View Full Version : Kuhio 1985~2002

08-02-2005, 04:54 PM
Kuhio 1985~2002 (Koo-He-Oh)
In honor of Kuhio's third anniversary (August 6), we'd like to take the opportunity to encourage folks to microchip their pets. Even if your pet is an "insider", accidents happen. A door, window or gate left ajar and your baby could be wandering lost.

There are several chips out on the market. Please inquire with your vet to see what they recommend. Then, register your chip# everywhere you can and keep your information up-to-date. You can search the web for registration services. We can'tt begin to tell you how much this has relieved our minds. When you take your pet to the vet for their annual exam, have them scan to make sure the chip is still in place and working.

A couple of registration places that we've found: http://www.24petwatch.com/

If your baby is ever missing, there are several things YOU need to do. You need to be actively searching. A good resource can be found at: http://www.petrescue.com/petlibrary/pet-rescue/how-to-find-a-lost-cat-or-dog/

Had we known this tip in advance, Kuhio's life might have been spared: VISIT your local Animal Control, humane societies, and animal shelters, including the ones in surrounding areas.

You must actually visit the animal control and humane shelters every day or two. It works well if several family members can take turns visiting the shelters.

Your description of your pet and their description rarely match. YOU MUST GO LOOK! Be sure to check all areas of the shelter, including the infirmary. Also be aware that dogs may be housed in the cat section and vice-versa.

Leave a picture of your pet and your phone number at each shelter. Befriend them.

Find out the holding period of each animal control and humane shelter. Be aware of how much time you have to claim your pet before it is euthanized!

Government Animal Control agencies usually keep an animal for only 3 days and then they either adopt it out or kill it. You only get one chance at this. Be there!

If you ever find a lost baby, please do everything possible yourself to reunite it with its family. Animal Control should be the last resort. They don't have the manpower or resources to try to reunite you with your pet. (Silly me, I thought that's what they did). So, you have to do everything possible to increase the odds that your baby will be identified. Vets and shelters scan for microchips and look for tattoos.

Kuhio was put to sleep at our local shelter. The day AFTER we were there looking for her. She was in the shelter because a well-intentioned neighbor though she looked abandoned (she was on medication for a hyperthyroid condition). The shelter personnel directed us to look at the cats in cages in a certain room and when we didn't find her there, had us fill out a lost cat form. It turns out that the personnel directed us to only look in the room where cats are put when they have been cleared for adoption.

By the time we talked to our neighbors and found out she was at the shelter, it was too late. Kuhio had been kept in the clinic/infirmary due to her advanced age and fragile health. The shelter personnel never even told us about this room. (Dear God ~ Did she hear our voices while we were there looking for her? Did she think she had been rescued?) Kuhio was never going to be in the room they had us search because she was never going to be offered for adoption. The shelter personnel never bothered to tell us to search the "found pet forms" and they didn't search their own database. If they had, they surely would have noticed that she was reported found on the same street (only 4 houses away from ours). If we hadn't taken off her collar, she would be alive. If we had known about microchipping at the time, she would have survived. If our neighbors had asked around instead of calling the shelter, she would have survived. If the shelter had bothered to search their own database, she might be with us today.

Please keep Kuhio in mind if your baby is ever missing. Don't rely on the shelter employees to direct you. Tear the place apart. Look in every room of the shelter. And if you are a shelter employee or volunteer, please take the time to help out a distraught pet owner. Kuhio deserved better. They all do.

Princess Kuhio, thank you for 17 years of wonderful, irreplaceable memories. Thank you for visiting us from time-to-time to let us know you continue to be a part of our family. As you know, 3 new babies have entered our lives since you left us. (One from the same shelter that put you to sleep). They are reaping the benefits of all the loving lessons you taught us. We are better people for having known you. Until we are reunited again...

Bob, Lisa, Kuhio
The Artist Peak Trio

UPDATE 8/7/06: Another year has come and gone since Kuhio left us. We speak of her often and still cry every now and then. How lucky we were to have had her for 17 years. We couldn't just sit around and feel sorry for ourselves, so we schedule the annual exam for Halo, Cammie and Pepper to coincide with Kuhio's bridge day. All 3 kitties got a clean bill of health today. All 3 kitties had their microchips scanned to make sure they still work. Dr. Townsend told us that Home Again (microchips) has bought out Avid. So, perhaps some day soon there will be a universal scanner that can read all brands of chips.

