View Full Version : CUZ Ball? Pressed Bones?

08-02-2005, 11:07 AM
Ever since Lexi got bloat my mom hasn't let me get anything for Lex toys and bones wise. By my work, there is a little pet grooming parlor so I went over on break and bought a crop for myself as well as a Purple Medium CUZ Ball. What are these like? And bad/good things about it? How durable are they? What do your dogs do with it? Do they like it?

I also picked up a pressed ring and a pressed bone. What are these like? I've heard so many good things about them and I really don't trust Lexi with rawhide and the groomer showed me these. She said dogs like them...what about yours?

Hope you guys can help! ;)

08-02-2005, 11:19 AM
well the cuz does not last long cause tif the dog is a real chewer they fall out

08-02-2005, 11:29 AM
How durable depends on the dog. Gull loves his Cuz and he's an average chewer. He hasn't made a dent in it. It'll probably last forever.

It is awfully loud though. He just walks around continually squeaking it, until it really gets on your nerves. Here's a lil' video to give you somewhat of an idea what you'd be getting yourself into ;) :



08-02-2005, 11:39 AM
Fenway loves his baby Cuz balls. He has a white one, red one and an orange one. He eventually breaks them though so that they no longer squeek (which is a blessing in disguise because they're loud).

finn's mom
08-02-2005, 11:43 AM
Finn killed the squeaker in the cuz toy within about ten or fifteen minutes, if it took that long. I don't remember. Judy (shutterbug0303) gave it to him at the dog park and he had it silent before we left. He chewed the feet off soon after we got home. Crazy. I think if Lexi's a chewer, Kongs are a good toy, because they are virtually indestructable. Finn's killed tires, and, he doesn't destroy the kongs. ;) Good luck!

08-02-2005, 11:51 AM
Yeah as Finn's mum said Kongs are good and what about Nylabones? my dogs love them :)

08-02-2005, 03:11 PM
Well. All we are going to use the Cuz Ball for to fetch and play basically. :) Thanks for the help everybody! Its called BAD CUZ ball and has horns...it was too perfect! ;)

What about the pressed bones?

08-02-2005, 03:18 PM
Well, all that Jesse likes are hambones and rawhides...She also likes ice cream buckets. SO, I am probably of no help to you. I wish you good luck and I hope that whatever you buy Lexi lasts long!

Steph and Jes

08-02-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
How durable depends on the dog. Gull loves his Cuz and he's an average chewer. He hasn't made a dent in it. It'll probably last forever.

It is awfully loud though. He just walks around continually squeaking it, until it really gets on your nerves. Here's a lil' video to give you somewhat of an idea what you'd be getting yourself into ;) :



Love that video. I couldn't hear anything but from the looks of things I may be glad. lol

08-02-2005, 07:20 PM
ParNone, we LOVED the video. I say we because Hannah sat on my lap and watched it with me TWICE. I think she is in the other room writing CUZ on the shopping list right now.

08-02-2005, 07:21 PM
Sadie and Maggie have a bad cuz and they rarely play with it. Neither of them have squeeked it yet. Maggie won't even pick it up. They both prefer fuzzy plush toys.

08-02-2005, 07:39 PM
Bijou loves her Dino Cuz, but she chewed off several of the spikes and both feet as well in the first hour after I brought it home! ;) It still has the squeaker in it, so we do get to enjoy the ever-so-melodic SQUEAKS as background during our favorite television shows as she plays nearby!

She also likes her Kongs and LOVES her Nylabones. If I had to choose a favorite, I'd say she loves her rope toys and her Nylabones equally -- with the Dino Cuz as a close second!

08-02-2005, 08:47 PM
I bought a BAD Cuz recently at a dog show. Catahoulas kill toys on a regular basis so I'm prety sure it won't last long lol. I hear the feet get chewed off easily.

08-02-2005, 09:18 PM
Major has had pressed rawhide once in his life, we got it from the vet. It was a ring, and he loved it SOOOOOO MUCH. They last longer than normal rawhide and I think they're healthier than the regular white stuff.

I'm not sure, but ever since Major got that ring, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for it, but I've never seen it here, only in the PetEdge catalog which I can't order that easily from, and on the internet.

He LOVES it though. I am always on the lookout for it.

08-21-2005, 10:37 AM
Clover and Elvis have had the same bad Cuz for about a month now and it is still completly intact and squeeks, it is only for supervised play and gets put away after they are finished with it. And Mums little Chi has had a little Dino Cuz for longer and he adores it and will just wander around the house squeeking for the sake of squeeking :D.