View Full Version : wheres' auggie???

02-27-2002, 06:23 AM
i know that we have heard from doggiemom....however i haven't seen a post from auggie in months....has anyone heard???

Former User
02-27-2002, 07:09 AM
Auggie posted here yesterday (

02-27-2002, 08:17 AM
Ooops, Niina, wrong Auggie. I think she's looking for Augie, as in Augie and Hooch. He's probably letting this love story talk die down before he comes in here!!! :p

Tell him we all said hello, Angel, if you see this. :)

Former User
02-27-2002, 08:35 AM
Well hey, it's written Auggie, how am I supposed to know then???

02-27-2002, 09:12 AM
I think he is just afraid that he will get teased - we would never do that would we?:D

02-27-2002, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
Well hey, it's written Auggie, how am I supposed to know then???

Of course you weren't supposed to know!!! I hope I didn't hurt your feelings! :( You did fine! And since they are both Texans, it gets confusing!! :D

02-27-2002, 10:27 AM
Casper no worries!!! It's okay:) His user ID is AugieH. The other is Auggie:)

Augie told me last night he will have to post something.... but I must warn you, he loves messing with me and everyone else. He told me he wants to say something like I stalked him and he has to get a restraining order against me.... NOT TRUE! So don't believe it:)

02-27-2002, 12:02 PM
I am a witness to that statement Augie said so I will back Angel up. Also, I have been the butt of his kidding many times! And to think I once believed him and thought Angel was kidding me :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-27-2002, 12:10 PM
Howdy Folks....well it's been a spell since I showed my southern self
at this site..reckon I have to come visit more often. I heard and read
that folks are wonderin what has happened lately...well I am here to
tell my side of the story....but first, I want to say to my 2 very good
friends Jennifer anf Thelma, bite me...ha ha ha...You both like me as
a crazy cowboy...Silly New Yawkers!! heh heh heh

Reckon i'll tell you my side of the story now folks, but first of all iffin
any of ya'll are near Matteson, IL....SEND HELP!! I am bein held against
my will....HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLP!!! This is goin to be long so stay with me
folks...or not...don't matter me none...heh heh heh...

Ok, now, I was sittin at my machine one evenin, mindin my business as usual,
when a silly lookin winder popped up on my machine, so I answered it. Some silly
gal from the southwest was thrownin herself at me (I am goin to get killed for
this folks) and threatenin to come see me in IL. Well, I was game on meetin
new folks so Angel came to see me, NAD NEVER LEFT....ugh! I have been trapped
in my celler for 2 months now...HELP!! send food, send beer, saddle up my horse
so I can ride off into the sunset. I got out once ya'll, and I went to the police
for a restraining order, but it didn't help much, I was right back in the celler..
lucky me....Anywho, at least Angel has been feeding me some decent vittles.

Anywho, I say again...HELP YA'LL...heh heh heh, I crack myself up sometimes.

I hope all ya'll are well.

--Augie & The Hoocher Smoocher aka Studly!Howdy Folks....well it's been a spell since I showed my southern self

02-27-2002, 12:19 PM
Silly you! I had forgotten how funny you were.

02-27-2002, 12:21 PM
And I'm even more silly lookin too folks....heh heh heh

02-27-2002, 01:08 PM
SEE! I TOLD YOU HE WOULD PULL THAT!!!! UGH! WHAT A MOCOSO!!! That is Spanish for Brat.

We are like Lucy and Ricky, I swear. He starts rattling things off in Spanish and I stand there dumbfounded. But, I'm learning all of the important words like MOCOSO!

02-27-2002, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by AugieH
HELP!! send food, send beer, saddle up my horse
so I can ride off into the sunset......Anywho, at least Angel has been feeding me some decent vittles. [/B]

Send Augie the food & beer...Send ZIPPY the HORSE!:D

Good food? When did you start considerin' Taco Bell and DP good food?! :p :p :p

02-27-2002, 01:30 PM
Angel, You have to talk to Andrew about standing there dumbfounded while I go off in Arabic. He!He!He! Isn't it great though?!

02-27-2002, 02:01 PM
Hi Angel,

Wow.........I am still in shock from your post and I was dying to hear all the goods on what happened. Never in a million years did I think that is what brought you to Illinois. Never, never, ever....I thought that is where you had family and that you moved closer to them after the split. As you can tell I haven't been the best Pettalker lately. When you have a 20 month running around and always pulling on your typing arms it makes it almost impossible to post, so I do most of my posting at night, late night!!! I guess at times I can't even tell who is who on here. The post names don't tell you who is male or female and I'm sorry to say to all the men that I always assume that the posters are female. Sorry about that AugieH... at least that one is cleared up huh??? I am sorry too that Angel and I never got to meet with our dogs and go to the park. We were so busy in our lives that we missed our chance. Now your so far away and we blew it....ha ha.
Anyways, on to happier things.....though I am still in shock ~ I am very happy for you and you totally deserve the very best...even if you are a stalker...haaaaaa LOL !!! Just kidding ~ but seriously now, just let him up from the cellar every now and then, ok!!!
How are you managing with the dogs and their potty problems?? If it was me and I know how you feel about the making a mess on the carpet...I would have to put LuLu in a kennel until she got it right. Yes, that would drive me insane with the mess. Maybe they are not used to the cold weather and that is why they don't want to go outside or something. LuLu would have a real hard time when the winter came and the snow was real high. She just would not know where to go plus half her body was crouched in the snow , which could not be too comfortable.
Gosh, Angel and AugieH.... I really hope that all is well and you are enjoying each other and much luck and love to you both. Can it be fair to say that we ALL would love to see some nice pics of the 2 of you and the 3 dogs...please. C'mon ~ you have that dig camera!!
Talk with you soon
Carla aka purrfectpaws

02-27-2002, 02:22 PM
Hehe, you can reaaaaaally tell now when people are in serious need of a life...hrmm..lol j/k ;]

Angel-i can think of some other spanish words to go with that ;D hehe j/k..im so mean :o

02-27-2002, 02:47 PM
They have a lovely Christmas photo together. Angel looks sooo pretty in it :) But that snow looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO cold!! :eek: :eek: I could barely handle the 43 degree weather this morning. If it snowed here, I'd stay in bed all day long!