Dr. Townsend was pleased with the kitties. Pepper's heart murmur is still the worst he's ever heard. But she is happy and healthy. Halo's fatty liver tumor continues to swell and shrink at will but she is happy and healthy and managed to drop some weight. Cammie was a crabby as ever but very healthy for a Senior Citizen. All kitties behaved. (i.e. Halo didn't pee on anyone). They're not speaking to us right now, but it will only be a matter of time before they forgive us for putting them in the port-o-prison.

Princess Kuhio ~ You will never be forgotten. Thank you for teaching us the proper care of kitties. We love you so.

08-02-2005, 04:59 PM

Me and my girl:

With her Dadcat:

08-02-2005, 09:32 PM
Everytime I hear Kuhio's story it breaks my heart. I just can't imagine. I hope your warnings, advice and suggestions will help save another pet from the same fate.

08-03-2005, 10:18 AM
My heart still aches when I hear Kuhio's story. Thank you for reminding us of what we need to do if we are ever missing one of our own.

08-07-2005, 12:40 AM
Kuhio's story is locked in my memory forever.

I'm glad you were able to love her for the time you did have, many cats never know love. Ever.


08-08-2005, 05:58 PM
:( I am so sorry :( R.I.P. Sweet Kuhio ((hugs))

08-08-2005, 08:12 PM
I'm so sorry you lossed your precious Kuhio in such a tragic way. Kuhio is always with you now and just waiting for you to join her someday. She was so beautiful.

08-07-2006, 02:51 PM
bump ~ added an update for 2006.

08-07-2006, 05:34 PM
That is such a sad story!!! Kuhio was such a good friend. Sleep softly sweet Kuhio...

08-07-2006, 05:50 PM
Kuhio was really impressed with the Tony Romas Power Grill Dinner last night, and she told everyone that when she met with her Guardians, that thats where she would treat them to dinner.
One Fine Day.
Kuhio misses you so much, but knows that theres a time and place for everything.

08-07-2006, 09:14 PM
Although I've never mentioned it before, Kuhio's story did prompt me to get Abby and Becky microchipped. They have never been outside and are afraid of the door. But for the price of two microchips I know that if for any reason they got outside and picked up, I could [hopefully] find them.

Play hard at the rainbow bridge, Kuhio. Your mommy and daddy miss you.

Don Juan's mom
08-08-2006, 01:10 AM
I had Don Juan microchipped after a sad (if less tragic) case in our area involving a dog which had gotten loose and had been taken to the Humane Society. HS adopted the dog out, and would not rescind the adoption after the original owner found the dog there... leading to a lot of controversy and letters to the newspaper. (Eventually the owner did get the dog back.)

Zerlina was microchipped by Hopalong Animal Rescue, where I adopted her (through a Petsmart adoption center).

Please take comfort in knowing that Kuhio had a good long life with you, and that you honor her in caring for the kitties you have now.


08-08-2006, 09:18 AM
I am not sure anyone's story has remained with me like Kuhio's. I often think of her, and you, way down here in the lower 48. You are a brave and strong person to carry this torch, for the benefit of those you have never met. May you, your family and Kuhio be happily reunited when the time is right.


08-08-2006, 01:16 PM
Kuhio's story also touches my heart. That was one of the saddest days on PT. I can only imagine what that day must have been like for you.
Kuhio was so dearly loved and definitely will not be forgotten.

I'm sure that Kuhio is looking down on you with pride knowing that you are helping other's to make sure that something like this never happens to another person's animal.

My heart truly goes out to you.


08-08-2006, 01:48 PM
I'm glad you bumped this up. My dogs are microchipped, but my Butter is not........Mimi wasn't microchipped, either. As close as they stick to home, this is something that is necessary and I will take care of that, right away. I need Butter to be safe for a long, long time. I don't think I could stand to lose another beloved pet now. :(

I'm so glad that microchipping hasn't been a necessary thing for our family, but I do know that I would be so glad to have it if any of our 4 escaped.


