View Full Version : Sequoia had an upsetting Friday morning

08-02-2005, 02:52 PM
On Friday I got a phone call at work from my mom at home. She asked what the neighbors dog looked like. So I described Pepper...he is rather a strange looking dog...a hound that is brown and black spotted with some white thrown in here and there with a black and white fluffish tail. She said....Well I think Pepper is on our porch and Sequoia is not at all happy about it.

I called the neighbor and John, Pepper's dad wasn't home...he is a truck driver so he keeps very irregular hours. I then tried to phone Cindy, Pepper's mom and her line at work was busy. So I sent her an email since I know she checks her email very very frequently. About 5 minutes later I get a call from her. It seems that they were going to be gone till about 9 pm that evening since her grandmother is ill and John had to work later. So they had put Pepper in the fenced in yard so that he could go to the bathroom and wasn't confined to the house for over 14 hours.

But Pepper doesn't like being outside. Even though he had access to the basement that wasn't good enough so he dug his way out under the fence and went looking for a home to get into. Luckily for him it was our house he came to and not some of the other neighbors with guns and limited mentality. Cindy took her lunch hour to drive home and put him back in the house so for Pepper all turned out ok.

But for SEQUOIA it wasn't a good afternoon! She was NOT a happy camper that this other dog was on HER PORCH!!!!! I could hear her over the phone just barking and howling and making this bizarre yipping/yelping noise with some deep throated noises mixed in. IT was such a weird mix of noise coming from her. When I phoned again about 2 hours later to make sure that all went well I could still hear her fussing even though Pepper had been gone for about an hour. And when we got home she had peed twice and pooped in her kennel once. Now this is a dog that hasn't gone to the bathroom in her outdoor kennel in about 10 months.

When I got home I immediately took her out of the kennel....she bolted for the porch so fast she almost yanked me off my feet and when she hit the end of the leash it snapped her back around. She was just moving so fast and I didn't expect that at all from her. I got her on the porch where she proceeded to practically hyperventilate sniffing every bit of it. I took her comforter that we have over one of the porch chairs and washed it right away so it didn't have any more Pepper smell.

We have noticed that no matter how many times we take her to events where there are other dogs she seems to be getting more and more aggressive towards other dogs.

This Saturday is the first Ice Cream Social for Dogs at our local pet store of this year. We are looking forward to taking her but I have a feeling she isn't going to sit quietly like she did last year.


08-02-2005, 08:12 PM
Oh Sequoia, a case of being so near, yet so far away.:) Pepper
just needed a friend's house to borrow for awhile. :D