View Full Version : Pictures, of me! (a sort of therapy:D)

08-02-2005, 04:28 PM
I know posting them as a part of therapy sounds strange... well, I suppose it is strange! :D
The thing is I have been really down lately, more than I have been for a long time. I made an appointment with the doctor then cancelled it. I don't want to start taking pills, not yet anyway. Ok, I don't want to bore you all by rambling on too much about it so here are the bare bones about what I am doing and why.
I can't change where I live, my income or improve my health, but what I can do is try to change how I act, look and deal with everything that makes up my life. I am trying to get back to me ... whoops getting too, umm, something, here. :) Anyhow, I've had a haircut and began wearing make-up again, but that's just the surface stuff. I did a couple of drawings (maybe you saw them) and, hard to explain, they took me back to a time and way of looking at things that I'd lost. I plan to do more of that. What else? I don't know, I'm just starting out. :)
Why am I posting my picture(s)? (or to be accurate attaching them. :))
Because I don't want to hide away anymore, because I know I am no longer afraid to be judged by how I look.

So, this is me world! (well, PT world anyway. :D )


p.s. I don't smile for pictures, because whenever I do I just look manic! :)

p.p.s. a second picture will be attached to the next post

08-02-2005, 04:30 PM
second pic :)

08-02-2005, 04:31 PM
You're a very pretty lady, Chris, inside and out! Hopefully you're able to see that soon, but I certainly know how you feel.

I can't tell if you have your hair up or not, but if you do, I think if you grew your hair out a bit you'd be even prettier. :D Just my opinion, I tend to like the long-haired look on most people.

You have really pretty eyes. :)

Killearn Kitties
08-02-2005, 04:39 PM
Well pleased to meet you Chris! I think you look great.
I don't smile well in photos either. I blame my mother, she takes a terrible photo! ;) :D

You sound as if you are taking very positive steps on your own. Very best of luck to you.

We are going to have a fantastic time on your birthday next year! Looking forward to it ...

finn's mom
08-02-2005, 04:52 PM
It's lovely to meet you, Chris. And, don't worry about not smiling in your picture, your eyes smile enough. I'm glad you are taking steps back to you. I'm trying to do the same thing! It's not always easy, is it? I grin like a damn fool in all my pictures, so, I smile enough for you guys that don't. ;) I don't mind looking looney. Thank you for posting your pictures....

PJ's Mom
08-02-2005, 04:53 PM
Awww, Chris,. you're pretty!! :)

I love your kitchen, too! :D

Edwina's Secretary
08-02-2005, 04:59 PM
Isn't it funny when you feel you "know" someone from the written word and then you see them? Chris....you look just as I expected. Of course, Bob (sigh) had told me....in our secret correspondence....don't tell Slick....what a warm and wonderful person you are.

08-02-2005, 05:25 PM
I am honored to meet you. And believe it or not, you fit my mind's eye of how I pictured you too. And even though your mouth is not smiling, I can see in your eyes that you are. I bet one silly word from me and I would have you laughing in no time.


08-02-2005, 05:34 PM
Hi Chrishttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/wave.gif
Nice to finally put a face to the name, although I must say you look just like I pictured you...your BEAUTIFUL!
I agree, you can see a BIG smile in those eyes of yours:)

I'm glad to hear your getting back to yourself, and showing yourself to us:D

08-02-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Of course, Bob (sigh) had told me....in our secret correspondence....don't tell Slick....what a warm and wonderful person you are.
WHAT???? My Bob is corresponding with you??? :eek: :confused: :D Well, I guess I can share. ;)

Sara, you are so right. I've had the priviledge of speaking to her on the telephone many times and I'm proud to count her as one of my Pet Talk friends.

Big {{{hugs}}} coming to you in purrson next year, Chris.
slick xoxoxoxo

08-02-2005, 06:04 PM
It's great to meet you Chris.:D What an incrediblely huge step
to take for personal development.:) It's wonderful to see the
sweet & friendly face that Bob & Ebby see everyday. :D

08-02-2005, 06:24 PM
Like some of the others have said. You look more or less as I had pictured you too. And you certainly have nothing to hide. You are pleasing to the eye.

That said, I completely understand what you are talking about. It's about growing older and some of the changes that come with it that can be a shock to yourself everytime you look in the mirror. *Where did she come from? That's not me .* Okay, I'll quit projecting my own foibles onto you.

But don't go back to the person you were. Recognize how much you've learned about life in the past 20 years. Honor and rejoice in the person you have become. If you were picking a best friend, wouldn't she have your qualities and characteristics? So there. :p

08-02-2005, 06:31 PM
Chris, as Rachel often does, she has expressed what I would say only has done it better! :) I know we have discussed this before but you and I were born in the same year. (Now don't everyone go running to look at our profiles! :p ) I think you look MAHvelous DAHling! We are not getting older but yes we are getting better. Though there may be a few more wrinkles and the occasional gray hair that wants to poke through, I know that I am happier with the me that I am today than I was when I was younger. I think you are starting to feel that way too, and I am glad. :)

As someone else said, it is so nice to see the face that Bob and Ebby get to see every day and it is a pretty one at that! ;)

08-02-2005, 07:25 PM
I think you have a beautiful face. Love the haircut. Really frames your face well. Beauty comes from within and your face shows that you are.