02-27-2002, 03:02 PM
43 degrees!!! Wow, that would be a heat wave here now!!! The high today is 24. The low is 15. I'm so envious of you, Aly!!!!!:p ;)

02-27-2002, 03:08 PM
I think ya'll should ask Angel to post pictures of my studly
puppy...As for the cold...it's pert much freezin here. I have no
idearr how Angel is adjusting to the cold. We got about 3" of snow and the next 2 days here are goin to be freezin. I hope Angel throws some blankets down in the cellar!! heh heh heh

02-27-2002, 03:11 PM
Ha ha ha ha... now that would make me dumbfounded! Arabic that is! WHEW! I'm learning Spanish little by little...well, words anyway. I had one Spanish class in college a couple years ago.... I loved it. I want to be fluent in it. I may take another class soon. :) I can catch bits and pieces of what he says..... so he won't be able to get away with talking Spanish forever!

02-27-2002, 03:13 PM
Well this 43 degrees is from a cold front we just had yesterday. Before that it was mid 70s!!!

I hope its not too hot by the time the Pet Talk gathering rolls around.

02-27-2002, 03:22 PM
do you all notice that i am nice enough to give him computer time in the cellar!! SHEESH!! Nice try Augie... if I was a REAL kidnapper you wouldn't have computer time! As for the blankets, well you might get one and ONLY one! muwahahahahahahah!

Carla, I will be back on 3/14 for my sisters wedding. Maybe on Sunday I can run by the Marketplace again. I leave for home Monday morning. Things really are wonderful and no Augie is NOT happy about the messes.... not at all. Dixieland Dancer gave some great advice in another post though. We will try her methods. Thanks for the well wishes... FROM EVERYONE! We appreciate that. I am adjusting the cold just fine too. I love it. I can handle this MUCH easier than 100 plus degree temps. YUCK! At least the cold doesn't make me sick and lazy. Heat used to give me horrible headaches and I couldn't function until the sun went down. Anyway.... Thanks again Carla:) I hope to see you in a couple weeks. I will email you later today too:)

02-27-2002, 03:38 PM
I have always been interested in the spanish language... i know a few bad words from my sisters X bf who was {uerto Rican (WOO!) i love their voices lol.. anywho Angel, you need to get on aim sometimes, do you have a new screen name?

02-27-2002, 03:39 PM
You two crack me up! Good luck learning Spanish, Angel! I have been wanting to pick it up but it isn't as easy for me know. I grew up speaking and writing three different languages very fluently but when I was 19, I tried to learn Spanish and it wasn't easy at all. I made a mess out of the language :(

As for the weather, it is currently 20 degrees and I am hating it! I am a Mediterranean girl that loves the sun! I am hoping Andrew's next statio will be in Hawaii! Drake on the otherhand wants to go to Colorado. He loves this 20 degrees weather. Although we may get sent to Ft Huachuga (sp?) in AZ first for Andrew to go to fixed wing flight school.

02-27-2002, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by aly
They have a lovely Christmas photo together. Angel looks sooo pretty in it :) But that snow looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO cold!! :eek: :eek: I could barely handle the 43 degree weather this morning. If it snowed here, I'd stay in bed all day long!
i wanna see the pic!!

02-27-2002, 04:09 PM
It's in my webshots album called "Illinois 2001/2002"


:) I still look goofy.

02-27-2002, 05:31 PM
my friend speaks fluent (sp) spanish..it seems really neat...i always told her i'd go up to her sometime and acutally understand the convo..the most i can say is how are you..good day and some bad words..mwhah..>:]

02-27-2002, 06:18 PM
the pictures are great!!! congratulations angel and augie!!!!!!!and all your fur kids...where do you stable your horse???? do you know the Jaynes????they have a great stable in illinois.... anyway...congrats...heres' to happy endings!!!

02-27-2002, 06:46 PM
Hey, Augie! Looks like one of us needs to change users name. I was actually thinking about changing mine to "auggie's mom", since my cat's name is auggie. But then people might think that i'm your mom, and I'm not that old yet. :D
Angel, wow, I admire your courage and determination. I think it's great that you both found each other, and wish you all the best.

02-27-2002, 06:56 PM
well dang it all :o howsa bout youz guys heads down to TX in April so we canz throw a bit hoop-de-doo...for you...and how did I miss out on this thread. Oh well...Phred?? Are you still available?? just kidden' L

02-27-2002, 07:37 PM
I don't think they're coming. I know Augie said he couldn't. Maybe we can beg Angel.

02-27-2002, 07:56 PM
OMG How cool is THAT?? A pet talk romance:D :D :D That is sooooo cool, and I wish you two the best!!! Lots of love and hugs to you guys and your cutie patootie doggies!!!:D

Isn't it funny, when you're learning a foreign language...that bad words are always among the first things you learn?? LOL LOL I'm actually getting pretty good with my spanish, after all living here in Cali I run into a lot of Spanish speakers. Plus, I've had to translate our e-commerce system into spanish for our spanish customers!! I know all the great cuss words too! LOL LOL Telugu and Hindi are a little more difficult to learn...but I'm tryin!! LOL LOL

02-28-2002, 01:37 AM
Welcome Back AugieH! It's been awhile!
I am so glad you too are so happy! This is a great place to meet cyber friends! And hopefully, I will meet some of you in real live person someday!

02-28-2002, 10:02 AM
Well, as for my Spanish phrases, they are few but I have a couple of favorites I use when Augie gets lippy...

"Come Mocas" (co-may mo-cahs) that means "eat boogers!" ha ha ha ha:)

and... the bad one I use....

"Beso mi culo de blanco tu mocoso!" that means "kiss my white a** you brat!!!"

He always tell me to kiss his mexican hinney.... so that is what I say in return:D! Ricky would have NEVER said that to Lucy! ha ha ha ha :D!

Thanks again...ehem, I mean, Muchas Gracias Amigas y Amigos for all of your well wishes. That is so "dulce" (sweet) of all of you:D!!!!