08-10-2006, 05:05 PM
Thank you for sharing that story. Being Quite new on Pet Talk I hadn't read it before and had no idea of Kuhios story. It has really made my heart break reading this. Both my cats are microchipped thank goodness.
All cats should be chipped, this is such a tragic story I don't think I will ever forget it.
At least Kuhio was loved and adored during the time she was alive.

Rest in Peace Kuhio, you are and always will be loved.

08-06-2008, 12:40 PM
Happy 6th Bridge Anniversary!

Princess Kuhio ~ Your Dadcat and I hope that your 6th anniversary is a special one and that you have all the cheetos, nachos (jalapeno included, of course) that you could ever want.

We'll continue to tell the story of how we lost you. Hopefully, it has saved a few from your fate.

Whenever we lose a beloved PT pet, I am sure you are there to welcome them. Thank you.

08-06-2008, 01:18 PM
What a heart breaking story!!!:( I was in tears reading it and I don't know how you got through it.
The way you have reached out to people with your suggestions about microchipping and searching for lost pets at shelters is a tribute to Kuhio. She was such a beautiful cat and I'm sure she does visit you and the cats that have been adopted since she went to the Bridge.
My thoughts are with you today. :love:

08-09-2008, 12:23 AM
Even though Joey and Dora dont go anywhere off leash, I will be getting them Microchipped when they get fixed.

Kuhios story is what made me join PT. Her post was my first post ever. Thank you Kuhio for changing my life, and making me join in.

In Loving memory of Kuhio. Rip sweetie.

08-11-2008, 01:35 PM
Kuhio's story is always and has been in my mind for years now.

Kuhio you are dearly missed.

08-11-2008, 05:43 PM
Kuhio was very special and holds a special in my heart and always will. Since I've heard that story, I've encouraged EVERYONE to microchip their pet cuz ya just never know.

Oh Davidp, are you listening????

08-22-2008, 07:11 PM
Thanks Donna ~ That's why we keep telling Kuhio's story.
If we had only known about microchipping.............:(

04-04-2009, 09:03 PM
Kuhios story is what made me join PT. Her post was my first post ever. Thank you Kuhio for changing my life, and making me join in.I didn't realize that!

We'll keep telling what happened. Every now and then we hear a story of a baby saved. Her story is unforgettable. Kuhio is unforgettable.

04-06-2009, 09:07 PM
Yes Lisa, precious Kuhio's story should never be forgotten. If it could help just one person get their kitty back, it would all be well worth it.

Kuhio will definitely never be forgotten and will forever be missed.

R.I.P. dear Kuhio.

I always smile when I see your sweet face in your meowmie's siggy.

04-06-2009, 10:29 PM
Lisa just reading Kuhio's sad story brought tears to my eyes, RIP beautiful Kuhio, you will never be forgotten, and Lisa it was wonderful to see a pic of you, i never had before, you are such a wonderful ,giving person, that is dear to my heart and that of my kitties.

May you find comfort today, remembering all the lovely times you had with Kuhio,HUGS.:love:

04-07-2009, 02:31 PM
The happy part of the story is that Kuhio is a veteran Animal Angel now, and has been helping the New Animals adjust to thier new lives as Angels, and help them adjust to thier new lives.
You certainly will have a lot of Happy Faces greeting you when you arrive at the Rainbow Bridge and Kuhio is there with his Happy Angel Welcoming Commitee just waiting for all his Friends to join them.
One Fine Day.:love:

04-08-2009, 10:03 AM
Sunny was microchipped last Wednesday and I thought of Kuhio as I brought her home from the vet.

RIP Sweet Kuhio and thank you for leaving such a lasting legacy through your mom!

08-06-2011, 12:52 PM
Kitten-Kitty ~ We can't believe it's been nine years. Where has the time gone? Precious girl, you will never be forgotten.

08-06-2011, 01:06 PM
My sympathies to you on this sad anniversary of beloved Kuhio's passing. May you be comforted by your many happy memories. She is with you always and is happy and healthy waiting for that grand reunion.. One Fine Day.


08-07-2011, 01:15 AM
Lisa the pain eases a little but we never forget our precious beloved furbabies, thinking of you today on this sad day, may your heart not be too heavy with sadness, GIANT HUGS.:love::love: