View Full Version : Need help with Bridal Shower gift idea

08-04-2005, 04:05 PM
My sisters Bridal Shower is Sunday, August 14th. I'm supposedly throwing it.. ;) ... but mom seems to be the one doing all the work. :D

Anyway... it's a 24 hour themed party as in every guest was given a time and the gift needs to be something Linn would use around that time.

I have 7 p.m.

Any unique ideas? She's the middle sibling of three girls if that helps any.


08-04-2005, 04:07 PM
hmmm....this is about movie time - how about a popcorn popper, popcorn bowls - snack stuff??

on second thought - 7pm is probably only movie time at my age:D :p

trying to think back to newlywed years...
OK - music DVD, massage oils, candles, smellie goods, chocolates, satin pillowcases, etc - all tucked into a pretty basket;)

08-04-2005, 04:12 PM
7 p.m. is around the time we usually have dinner. Maybe some sort of nice dining set/cooking set/cook book/etc?

08-04-2005, 04:44 PM
That is a neat idea!!

7pm for us, would be after dinner...so dessert time :) So maybe a big bowl...filled with an ice cream scoop, gourmet chocolate syrup, maybe a set of 4 dessert bowls, and a recipe book for some kind of dessert. I *love* making theme gift baskets...it is so fun.

I like the Popcorn idea too...

Or...maybe 7pm could be coffee and dessert time , so maybe a coffee maker and a dessert cookbook or things that have to do with coffee...nice mugs, etc.

Neat idea. Let us know what you decide to do!

08-04-2005, 05:09 PM
That time of day when it gets dark earlier than now I like to come home and light candles and put a cd on, of course usually one of the kids has the tv blaring but that would be a romantic idea, candles and a few cd's.

08-04-2005, 05:33 PM
7:00 .... after dinner, dessert or snuggle/bath time. Smelly goods, foofy bath stuff, candles, massage oils, sexy lingerie ;)

08-04-2005, 05:38 PM
7:00 PM is two hours after dinner. Its the time of night where we are relaxing, flipping through the tv channels, reading books or newspapers, etc. How about a couple nice overstuffed pretty pillows, a nice quilt or throw, so that she and hubby can curl up on the couch and cuddle together while doing these things?

08-04-2005, 05:49 PM
You all eat dinner early compared to us! :p

Sometimes we eat around 5-6 but usually later.

Kimmy, maybe ask the people with the hours before and after you to see what type of things they're getting?

08-04-2005, 06:05 PM
7 pm is bubble bath time ;) :D

08-05-2005, 09:02 AM
Ya'll have great ideas! Keep em coming! :D

Linn and Nick are couch potatoes. They love their movies, so the popcorn idea is really neat.

I don't think they drink coffee, but I love that idea. I'll check with mom.

I think they would probably be eating around 7ish or relaxing after dinner.

My friend has 6 p.m. She has no clue what to get either. *laughs*

My grandma has 8 or 9 p.m. I can't remember off hand what she got, so I'll double check with mom.

Thanks guys! :D

08-05-2005, 10:27 AM
One of the shower gifts I got was a bar blender so we could make smoothies and stuff. Usually around 7 is when my "hubby" (still feels weird to say that) and I are settling down to watch a movie are getting ready to go for a walk. Does your sister have any pets? If we watch a movie we usually have a fruit smoothie and air popped popcorn. Otherwise we go out to my mom's and take the puppydog for a walk.

08-05-2005, 11:07 AM
Yep, she has a dog, but they don't really take him on walks since he has a 2 acre yard to go nuts in.

08-05-2005, 12:41 PM
Well, 7 pm at our house is Jonah's yogart time! Does she like le creme yogart? :D

Once upon a time, 7 pm was getting ready to go out time....so maybe new curling iron, hairdryer,hair things, gift certificate for them for dinner?

That is a neat idea. Maybe I should break down and get married.....he he he.

08-05-2005, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

That is a neat idea. Maybe I should break down and get married.....he he he.

So that you can get gifts? :D He he he!!!

On the original topic, I agree with Johanna. 7 is 'usually' getting ready to go out time, when we do go out in the evening, so something that has to do with 'getting ready' would be nice. I would've suggested dinnerware if it was 6pm, but 7 sounds a bit late for dinner.....at least for my family. We usually eat earlier. How about a nice candle stand/set? Some couples might think it romantic to relax after dinner with some nice candles burning. He he he.

08-05-2005, 02:58 PM
That is a wonderful idea, but unfortunately, my sister is not the dress up and go out type. Very tomboyish.

Stuff that makes you pretty would be wasted on her. :( I bought her a nail kit for Christmas and she still hasn't opened it! :rolleyes:

Great ideas everyone! :D