02-28-2002, 11:55 AM
I you can think of some CHOICE words in English that you would like to use to impress Augie, send them to me and I'll translate them into Spanish for you. Spanish is my native language. ;)

02-28-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by doggiemom
Well, as for my Spanish phrases, they are few but I have a couple of favorites I use when Augie gets lippy...

"Come Mocas" (co-may mo-cahs) that means "eat boogers!" ha ha ha ha:)

and... the bad one I use....

"Beso mi culo de blanco tu mocoso!" that means "kiss my white a** you brat!!!"

He always tell me to kiss his mexican hinney.... so that is what I say in return:D! Ricky would have NEVER said that to Lucy! ha ha ha ha :D!

Thanks again...ehem, I mean, Muchas Gracias Amigas y Amigos for all of your well wishes. That is so "dulce" (sweet) of all of you:D!!!!
LOL LOL It's always fun to 'spar' with the ones you love, eh?? LOL LOL

Try these on him for size....

metete un palo en el culo
Pinche Caborron
juele a mierda

:D :D :D
I got some really good ones, but didn't think I should post them here.... :o

02-28-2002, 12:46 PM
Angel, I am suprised at you! The first one is gross.:eek:

02-28-2002, 12:56 PM
WolfLady, I cut and pasted your phrases into AltaVista Translation and BOY:eek: did it translate into some weird stuff :o yikes :eek: :o

02-28-2002, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
WolfLady, I cut and pasted your phrases into AltaVista Translation and BOY:eek: did it translate into some weird stuff :o yikes :eek: :o

LOL LOL Yeah, altavista can really chop up the phrases since it trys to do the literal translation. LOL LOL :D :D PM me if you want to know the meanings! LOL LOL;) ROFL

02-28-2002, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by auggie
[B]Hey, Augie! Looks like one of us needs to change users name.

Hey, I know. AugieH can change his name to "The Hostage":p ;) :D

03-01-2002, 11:16 AM
yeah, see you all thought the "H" stood for "Hooch" muwahahahahahaha... wrong! It's stands for HOSTAGE! ha ha ha ha:)

As for Texas, I won't be able to make it. We are going on a little vacation at the end of April already -- you guys will party it up just fine without us. Then maybe we can plan a Midwest meeting for next year!

03-03-2002, 10:35 PM
Hi Angel,

How are you making out with the cold weather?? All is holding up ok here in Arizona. I haven't been out all weekend from the stomach flu. Aughghhhhhh

Anyway, hope all is well and you have found your dream job , now that you have found your dream man!!

Talk with you soon

03-05-2002, 01:19 PM

Howdy folks....I snuck out of the cellar to post. Actually Angel
let me out because we had 8" of snow and she asked me to
go clean up, how nice huh? Angel took some beautiful pictures
of Lexi & The Smoocher that I hope she posts soon so ya'll can
see how good they look together. I am bias ofcourse and my handsome guy is just TOO good looking. Anywho, Angel let's me
go to work everyday so I can pay for her terrible shopping habits...heh heh heh...Oh boy am I going to get it now. Back in the cellar for me folks. I hope all ya'll are well, and thanks much for the well wishes. We are getting along just fine, Lexi and I. Oh, and Angel isn't too bad either. Ya'll take care, I'll post again iffin Angel lets me out. If ya'll don't hear from me, it's because I've been grounded..;)

Ya'll be well,
:D :D :D

Dixieland Dancer
03-05-2002, 02:07 PM
Augie, What about Maddie? You mention Lexi and Hooch but you didn't mention Maddie. Please let us know how it is going. I personally know I'm on pins and needles to see if she has quit going potty in the house.

And I agree, your hoocher smoocher is one very handsome guy! We want to see lots more pictures of him!

03-05-2002, 03:28 PM
Yes I wondered also "What about Maddie"?:rolleyes:

03-07-2002, 06:04 AM
yes....how is Maddie????? please let us know!?!?!?!?!

03-07-2002, 07:35 AM
Maddie doesn't live with us anymore:( She is fine though. That is why we haven't been mentioning her. Sorry I didn't say anything. I didn't really want to bring it up.

03-07-2002, 08:08 AM
That is very disappointing news, Angel. I hope Maddie will be ok, wherever she is. :(

Dixieland Dancer
03-07-2002, 08:17 AM
I have a spot in my heart for Maddie and feel like a piece of it has been broken to hear she is not with you anymore. Please let us know what happened if possible. You can PM me if you don't want to post here.

03-07-2002, 11:25 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you had to rehome Maddie. I know you loved her and this is hard on you but sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be. You were lucky enough to save her from an inevitable death by automobile and provide her with love, shelter, et cetera. I'm sure she will always remember that and be forever gratfeul. I hope she is happy wherever she is.

03-07-2002, 12:42 PM
That is so sad after all she has been through.:( I hope that she is safe and well cared for and loved of course.:confused:

03-07-2002, 04:00 PM
How very sad.:( Bless you Maddie girl, wherever you are. Your sweet, sweet face always made me smile.

03-07-2002, 04:12 PM
Thank you so much:) I am crying just reading these posts. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do...... she is such a sweet sweet dog. But, you're right, some things aren't meant to be. I can't help but feel guilty though......

03-07-2002, 04:31 PM
Angel, is she in a home permanently? If she's in a temporary situation until you can find a home, PLEASE let me adopt her!!! I'll come get her myself! If she's already in a home though, I hope she's safe and happy with her new people.

03-07-2002, 05:39 PM
Angel, I just came in to visit, was so busy and read these posts.
Where is Maddie now? She must be really frightened and confused, so many changes. I am really sorry to hear that she is no longer with you. We just celebrated her birthday on 'Love of Dogs' on Tuesday, I had no idea, did you rehome her? I hope she is O.K.

03-07-2002, 10:49 PM
oh i am so sorry if you had to rehome her...i agree with the others...it was alot of change all at once....i hope that she is in aforever home and didn't go to the p-o-u-n-d.....please let us know that she is safe

Dixieland Dancer
03-08-2002, 09:21 AM
We are all concerned about Maddie and would like to help find her a permanent home if she doesn't have one. Please let us know that she was not taken to a shelter. There are soooo many people on this board who have come to love her that we would help find her a home if help was needed.

We are just concerned!

03-13-2002, 06:26 PM
Hi Angel. How are you all? I hope our comments about Maddie haven't upset you. It must be a difficult time for you. We all care deeply for you, Auggie and your gang; and of course, Maddie. We love you, and through you, have come to love Sasha, Lexi and Maddie. Can you tell us where and how she is? Is it too difficult to talk about? Please, know that if we can in ANY way help you in providing her with a loving home, just let us know, OK? You know us all well enough to know that we will all band together and do whatever is necessary to help you and her. Fondly, Sandra

03-13-2002, 11:18 PM
Hi Angel! I emailed ya, but maybe you didn't receive it...

How are ya? Hope all is well! How are Sexy-Lexi and the Hooch-Pooch?

I'm curious too, did you find a good home for Miss Maddie?

Well chick, check in with us soon!


03-14-2002, 12:19 AM
Angel i know this doesnt help at all but i want you know im crying for you. You know how much i adored Maddie and im so sad that she had to go to a different home :( :( :( :( :( She was the best. I enjoyed every picture you sent to me of her and of course of the others. Im sorry everything didn't work out. Angel, i think of you as another sister... you were always there for me when i was sad and always gave me advice. I love you Angel and i appreciate every word you have ever said to me...I miss how we got to talk to each other every day... when i came home from school id get online hopeing "Stormseeker2b" would pop up on my buddy list... you name fits you so well.. Angel, your an Angel.

03-14-2002, 08:33 AM
KayAnn, I miss you too sweetie. You know that you can email me anytime. I will try to always be there for you in some way, okay?
I wrote you back yesterday - to your PM to me here on PetTalk. You silly girl, jumping online at school!

Maddie is just a subject I'm trying not to think about. I'm sorry to all of you for not responding. I would just prefer not to discuss her. Nothing personal to any of you. I know you are all trying to help. I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Once again, your kindness and sweet human nature shines through:) Thank you all for you concern.

03-14-2002, 10:31 AM
Forgive me for dragging this out...

Angel, I'm going to go out on a limb here & I hope you do not think less of me for saying this:

I'm beginning to think that Maddie is not in a safe place. It's obvious that you do not want to talk about it, however, I do wish you would tell someone so that:
1) we would either stop worrying or
2) we could make an effort to save her.

You know we care about your well-being as well as the dogs'. I hope you will confide in at least one person.

Please know, too, that judgements will not be passed; you did what you thought was best.


03-14-2002, 07:53 PM
I agree with Zippy-Cat, Angel if you don't have her in a safe home or a no kill shelter, her time is probably running out. With all the people on here in rescue, I'm sure someone could find a home for her or at least put her in rescue.
I think everyone would like to know that she has been placed in a good home, or in rescue, you know how we all worry about our PetTalk pups.

Cinder & Smoke
03-14-2002, 08:26 PM
Here's a bit of a Maddie Update as of 9:00 PM ~

Thanks to a LOT of hard work from a LOT of concerned Pet Talkers ~

We *think* we know where Maddie is - and as of late this afternoon -
She's OK and in a reputable Animal Shelter in a western suburb of Chicago.

What we need NOW is someone to make a visitation to the shelter and try to secure a hold on Maddie
Bust her outta there! (We're not sure how much the ransom fee will be!)

I'll let one of the other Maddie Resque-ers jump in here so we have a single point of contact.

If you live near the western suburbs of Chicago and can help tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday...

Please post a reply -
and be SURE we can get in contact with you by PM, E-mail, or phone.
Do NOT post e-mails or phones here -
send them to the Maddie Resque-er who jumps in here and takes over.

Hang On, Maddie - the Troops are a-Commin!

03-14-2002, 09:04 PM
If ANYONE needs any help financially in busting Maddie out or flying her somewhere, I am more than willing to contribute!

Is there anyone with extra room for another sweet doggie??

03-14-2002, 09:10 PM
By the way, the shelter hours are 12-5 tomorrow. Is there anyway anyone in the Chicago area could go get her tomorrow and hold her for a little bit while the rest of us figure out something to do?

03-14-2002, 09:20 PM
I will defiantly(sp) help with cost as needed. Let me know.

03-14-2002, 09:23 PM
Of course I would be glad to help financially too.

03-14-2002, 10:10 PM
I've alerted a couple of non-Pet Talkers to the situation too, who are closer to Illinois than I am. I've emailed them all the info I have tonight, and they will do all they can to help.

I definitely think Phred is right, if someone could go there in person, it would help to better understand the situation. I left my conversation with the shelter today very frustrated, but at least confirmed that she is still there.

Now's the chance for some of you Chicago people to HELP this sweet girl.

03-14-2002, 10:14 PM
I just wish we would have been aware of how bad the situation was for Maddie earlier. It would have bought time to try and save her.:( :( :(

03-14-2002, 10:36 PM
I want Maddie. If someone could get her for me, I'll be there at the airport to pick her up. If it doesn't work out between her and Lolly, I will personally find her a wonderful home through my shelter. I won't put her in a cage there. She can hang out behind the desk with me and go home with me at night. I swear that if I couldn't keep her, I would find her the PERFECT home.

03-15-2002, 03:04 AM
ALy you're wonderful! :)

I think that getting her to Aly would be the best solution, I don't doubt one bit that she would be able to find the best solution.

I wuold me more than willing to help financially if any of you can think of a way of doing it:

03-15-2002, 03:37 AM
yes, i agree...i think that aly would be a great mom for maddie.....please let us know what needs to be done....maybe logan knows a transport exchange for that area....illinois to dallas is not a long drive....it really is quite easy....god,i am praying for maddie....i wish that i were closer.....please keep us posted on her needs:( :confused:

03-15-2002, 05:30 AM
I tried contacting a friend of my husband's and his wife who live about 1 hr. from Chicago, real animal lovers, but have not been able to contact them as yet. Aly, you would be a lifesaver if you could act as a go between until a permanent home is found. If someone in the area can GET HER OUT, I would be happy to pay for her airfare to Texas. Hang in there Maddie, we WILL get you out. Pet Talkers to the rescue.