I don't allow many pictures taken of me either. It's not that I don't like my face, because I think I've finally grown into it (if that makes sense). I just think I take terrible pictures.

As for the getting older and things falling apart. My theory "I'm on this side of the sod and things could be a whole lot worse!:

08-02-2005, 07:30 PM
You're very pretty :)

08-02-2005, 07:31 PM
Hi Chris!:) I saw your picture and my first thought was that I would love to sit down in that your kitchen of yours, have some tea of coffee, talk about the magnets on the fridge, pet the furrkids and then talk away! I liked you right away - though I already liked you from your posts:)

PS see the smiling Debbie flashing in my avatar? I had to take about ten pictures until I saw one that did not look false or funny to me - smiling for a camera is sooo hard!!

08-02-2005, 07:38 PM
HANG ON - Slick and Sara ....... BOB corresponds with you too????? :D My heart is broken ..........:p


You look just like I imagined ........ although I did imagine Dark hair, a few spots, a little white ............. OH, hang on ............. I was mixing you, Bob and Ebby up into one ..... :D

You look wonderful, and if us looking at your gorgeous self is going to help you feel good about youself, please, post more!!!!!


Ginger's Mom
08-02-2005, 08:42 PM
Hi Chris, it is so nice to meet you. I agree with those who have said that you look pretty much like they had pictured. And I am also glad to meet Bob and Ebby's mom face to face...well, sort of. Please share as much as like with us here on Pet Talk. :)

Daisy and Delilah
08-02-2005, 10:55 PM
I am also very pleased to meet you Chris. Let me first say that I thought you are my age which is 54. You don't look your age young lady and you are truly a beautiful woman! Living in Wales, I can only imagine that you have a delightful accent too. Did you have long hair before? I think your hair gracefully frames your lovely face and the do is quite stunning on you. I know feeling down seems to be a way of life sometimes at our age. Maybe at any age of course. I seem to do alot of thinking in retrospect and sometimes the results are not pleasant. I sure hope things will begin to look up for you and the medication won't be necessary. Please PM me at any time. We seem to have alot in common. {{{{HUGS}}}}


08-02-2005, 11:04 PM
It's so nice to see you Chris! You look lovely! Now we know what Bob and Ebby get to see every day! :)

08-02-2005, 11:18 PM
So nice to 'see' you, Chris!!! What's funny is, here on PT, we get to know each other through our writings so well, that I never even realized we had never seen a picture of you! LOL! Why is everyone always picking on ME then? He he he! You look lovely, and its so nice to put a face to a name! Thanks for sharing YOU with us today. :D

08-03-2005, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by Rachel

That said, I completely understand what you are talking about. It's about growing older and some of the changes that come with it that can be a shock to yourself everytime you look in the mirror. *Where did she come from? That's not me .* Okay, I'll quite projecting my own foibles onto you.

Rachel I don't think you are projecting- you are saying exactly what I feel:)

Even my 84-year-old mom says that inside she's still 18:D

The good thing at PT is that we all have become friends before we knew how we looked and when we then finally meet the looks no longer play the important role they have in everyday life.

And Chris: you look great:)

08-03-2005, 05:32 PM
Aw, thanks everyone. :) You are all so nice. :)

{{big hugs to all}}


Edwina's Secretary
08-03-2005, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by captain
HANG ON - Slick and Sara ....... BOB corresponds with you too????? :D My heart is broken ..........:p

Alright....I have two questions....just how many of us is Bob stringing along????
:D :D

.....and am I the only one whose mother sneaks into the mirror/photos????

08-03-2005, 11:16 PM
Wow! You are so BEAUTIFUL! Inside, outside, and in between! It is nice to meet you, and I am sure that this wasn't as hard as you thought to post this, was it:);)

The main thing is, don't worry about what other people think, just know that you are beautiful. Everyone blossoms into a wonderful, colorful flower every day!

Once again, I am glad to meet you:)-Steph and Jes

08-04-2005, 12:21 AM
Chris, you look great! I don't see one thing wrong! I like your hair, it fits you. And you know what they say..the eyes are the mirror to the soul. You're a wonderful, sweet person and don't let anyone tell you differently!

08-04-2005, 04:46 AM
HI Chris ~ ~ waves ~ ~ for some weird reason I thought you had dark hair - where did that come from?? Must be old age
:D :D :D

How brave of you - it sounds as if you've been going through a 'dark' time - hope this is the road to recovery. And yes, as well as Pam you share a year of birth with me too - the baby boomers, first time round!!! aarrrggghhhhhh:D :D
Perhaps next year for our BIG one we will actually meet - ah yes things have been said by a certain Ms Slick!!!! I hope it happens - 'cos I think we've got lots to share.

Love Lynne xxxx

Pawsitive Thinking
08-04-2005, 05:34 AM
You look great! Nice to see you

(never smile in pictures either - always look like I've got a fat lip!)

08-04-2005, 07:34 AM
Ok I'm trying to see where Chris is suppose to be, but I can't see around that beautiful woman in those pictures. You look fabulous Chris. You have a very glowing auroa that shows even in your pictures. Now that you've shown up here in PT I hope we get to see you more often.

You are a beautiful woman

08-04-2005, 08:04 AM
Wow, its great to finally put a face to your name. You are one beautiful lady, I really mean that, in all aspects!
I'm glad to hear that you are helping yourself for the better. Keep up the great work.