOT go around saying that your dogs can do better after seeing only one Superdogs show which by the way isn't one of our harder ones, when you don't have the proof to back it up.

08-06-2005, 01:31 PM
Aww I love ur dogs they are so cute!

08-06-2005, 02:53 PM
cricket as I said I am sure there are plenty of better shows, and I saw a much better show when I was younger, but the show that came this year was bad. oh and yes my dogs CAN preform in any enviroment with lots of kids and tons of people, perky and Blair are freestyle dogs, are have awards and titles in in preforming to music, perky, Happy, Blair and Ripley are all Demo dogs and do this sort of thing on a regular basis. Happy LOVES kids and she would adore have kids throng to her to pet her, Ripley is flat out cute and while he does not do much everyone loves him lol Blair and Perky and Happy are show offs, they ALWAYS preform better when there is an audence, the larger the audience the better they preform, I am aware of the work involved, but this show could have been MUCH better, these people were trying to get their dogs to do things that my dogs will do instintly with barly a cue, they preform for entire schools and appear at festivals, actually we were invited to preform at the moosjaw Exibition but the herding clinic was reschedualed for the same weekend so we had to cancal. I am not saying that all shows are that bad, as I said I have seen better, but THIS show was NOT impressive and the host did FAR more then the dogs.

08-06-2005, 03:19 PM
What cuties!