03-15-2002, 07:09 AM
I am just now catching up on this post. I do not know anyone in Chicago or anywhere near there. I am willing to help financially as well. It will be best to ship her over. Do you want me to find out how much it will be to have her flight in to Texas? How much does Maddie weigh? How much longer does she have?

03-15-2002, 07:20 AM
The shelter won't tell us how much longer. It looks like it could be a day or it could be a month depending on several things. Thats why I want her out ASAP! Have any of our Chicago area friends read this? The shelter is open Saturday too!

03-15-2002, 08:19 AM
Okay, I missed something here. :confused: How did you find out where Maggie is? Am I assuming correctly that she is in a kill shelter? God, I hope she makes it. I hope you all make it in time. I wish I lived closer and there was something I could do. All I can do is send my prayers.

03-15-2002, 08:54 AM
At this time, although I don't like flying an animal, if Aly is willing and someone can get her out I think the best thing would be to fly her to texas, it would be the quickest way to get her there.
I'm sure, me included, we could pool our money to get her there. I don't believe the fare is that much. Aly does have good connections with rescue and she would have the time for checking for a new home if it didn't work out with Lolly.

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 09:00 AM
I will call the shelter as soon as it opens. First let me call my husband and talk to him. ZippyKat has contacted me and I am willing to do what I can to get her out of there.


03-15-2002, 09:22 AM
Please keep us updated here as to your efforts, so we can call off all the others who have been solicited to help, if necessary. Thank you for responding to this cry for help, Sara.

We will all be forever in your debt if you can get there and pull her from the shelter. She's got to be beside herself at this point.

Resources are here to pay for transportation, adoption fees, etc. Whatever is necessary, just tell us. :)

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 09:22 AM
Does anyone have any stats on Maddie to help me sell my husband on her living with us until we can get her settled. Weight, general size, behavior problem (I remember about the peeing in the house). DOES SHE GET ALONG WITH CATS?? Maybe age.

Please, I want to call him real soon! I'm trying to find out where Chicago Heights is other than south!


03-15-2002, 09:26 AM
What I remember is that she is a shepherd mix, on the small side in size. The shelter has her listed as two years old. I don't know about the cats, but if her personality is what I think it is, she will probably be frightened of Edwina, not the other way around. I do know that she is probably in need of some obedience training, after she gets some real loving. If you have to foster her for a little while, a baby gate in one room would probably be your best bet, especially for the housebreaking issues.

I'm sorry I'm not more informed. Did you see the picture I posted of her last night? It is an attachment, earlier in this post. She doesn't look big at all, and I believe she was full grown when Angel picked her up as a stray.

Hope this helps. Others may have more info.


03-15-2002, 09:28 AM
Oh Sarah! How wonderful! I hope hubby goes for the idea and you can spring her out of that place! I will help with the cost of shipping her to Aly.

03-15-2002, 09:30 AM
Zippy (Tonya) knows how to reach me at home if we need to do something over the weekend (wire $$??). I don't always check my email while at home, just occasionally. Laurie

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 09:43 AM
I have called my husband and am awaiting his call back. The shelter is WAY south but I have nothing scheduled today. We have a finished basement with tile floor where she'll be very comfortable -- and safe from Edwina.

Please do not worry...I'll take care of her bail.

We are going out of the country on vacation in a few weeks though.....

03-15-2002, 09:54 AM
I did a search on here and typed in Maddie's name to see if I could get some info for you, Sara. I found somewhere that she weights 45 pounds. Didn't see anything about how she gets along with cats. I hope everything works out. My head hurts from worry.

03-15-2002, 09:57 AM
This is great news! When Maddie gets out of the shelter, the rest will take care of itself. I think. If Aly lets us know how much it is going to cost to ship Maddie, I can wire some money. I am so glad that this is working out. I have been worried sick about her!

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 10:05 AM

Edwina's Sec ~

1) E-mail me = [email protected]
((Include your phone # if you will)

2) Post & e-mail AS SOON as you get Hubby's OK
to continue with the Rescue.

You'll buy Maddie and Us enough TIME to formulate
a Final Plan!

HOW FAR is the Shelter from you?
Address is:

South Suburban Humane Society
1103 West End Avenue,
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411
phone: 708.755.7387

NOTE: They will NOT answer their phone till after 12 Noon Chicago time.
When the Voice Mail answers -
Key In the # 4 to get to the staff.

Go to http://www.MapQuest.com
and enter the address to fetch a map.

With a few day grace period - we can either arrange for a local NO-kill Rescue Group to take over or formulate a plan to get Maddie to Aly in Texas.

Hope Hubby thinks this is :cool:!

/s/ Phred

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 10:45 AM
Maddie's guardian angels are in full action!

We are all on this board because of our love for our pets. So you should not be surprised that we have all come to love and care for Maddie from all of your posts and pictures of her. This wonderful website is also responsible for you and Augie meeting though the love of your dogs. We were here offering to help, not to be judge and jury over you two because you had to give Maddie up.

I think what is hard for us to understand is all the secrets about where she went and not being able to help one of our own if it was necessary. It was driving us crazy wondering if she was safe or not.

Why all the secrets? Why didn't you want us to know where she was so we could help? I believe you finally said her location hoping she could be rescued. I just don't understand why you waited.

These are questions you may be uncomfortable answering and personally I don't need you to answer them to me or anyone else. They only need to be answered in your heart! I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. I am glad you finally made the right decision to tell where she is.

You are truly my hero! I wish we lived closer together so we could meet and I could thank you in person for all you do for our furkids! I believe that if anyone can help Maddie so she can find a forever home, it is you. She has been through an awful lot and someone who understands that is critical to help her adjust. I would be willing to help financially too. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

My prayers are being offered right now for things to work out in you being able to help get Maddie from the shelter. Your generous spirit shines through!

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 10:46 AM
Okay. My husband says "do what you have to do." I will call at noon CST when the shelter opens.

If all else fails, my secretary has told me about a no-kill shelter she is familiar with -- she thinks Round Lake or Round Lake Beach if anyone knows. I'll check into it.

Please help me to move quickly on finding Maddie a home. I'm sorry that we can't offer one to her but it just wouldn't be fair to her. We are gone too much. I hope you all understand.

