View Full Version : Housekeeping tips

08-05-2005, 01:09 PM
Sirrahbeds thread about cleaning products reminded me what I thought of posting a while ago. :)

In Denmark we seem to have a lot of chalk in our water. I noticed that Fister's drinking fountain is covered in chalk every so often, and the electric water boiler too. :(

A good solution is to get a bottle of household winegar, pour it into the "thing" covered in chalk, let it sit there overnight - and then pour the winegar back in the bottle! The same winegar can be used several times. :)

Also .... isn't it irritating in winter when your glasses steam up? That happens when you go from the cold into a warm room. We have a spray you can get at Opticians' to use for cleaning your glasses to prevent it. :) But you can also use it on your bathroom mirror! ;)

08-05-2005, 01:17 PM
Chalk = calicum build up here. Vinegar does work good for removal l of calicum build up. I try to use cidar vinegar it doesnt smell near as bad as regular stuff.
Also good for running through coffee makers.

08-06-2005, 12:00 AM
I learned this from Kelly when I was in Cali - he he that rhymes!!
The Clorox wipes - BLEACH FREE are AWESOME for cleaning up stains on the carpet!!!
I was flabbergasted!!!
But sure enough it worked like a charm!!
Check your carpet for colorfastness tho!

08-06-2005, 08:46 AM
Thanks Randi - the kitty water fountain I have also has deposits on it - will try the vinegar. We have a whole house water softener so I thought it was not supposed to do that but it does.

Staci - I never would have thought of using wipes on carpet but will have to try that next time I clean up a hairball :rolleyes:

Wow, our own PT household tips thread:D

Peanut butter gets chewing gum off anything;) even hair though nobody around her does that sort of thing anymore. WD-40 gets ink marks and residue left from sticky price tags off of just about anything. That is a brand name for stuff hubby has in the garage and I don't even know what it is REALLY for:cool: