View Full Version : What is it about Tuesday nights???

02-26-2002, 07:25 PM
About a month ago (I think), I came on and told you folks about the pouring rain and Honey and Lilly barking frantically? Remember that? And how Pianowoman, Maggie, saved me, when I was going nuts?? Honey and Lilly, the "coon dogs" had run a raccoon up a tree in my back yard. Do you remember???? I was wet, muddy, etc and couldn't get them to come inside??

Well, tonight, the frantic barking started again. I recognized it immediately. Of course, again, Helen isn't at home. She is at her choir practice. And I knew the signs, only this time, thank goodness, it isn't pouring down rain outside. I got my flashlight, and immediately went up the same tree with the light, since they had again assumed the "coon dog" position. Front legs on the tree, back legs on the ground. I was just going to say "hi" to Mr. Raccoon. Only this time, it wasn't a raccoon. Its a possum.....

And again, Maggie, my wildlife confidant, was right there for me (thank you, Maggie) on the IM, so I could unload on her! I am much calmer. All cats are inside, the possum is not going anywhere, I promise, and Honey and Lilly are barking their heads off, taking a break, and then starting back up. LOL! What's a mom to do???????

If Maggie quits signing on to the IM on Tuesday nights, I will completely understand!!!

By the way, my girls are inside now. Helen worked her magic, but in the meantime there were TWO possums in the tree!!!! :eek: Honey came to Helen and we clipped her on the leash, Lilly too, and took a quick walk around the block and then inside!!!! I'm exhausted and so are my girls! LOL!! Alls well that ends well, and if they dare to ask to go outside agian tonight.....NO WAY!!!!!!!!

02-27-2002, 10:19 AM
We had a barking fit, albeit a modified one earlier this week. Fortunately mine came in rather quickly. Later on I went outside to shake out a duster or something and I smelled the distinct oder of SKUNK in the air. Whewwww, close call!

Logan, your home is well protected from All Critters Great and Small. :D

ps. I keep forgetting to tell you, I LOVE your new signature.

02-27-2002, 01:14 PM
:D :D :D
We use to have a pet possum, Ophelia!

02-27-2002, 01:19 PM
Rachel we had a skunk visit us in the early morning hours the other day too. It was just before the sun came up and of course Bella ran to the back fence to investigate. He evidently sprayed before she got to him so she was lucky, but the smell lingered for a couple of hours. This happened to my Ashley (RB) and she was sprayed right in the face and couldn't even open her eyes. Is there a season when skunks are more active? Like mating season or something? Is this it? UGH!