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 10:50 AM
We understand and you are doing so much already. Please do not feel any guilt over not being able to keep her.

What airport is closest to your home?

What airport is closest to your home? Once we know this we can contact the airlines about having her flown to Texas.

Is someone already doing this? We should get co-ordinated on this so we don't have too many people doing duplicate work.

03-15-2002, 11:00 AM
Oh Edwina, Your a life saver!!!!! We love you for doing this. Just reading about this brings tears to my eyes. A great bunch of people and real pet lovers. We will pray for you to get her out in time and then we can find a solution. I want to help pay for transportation so just let me know.
It makes me feel better about the human race that people will help this much, a dog that was no longer wanted.

Hang on Maddie

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 11:07 AM
I live by O'Hare but can do Midway or even Milwaukee. (I know some of the carriers don't do dogs in cargo anymore so we may need the options.)


03-15-2002, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Okay. My husband says "do what you have to do." I will call at noon CST when the shelter opens.

If all else fails, my secretary has told me about a no-kill shelter she is familiar with -- she thinks Round Lake or Round Lake Beach if anyone knows. I'll check into it.

Please help me to move quickly on finding Maddie a home. I'm sorry that we can't offer one to her but it just wouldn't be fair to her. We are gone too much. I hope you all understand.

We all understand, and send you our love, and Edwina our hopes for her tolerance, of the whole matter. Thank you so very much, give your hubby a big hug from all of us!
It's noon! Hang on Maddie, the cavalry is saddling up!

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 11:17 AM
Phred here...

I'll work on the Flight to Texas -

But I need some towns and local but sorta
"Primary" airports to minimize commuter hops
from local fields to one that actually flies to

Sara ~ Your Home Town??
Aly ~ You're Home Town??

I can figure out distances to airports with MapQuest.

And we do need to CONSIDER a local to Sara Rescue Group - a good rescue should be able to place Maddie near Sara's home.

But let's not get our cart tooooo far out in front of Sara's Horse - We gotta bust Maddie out of Jail before we worry about where she's going to live!

Wish Sara Good Luck in dealing with the Shelter.

03-15-2002, 11:19 AM
OH MY GOSH!! What a wonderful story of rescue!! I can't believe how quickly all of the pet talkers rallied together to help out Maddie! If only I was still living in Indiana....I would have driven up there and adopted her myself!:D Aly, you're such an angel to take Maddie into your home. If it doesn't work out with your precious furbabies, keep me in mind:) Unfortunately I live so far away, I wish there was some way I could help. I do have a friend living in Chicago, so if you need some assistance, Sara....let me know!:D
Sara, you too are a godsend!! **hugs** How wonderful that you can get to the shelter and get Maddie out of there!! This is truly an awe inspiring tale....of the love of people from all over the world and how we've grown to care about each other and everyone's furbabies so deeply, even if we all haven't met face to face. What a wonderful board!! I'm so thankful for it everyday...and I know Maddie will be too for all of the hard work everyone is doing to rescue her! I'm all choked up about it. Good thing my office "roomie" isn't here yet! LOL LOL Do keep us posted and again, let me know if there is anything I can do to help!!

03-15-2002, 11:27 AM
Phred, Sara is in Chicago, Aly is in Austin Texas.

Midway Airport and O'Hare are in Chicago.

I was trying to contact a local organization in my area (western suburbs) that houses strays in foster homes, but all I have been able to do is leave a message on their answering machine. No answer yet. They have limited resources of foster homes so don't know if that is going to be any answer. I have emailed Sara my home phone number. Please call me. I may be able to be a back-up for housing until transportation can be arranged. (Still working on reluctant hubby).

03-15-2002, 11:47 AM
When Maddie gets sprung, we need to set up a fund to pay for her airfare, housing, food etc.
Maybe someone can be designated to do this, how about volunteers or ideas. I hope Maddie knows we are doing our best and she needs some love, love, love. Enough to last her lifetime.

03-15-2002, 11:56 AM
I have a question. Maybe I do not understand Opperation Bailing Maddie. Sara is going to get her out of the shelter, right? Then Maddie is going to be put in foster care till she can get to Austin? I thought that we were going to make arrangements to send her on her way to Aly ASAP. Didn't Sara say Maddie could stay in the basement for a while? Money can be wired easily. We just need to know who to send it to. Perhaps Sara if she is taking Maddie in and will be taking her to the airport.

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 11:58 AM
With all that she's been through the last few monts, Maddie is probably terrified of most everything. The moves, being placed in the Shelter, and future pending temporary housing and More Moves - all at the hands of 'strangers' - will be both difficult for Maddie to understand - and will quite possibly bring out the worst of her problems...

That said - I *think* we need to find a RESCUE that can arrange a Temporary Foster Home placement with someone who can be Home All Day -AND- has NO other pets... Maddie requires some really Kind and undivided attention to help her work through her problems.

If Sara, Hubby, and Edwina can live through a few *ruff* days - we ought to be able to find a cooperative rescue group in Chicagoland to take over and give us time to make good plans.

The stress of being flown - in the baggage compartment - to Texas might be better left as a last resort. Or at least put off to give Maddie time to adjust to life out of Jail.

We'll update after Sara talks to the Shelter.

{b] Hang on, Maddie![/b]

/s/ Phred

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 12:07 PM
How soon Aly can get Maddie depends on the transportation that Pfred arranges. If he can get that arranged quickly then Sara will keep Maddie in her basement. She is going out of town in a couple weeks so if the transportation takes longer than that to arrange or find an available flight, then someone else will need to foster her temporarily.

I think Sara has enough going on. Perhaps Pfred can take care of the money since he is arranging transportation. It makes sense since we will more than likely be reimbursing him. Usually when you make travel arrangements the airlines wants a credit card to ensure payment.

Let us know if this is okay with you. If you don't want to then I can do it and mail the payment to you.

I think flying Maddie to Aly is the best thing for her now. Aly will make sure she is taken good care of and will make sure of the home she goes to if she can't keep her.

I am still amazed at the generosity of this group of people! It is wonderful to see this come together.

I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear that Maddie is sprung!

