View Full Version : Hubby Fit Pitching ;-)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2005, 09:21 AM
In CCL's post about her new little orangie (yes, we all know he's a keeper unless Debbie gets him ;) ) Debbie (sirrahbed) mentioned how Dennis (her hubby) "pitched a fit" at the thought of bringing the cute one home. Then Meg mentioned her hubby pitched a fit when she mentioned adding Vegas to her crew. I was reminded how Terry pitched a fit the few times I discussed bringing a new kitty home.

So lets hear you "Hubby Pitching a Fit" stories. Seems to frequently occur with the mention of adding to our crews.

Mine was yesterday when I told Terry I was taking CJ back to the vet for his diarrhea because I noticed blood. His response "I'm sick and tired of these sick animals. I'm never getting another one!" Then later, when we got back from the vet and I was off to buy a new food to try, he slipped me a $20.00 and told me it was "towards snotty boy's food." ;) :rolleyes: Sure, tough guy, no problem. ;) :p :D

K & L
08-02-2005, 09:28 AM
Well as much as I hate to admit this.....I'm the one that pitches a fit over any thought of a new addition. Keep in mind though, I'm the one vacuuming, cleaning counters, changing bed linens every couple days, cleaning...etc...etc... I'm always putting my foot down and saying NO MORE!:)

08-02-2005, 09:34 AM
Yes Mark pitched a mini-fit last night. We were doing the dishes and he saw Vegas outside by the pool so he yelled out the window "Hi Vegas"....I proceeded to tell him what bad shape he is in. I told him how he has a broken tail, a wound on his back hind quarter and how so very afraid of everything he is.

I proceeded to tell him that he is looking much better from last week and if he continues eating as well as he has been he will be healthy in no time.....that's when Mark asked....."And what do you plan to do with him once he's healthy?"

I told him that seeing as we will have 4 acres at the new house that I thought that would be a great place for him to stay.

And the FIT began. How many cats are you going to rescue. You have 7 already. Do you think we can take every single cat in and feed them. They already cost of thousands of dollars a year and I'm always having to take care of them.

Thus began a little arguement.

I proceeded to tell Mark that I really do almost everything when it comes to the cats and I ask very little of him to do anything with them....unless it is to feed Tucker when he leaves in the morning.

I don't know what will happen with Vegas but if he can calm down and become tame enough I will have him neutered and give him his shots. I don't think I would make him be an inside cat but with the new house he would have more than enough space to be able to come with us and not leave him behind.

So far to date Mark has lost each and every battle when it comes to a stray cat hanging around....and I think he will continue to loose. ;)

08-02-2005, 10:31 AM
A month after Kuhio was put to sleep at the shelter Bobcat (hubby) went to the same shelter and adopted Halo. I was out of town and didn't know anything about it until I got home. He said he got her for ME since I "seemed to feel the need to have a cat around" and because the house was so quiet. Not that he wanted a cat, you understand. He was perfectly happy coming and going as he pleased. Yes indeedee it sure was nice not having a cat around so you could go on vacation anytime you wanted. But, since I needed a cat, Halo came to live at our house.

Several months later, Bobcat decided that Halo was lonely and needed a sister. (Naturally, I didn't object). So, off we went to Adopt-a-Cat where we were chosen by Cammie. (Naturally, she and Halo don't care for each other.)

A year later, I'm volunteering at Adopt-a-Cat. As Bobcat tells it, I dragged him there kicking and screaming to help me fold the laundry. (As I remember it, he volunteered). :p The first time we go, little Pepper leaps into Bob's arms (so he couldn't help me fold laundry, naturally). She promptly fell asleep and purred her little brains out. The next week, Bob is not so relunctant to help so off we go to the shelter. Pepper does her sleeping/purring routine again (and Bob doesn't fold laundry again). :rolleyes: I keep my mouth shut as he asks the other volunteers about Pepper. They explain that she has a severe heart murmur and probably won't have a long life. We leave. I go away for 2 weeks on business.

Guess who is living at my house when I come home? Yep, Miss Pepper Pea Pod Pie has made herself at home. Bobcat says he went there to inquire about fostering (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but decided to adopt her.

But, the kicker is ~ he tells everyone that "Lisa has these three *#)@*&! cats." So, I guess he throws a fit after HE adopts them!

I say a prayer every now and then that some kids show up at our doorstep asking if we want to adopt some kittens. Bobcat is such a softy that I know at least one of them will have a home with us. (Of course, somehow it will be all my fault). :p

08-02-2005, 10:44 AM
Allen... no way, no how was he having a cat. Period. End of discussion. A few hours of me and Ashley whining "please" we went home with a kitten.

Well, with Pouncer, we saw the cutest little kitten at Petco. I called and asked if we could have another kitten. He said NO. We left Petco and went to Target. While in Target, my cell phone rang. It was hubby asking what color his new cat was. My jaw dropped and we ran out of Target and as fast as our legs woud carry us to Petco!

Abby and Harry.... no fit there, just resignation that I was going to have another kitty to the fold. ;)

Currently, he see-saws between "we have 7 cats" to "when will they go out for aoption?" Which isn't too bad. But he DOES pitch a fit about the smell from the chronic diarreah. And today somebody (betting it was Angel) sat on his term paper notes and left a little poopy smear behind :o. We had a fitful moment there.


08-02-2005, 11:01 AM
Well, my stories are all just like everyone elses. It all started with my Maggi Mae, it was May 8th 2004. My husband and I had been married 5 months. My birthday was comming up and I had hinted that I wanted a kitten. Jay ( my husband) told me he would think about it. We went to his family reunion that day, at his sisters house who lives in the country. When we arrived she told me she had tons and tons of baby kittens. I of course had to go kitty hunting. I stepped off of her back porch and there behind the rosebush was three little white kittens. I tried to approach but even at a wee 4 to 5 weeks old they threw a fit. Hissing and slapping and carring on. I sat and watch for a while. Jay came out and decided he would brave the claws so that I could hold the long haired one. He made several attempts and finally pulled out the kitten. I began to play with her, and she loved to follow me through out the yard crying if I went to fast for her little legs to catch up. Jay would yell " slow down your going to fast shes too small to keep up". Well we played with her all day and when it was time to go he brought me a pepsi 12 pack box. I asked what it was for he said its for you to take your birthday present home in. I knew that she was comming to live with me way before that but it was his way of saving face. We had an hours drive home and I knew we had no way to feed her unless I stopped to by the neccessary supplies. So at 3:00 in the am on our way home he found a 24 hour Wal-Mart so we could find cereal, bottles, soap, litter, litter box, toys, canned food, you get the picture. We took our Maggi Mae home and spoiled her rotten for two weeks before discovering that she was a he. Too late to change the name, so we keep calling him Maggi Mae........
Then on May 26th 2004 my neighbors granddaughter came by with something wrapped in her arms. I ask her what she had and she showed me this little black kitten covered in grape bubble gum. OF COURSE Jay had to come see. She was the cutest little thing all covered in gum. They left and Jay turned to me and said " you can't leave her covered in gum, can you get it off?" I said only if I can keep her.........
Well I took her in and pulled out the peanut butter and began to remove the gum. And now you know Jazzi Jaes story as well. Then in June of 2005 Jay was away on business, My mother called and said she had trapped a kitten in her varmit trap. She asked if I would come and get it, keep it til Monday ( this was Sat) then she would call the local rescue and have it picked up. I said sure wink wink. I went and got it took it to the house and had to wear oven mits on both hands to handle this little feral thing. I feed her and loved her. I purred to her and low and behold if she did not win me over. I made congradulations its a girl signs and hung them all over the house for Jay's return home on Monday. Oh how he cursed and carried on.......... SHUT UP!!!!
Well needless to say that is my Stormi SKy's story. Her Daddy picked her up and she flipped upside down dangling from her back legs attacking the other cats from daddy's hand....... She had him right where she wanted him. And he bought it hook line and sinker. He acts tough but deep inside he is just as much a cat man as everyone else. Just don't let on that you know. I would ruin his image.

08-02-2005, 01:51 PM
I guess I should give thanks to God that I have no husband/SO to tell me how many cats I can have! Though, Kuhio's husband sounds just my speed....:D

08-02-2005, 02:30 PM
I wanted a cat from the time my husband and I got married..... My best friend has three.... and I just love them to bits..... My husband's job relocated to TN and I told him I'm not moving unless you get me a kitty.... he threw a fit saying I was being unreasonable. Well we got to TN - I went to Petsmart and adopted Macy. He fell in love with her......

We moved back to PA...... Macy was upset and seemed very lonely... I begged him for another cat, a playmate for Macy.. she was constantly meowing, wasn't sleeping and just seemed unhappy. Hubby refused for a good 3 months - finally I told him I was getting another cat no matter what. I went to the SPCA and Ellie literally jumped into my arms (after only being spayed 2 days before!!!).... she came home with me that day.....

Bagira.. we've had him for 5 days.... he was my husband's boss' cat.... they had to give him up for really stupid reasons and hubby WANTED HIM more than I did.... I'm actually kind of scared of him right now... he's very large, and has a temper.... but it will take some time before he's settled and is up to cuddling and being the lap kitty his previous owners said he is......

My hubby went from a cat hater to a cat lover!!

08-02-2005, 02:38 PM
I have the same story after we got lady (His dog)I had Merlin. No more animals ok 2 cats, 2 dogs and a rabbit no problem.He starts looking for a Bernese mountain dog (lady needs company);) I was going through pet finder (for fun) with my daughter. we pass Dugans picture just as he goes by the computer. Well you know thw rest a 4 hour drive and a over night to Spokane. And we have 3 dogs and the rest. Now with Merlin gone I would really like a dog thats mine a boxer is what I'm thinkiing would do. Hummmmm I wonder how much of a fit pitch would happen? No land lord said only 2 dogs so I have to wait until we are one less. but guess who complains the most about the large rugs in front of the door so you cant get out.?
He never has said anything about the kitties we have gotten, guess hes a cat person I'm learning its hard to go from dogs to indapendant little cusses (cats) . I wouldn't get rid of either of the 2 monsters we have here Winky 15ysrs old and Ebony 4 of course they are my sons Haha guess who cleans and feeds.

08-02-2005, 04:07 PM



08-02-2005, 04:10 PM
When I brought Spook home, John said that we would wait until the shelter opened up on Monday (this was on Saturday night) and then she was out the door.

Monday rolled around and Spook actually cuddled with him that morning and fell asleep next to him...

So much for "We only need ONE cat!" LOL

08-02-2005, 05:42 PM
LOL!!! These stories are so funny!

With the newest "foster" I had hubby pick me up from the shelter. He came in and I said that I had to clean Sunshine's cage and could he hold him for me. I know he's a sucker for kittens! After Sunshine had a moment to purr and I told his sad story I mentioned that I was thinking about bringing him home before he got the nasty URI that was going around.

I looked hubby dead in the eye and said "are you sure you won't have a problem with that? You know how things come into our house and never leave!" He looked at me and said "At this point, what the h*ll is one more!;) :D

Tough guys aren't they?? Whooped by a kitten!!:p :D :D

08-02-2005, 07:40 PM
Stuart is really very good about new additions. He has set "my limit" at 8 cats, which we currently have. However, I only listen because it's also Onyx's limit. Any more than that he pees all over the place. Onyx has litterbox issues to start with so I don't push him too far!

When I decided to adopt Onyx, Stuart was away...for four months straight! I sent him a picture of Onyx and on the back I wrote, "this cat lives here now" and that was it! He was 1000 miles away in the bush, what was he going to do about it!

When I got Dominique, I called him to ask if I could bring this kitten home. At the time I was a child protection social worker and one of the kids I worked with had found Dommers wandering around. Stuart freaked out! I got all testy with him and said "it's just a tiny kitten, what the ()&*(*^(*&^&(^ is your problem?"...and his response was "kitten? Oh, I thought you asked if you could bring a stray kid home. Of course you can have a kitten!" A kitten seemed easy in comparsion to an out of control teenager!

I have found a good sob story and a few well placed tears go a long way. He would have driven back to town himself to get Twicket, just to get me to stop crying!

08-02-2005, 07:49 PM
You guys are hilarious!!! :) I haven't tested my husband on a cat, yet. We have the same two cats that I had before we met. He always tells me I can get another cat if I get rid of Butter. ;) Yeah right! I imagine that when the day comes that we are down to one cat, he will be ok with me getting one more. It's Mimi who won't allow any more and she's right.

At least I broke hubby in on keeping Zipper (Golden Retriever) after telling him we HAD to foster him!!! :) And they were desperate for foster families. I don't think he would be so happy if I offered to foster now, though!! Of course, I must remember we were newlyweds when Zipper came along, too, and he probably would have said yes to anything! LOL!!!

08-03-2005, 05:20 AM
Well, years ago I took Puddin' home to Jeff and our other 2 cats. She was left in a dumpster and one of our bank customers found her and brought her inside. She was a tiny thing, only a month old and her little motor wouldn't stop running....what could he say?

I guess he felt obligated to do the same, because about a year later, he brought Charlie home. Charlie had been living at the tropical fish store, but the owner was selling and didn't want Charlie at his house, so Jeff fell for that story and brought him home.

Then HE felt sorry for Buzzy, who was the only kitten left from a litter, so he came to live with us, too.

He's as guilty as I am!

08-03-2005, 06:00 AM
These stories are a hoot! Chicago Debbie, what a funny idea!!

I don't have any funny stories really but I do know that hubby is now resigned to cats and like CCL's hubby, is a sucker for kittens.

Two years ago, the last of cats in our "geriatric ward" died - this was Missy's RB Ernie. We have always had 2-3 cats in the house. We went to PetsMart to adopt another adult cat as we had never had a kittens! There were these two tiny babies in a cage and so playful and friendly - he kept playing with the little gray furries while I checked out the older cats. He is the one who asked the girl about possibly adopting a kitten but was told that the two had to go together since the brother was so upset when they tried to foster them separately. Adopt TWO kittens? I don't know anything about kittens! Well yes, we came home with little Emily and Eliot - and oh what fun we had.

Well, my heart kitty had been a sweet orangie named Bert. I kept looking at orange cats on petfinder - even though hubby said NO MORE. heehee well I found this gorgeous and rather sad looking boy who lived at a shelter half way to Cincinnati. We went doen to "look" and maybe check out some other kitties. Out came Dylan and I picked him up - and he wound his big ole paws right around my neck:D A HUG!! Just like CCL's Peanut Butter!! I handed Dylan over to Dennis and again, the HUG!! So he says "why don't I just hold him while YOU fill in the paperwork?" That's how we got our sweet Dylan.

Then, kimlovescats had just started her rescue called Cats4Keeps. She posted pictures of pretty Josephine and her seven lil kittens and I so wanted a little tuxie boy that I saw! Dennis loved one of the calico girls. So, no new kitten for us right? Nope we had to get BOTH:D That was when we made our mini PT trip down through Kentucky and Tennessee to meet and visit CCL, jazzcat and kimlovescats! We brought home our babies and now Dennis is the biggest loving catdaddy I could imagine! What a pushover!! But when a kitty adores you like our babies adore Dennis - it is hopeless;) :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-03-2005, 09:09 AM
Great stories everybody! Seems that if I want another kitty I should just "find" a kitten somewhere near home and let Terry think that he's the one to decide it's time for another cat. ;) :D