View Full Version : A Foolish Dream of Mine

08-04-2005, 12:40 AM
Well, I have always been fascinated by wolves. Who hasn't really? Well, my dream is to start a wolf RESCUE. No, I don't wnat them as pets, I want to save them. Hybrids and 100% wolf. I know, it is a foolish dream, that I am hoping to never give up on.

After I get out of college (I'm only going into tenth grade) I am wanting to start this.

I am all ready starting to collect information on wolves and about how to keep them safely and happily. Any websites or information by yourself.

If you have any concern about my dream, just post! I promise, I know that they are NOT a dog and cannot be treated like one to start off. I just want to start early, so I can be as close to fully prepared as possible.

Thanks for your time and reading my foolish dream:)
Steph and Jes

08-04-2005, 03:26 AM
Oh, Steph, I don't think it is a foolish dream at all. :)
There is a member of PT that should be able to tell you about all it may entail (though he hasn't posted since January, hope all is ok). His PT name is WRR, if you use search you should come up with links to his replies to threads and the threads he began. He also has a link to his website on his profile.


Pawsitive Thinking
08-04-2005, 04:35 AM
That is not a foolish dream at all! I really hope you get to realise it.........wolves are amazing

08-04-2005, 11:23 AM
Thanks you two!

Chris, I will look up this guy and see what their is:) I really hope that he is okay though.....Thanks a lot!

Brody's Mum, thanks also! I have realized how amazing wolves really are since the day I have known what they were.

You two have really boosted my self-confidance in this dream of mine. I need all the onfo I can get on wolves. I know a lot, but not enough.

The reason I called it a foolish dream, is because EVERYONE in my family tells me this. They keep asking, well, what if they turn on you. They are always telling me this won't come true. You will never have enough knowledge of them, etc. Now I know who are my main supporters in my life now, my virtual family, Pet Talk!

Thanks again you two!-Steph and Jes

08-04-2005, 12:05 PM
It's not foolish at all. It will be difficult, but it's an admirable goal. From my work in Northern Breed rescue I can assure you that there are never enough places in sanctuaries for high content hybrids. Hybrids are being outlawed in more and more places and the exsisting wolf rescues are overwhelmed. Because of the risk involved in adopting out a hybrid most dog rescues refuse to take them, most shelters put them down automatically. I own a low-content rescued hybrid. I adore her, but I will never have another one!

Have you checked out wolf park? http://www.wolfpark.org/overview.html
They have a good reputation and on their site there are daily wolf pictures.

Good luck.

08-04-2005, 02:10 PM
It is so not foolish to dream Wolves are beautiful wild animals!

Suki Wingy
08-04-2005, 02:54 PM
I have/had many "foolish dreams" such as that!

08-04-2005, 04:23 PM
I don't think it's foolish at all. What I would do is research wolves so you know what you're getting yourself into. It would be awesome for you to do that! :)

08-04-2005, 11:06 PM
Thanks everyone!

Glacier, I checked that website, it was VERY helpful! I am marking everything that I find under favorite sites!

Thanks for the encouragement you guy's! It helps a lot!:)

Chris, I checked with WRR, and I still have to read posts, but I did pm him, just in case!

Steph and Jes

Pawsitive Thinking
08-05-2005, 06:56 AM
Saw a news item a while back on a man who had been living with wolves in their enclosure for quite some time. He was interviewed in with them and it was amazing to see how the wolves accepted him as a member of the pack.

Good luck with following your dream. People like you are the reason we still have so many lovely wild creatures in the world.....