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 12:17 PM
Maddie had been adopted!!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 12:18 PM





More in a minute...



03-15-2002, 12:29 PM
If this Humane Society is anything like the one I've had experience with, I would feel much better if someone could see for themselves that Maddie is not there. I hope that they didn't just say that to end the phone calls. I hope she really is in a good home. Does anyone have any more details? I would have rather had her kept in the pettalk community. If she really has been placed, I'm happy for her. I hate not knowing.

03-15-2002, 12:32 PM
My how quickly things transpire!!!! Wouldn't it be neat to find out who the lucky person is that adopted Maddie, and to show them this post of what Maddie means to this group!! I'm sure the "new parents" know they've adopted a great dog, but I'm positive they'll find it unbelievable the amount of hearts that Maddie has touched and how we all banned together to see her in a forever home!! I agree with Steno, that it would have been neat to keep her in the PetTalk community, but as long as she is with a loving forever home...that will be good too. Is there any way we can find out who adopted her??

**hugs** to you all and Maddie wherever she is!!!:D :D :D

03-15-2002, 12:38 PM
I've just finished reading through all of these posts and I'm crying. It started off so happy and ended up like this :( What happened? Angel moved in with Auggie, they had 3 dogs, Maddie had accidents and then she ended up in a shelter? I really hope I'm missing something here. Was there some kind of ultimatum?

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 12:45 PM
I just hung up with Phred. Both he and I were VERY impressed with the director of the center with whom we spoke. She talked about what a wonderful and loving dog Maddie is. I pushed her rather hard as to when she was picked up.

She was very impressed with the following Maddie has. She told me usually when dogs are brought in nobody cares.

I thought she was very sincere and caring. She told me they make people who want to adopt go home and think about -- in other words can't just walk out with the dog. She also told me that "house broken" problems are about the owner not the dog. She really seemed to care about Maddie.

She has promised that if anything goes wrong with the adoption she has Phred's number and will call him.

P.S. This shelter will be represented at the Arlington Pet Show tomorrow -- which we will be attending. I'll be sure to chat them up!

03-15-2002, 12:57 PM
Well, for goodness sake and Hallelujah. I really hope that our Maddie has found her forever home.

Thank you to every single person who cared enough to contribute prayers, money and support, especially Sara, who was ready to go get her in a heartbeat.

I love you all.

03-15-2002, 01:03 PM
I feel much better after hearing from Sara. It would be nice if the shelfter could tell the new owners about this website so that they can check in and let us know how Maddie is doing.
This is an amazing group of caring individuals and I am so glad that I stumbled upon this place. I'm proud to be a member.

03-15-2002, 01:07 PM
Oh my, what a wonderful development. As much as everybody was wanting to help, this really seems to be the best solution, sparing Maddie going through any more moves and the trip by plane. I hope so much that this will be her forever home.

Sara, would they tell you anything about the family that adopted her?

03-15-2002, 01:07 PM
**sigh of relief**

03-15-2002, 01:09 PM
I'm not sure why I am posting this. I know it will
only make for more posts and "most likely" some
bad blood and posts.

First of all, it was "my" idea to take Maddie to a shelter.
We tried very hard to place Maddie. If I remember
correctly Angel posted several time that Maddie needed
a home, but no one seemed to ask about taking her then except
for Aly. Next, I want everyone to know that Maddie was not
placed in a shelter because of a potty problem. Angel and
I do not wish to discuss what happens in our home or with
our dogs in a public forum. Please respect our privacy for not
wanting to discuss this, as it was very hard on Angel.

Lastly, Maddie was sent to a shelter where she had a chance
to be adopted and she has been. We had several people inquire about Maddie, and Angel and I did not like the people who wanted her. We both wanted the best for Maddie and a chance to be a happy dog. What most of you "do not"
know is that shelter is the same place I adopted Hooch and
gave him a very good home. I want to thank everyone one
who gave great thought and well wishes to Maddie.

Peace to you all, and can we please put this to rest as
I know Angel will be reading this in the near future and
will be upset again.

Be well,

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 01:16 PM
Just that the parents of the couple who adopted her have a dog. She spoke of the responsibility of pet ownership and how they screen to make sure the new owners understand that.

03-15-2002, 01:18 PM
Why did you write Aly telling her Maddie was in a no-kill shelter?!

Why did you not arrange transportation for Maddie to go to Aly, when Aly offered to take her?

If I remember correctly, Angel often mentioned she MIGHT have to rehome Maddie, she never did confirm until it she was gone.

If you didn't like the applicants who offered to take her, why place her in a shelter where you don't know WHO would adopt her? (True, they do have screening processes.)

03-15-2002, 01:20 PM

I do not have to answer to you or anyone on this board!

If you do not like me or the decision I make too bad.

03-15-2002, 01:23 PM
This posting has been currently about the dog Maddie.....not about Angel & AugieH. And I don't think anyone here wants to know about your home life Augie everyone is too busy worrring about Maddie's future - And that is not a snide remark just the truth.
But one thing, if you loved Maddie so much and cared about her welfare why did you put her in a kill shelter? I adopted my last 3 dogs from a kill shelter and I gave them loving homes but hundreds of other dogs were put to sleep that year in that shelter.

03-15-2002, 01:27 PM
I don't want to start a fight Augie, let that be known.

I didn't expect you to answer, but I do care about that dog and about Angel. I know it hurt her to give her up.

Your actions, were your actions and you must live with them---no one else.

I just don't understand why you told Aly she was in a no-kill shelter--esp. when Aly wanted her.

Peace, blessings, and goodness be with you, Angel, and the rest of your household.


03-15-2002, 01:39 PM
I agree with Sammi, I don't think anyone cares about you, Augie or your lifestyle, the concern has been Maddie, the innocent little dog that did nothing but love her family and got rewarded for that by being placed in a kill shelter. Don't you think she has been through enough? Poor you!

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 01:45 PM
CONGRATULATIONS dear Maddie on finding a new home. We love happy endings!!!! :D

Posted by AugieH
I do not wish to discuss what happens in our home or with
our dogs in a public forum.

We do not want bad blood and certainly don't want you to have to talk about what goes on in your home. I don't tell everyone on here about what goes on in my home and I don't think others do either. Your privacy is respected in that arena.

However, if you don't want to talk about your dogs on a public forum, then I think you need a new place to talk about Hooch, Lexi and Santana. We did not learn about them through osmosis. We learned about them from their owners wanting to share them with us. I think everyone on Pet Talk is here specifically because they love to talk about their pets. Isn't that the reason you joined?

I never wanted to know about what went on in your home. I only wanted to know that Maddie was in a safe place. Because of all the secrets and not telling us after numerous people asked, I personally began to wonder if she was still alive. It was through your posts that we found out something was up with Maddie. If one of you had told us if she was safe or not, then none of this other stuff would of occured. And we did want to help with Maddie and her problems. I know I personally posted quite a lengthy reply to what could be causing her potty problems and suggestions for helping her overcome them. There was never a mention that she was going any where. It was a few posts that mentioned Lexi and Hooch but not Maddie that got me curious. If you had given us a chance we would of helped. I'm sure you see now how passionate people were to help.

I am glad you found Hooch at the shelter. He is a wonderful, loyal friend. I think you know how partial I am to Goldens! Unfortunately though, Mixed breeds don't have quite the success rate of adoption that Pure bred Goldens have.

I personally will put this to rest now that Maddie has found a home and we know she is not in danger of being put down. I wish you and yours the very best!

03-15-2002, 01:52 PM
Maybe we *should* close this topic.

Maddie has a brand-new home--that's the important thing.

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 01:56 PM
Wellll... GOOD JOB, Pet Talkers! :D

Special THANKS to Sara (Edwina's Secretary) for jumping in and volunteering for the 60 mile Rescue Run on very short notice!

And LOTS of thanks to the Many Pet Talkers (you all know who you are!) that worked SOoo Hard behind the scenes to solve the mystery and set us up for the Rescue Run That Isn't Needed!!!! :D

A LOTTA e-mails, PM's and Posts have been flowing the last week to pull this off - THANKS to ALL who helped! ;)

And although a few of us think we got the "bum's rush" :( from the Shelter workers - I think their seemingly uncaring or disinterested attitude comes from the many difficult situations they find themselves and their charges in; every single day! I doubt they get many calls from folks half way across the country showing interest in a single homeless Dawg! On that subject ~

I'll echo Sara's comments on the Shelter and especially Debbie, the Shelter Manager ~ They are a Kind and Caring group of true Animal Lovers - just like us!! Debbie was polite and very cooperative with us. She had Maddie's records in front of her as we spoke. (And they're updated wih my name and 24 hour phone number - if anything goes wrong with Maddie's placement.)

Sadly, they weren't TOLD too much about Maddie's behavioral problems and issues... But let's forget about that. Maddie managed to be friendly to all, and was LOVED by ALL the Shelter workers! I was so excited during my lengthy phone call with Debbie that I neglected to *listen* to everything she said :o. But I DID hear that they do a serious screening of the potential adoptive parents - and that they are satisfied that Maddie is in a GOOD home.

The nice thing is that we'll be notified if Maddie has any problems and is returned. Debbie STRESSED that behavior problems (pee, poddy, etc) are NOT reasons 'their' dogs are ever put down. Only severely sick or vicious dogs are euthanized. And she PROMISED that if a problem does develop, either they will re-home her or we'll be notified.
I can't stress enough how impressed I (and Sara, too) was with Debbie's truly Caring Attitude! She's a Good People! :D

Which brings up this subject ~

If anyone would like to help cement our relationship with this Shelter - in Maddie's name - I'm sure monetary donations would help their cause and make some homeless Critters have a better day.

Maddie's was Sheltered at:

South Suburban Humane Society
1103 West End Avenue
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411
phone: 708.755.7387
e-mail = Debbie <[email protected]>

If you can make a small donation, mention Maddie and that you're a Pet Talker on or with your gift.

I've rambled enough...

You ALL did GOOD, Pet Talkers! I'm sure the Head Bunnie is proud of the Whole Gang!

And keep the saddles handy - ya neber know when we might have to mount up the Cavalry and ride out again!

/s/ Phred & the Muttz

Edwina's Secretary
03-15-2002, 02:00 PM
Normally this is where I bow out as I deal with enough confrontation elsewhere. We do not know the issues Auggie and Angel were dealing with -- "walk a mile in my shoes" as they say. I do know the director of the center seemed to be to be very compassionate and cared about Maddie -- and Maddie found a home. I could not be more impressed than with the people here who went to such effort for a dog they had never known. So inspirational. That's why I pitched in.

So let's look at the glass half full. Maddie is home (and if it doesn't work out we'll know -- but it will!!) Auggie and Angel found each other through their passion for animals. Blending families can be very rough. Call me Pollyanna (for those of you who are old enough to know "the Glad Game") but I'm going to wish Auggie and Angel the strength to make things work and the belief that things happen for a reason -- Maddie is going to be blissfully happy in her "only dog" (I think I forgot to mention that in earlier posts) new home!

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 02:04 PM
Here's to Happy Endings!!!

As my signature says "TO ERR IS HUMAN - TO FORGIVE CANINE"

03-15-2002, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
As my signature says "TO ERR IS HUMAN - TO FORGIVE CANINE"

or feline......equine......bovine :confused: :eek: ;) :D

(anymore -ine animals?)

03-15-2002, 02:12 PM
...sublime :rolleyes:

03-15-2002, 02:20 PM
We don't need to close this topic, but we need to let Augie and Angel know that we are sure that they are as glad as we are that Maddie will have a new home. We don't need to know anything else about their personal lives.

Pet Talk is about people, pets and the love they share. As hard as it was for Anegl to give Maddie up, is at least as glad as she must be that she will go to a great home with a person who loooooves her dogs!

Enough said, and no hard feelings, folks.

If anyone else has comments other than about Maddie's new situation, please keep them private, use the email or Private Message feature of Pet Talk please.

Thanks everyone.

03-15-2002, 02:26 PM
You heard the Head Bunny....STOP IT

03-15-2002, 03:45 PM
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today is a sad day. Augie has left Pet Talk.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am closing this thread.
