View Full Version : So heartbreaking :'(

08-01-2005, 10:40 PM
Do any of you ever watch the free news videos on www.cnn.com?

I just watched a video there, titled 'Niger's Smallest Victims'. Its about the famine in Niger, the lack of food, and how children are dying everyday because of that. I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face. NEVER have a seen something SO SAD. It literally pierced my heart. Just looking at those innocent starving faces. I can totally see the pain in the eyes of those children, and just cannot imagine their pain. I keep thinking how restaurants and bakeries in developed parts of the world throw their food away at night because it isn't 'fresh' anymore, while people in other parts of the world don't have a bit of food to feed their children.

I don't know why I am posting this here. I just had to share my feelings with someone, because my heart is hurting so much after seeing that. That video would bring out the emotions of anyone who has even a bit of softness in their heart. Gosh, those poor, poor children. :( I wish I could feed them with my own hands. :( Its amazing and such a shame how we all tend to complain about the most minor, insignificant things, while forgetting the blessings we have in our lives.

If anyone wants to watch it, go to www.cnn.com, and under 'Watch Free Video', click on 'Niger's smallest Victims'. If it isn't in the front anymore, you can probably find it by clicking on Browse/Search.

'sigh' My heart hurts so badly for those people. No food to eat. That is just unimaginable. :(

08-01-2005, 11:03 PM
i know,its just heartbreaking:( I cant watch those videos,i start crying everytime i see something like that.It's hard to think that we have so much wasted food that just gets thrown out,while these people have nothing...
One of of holidays that i would love to go on is to go to Africa.

08-02-2005, 01:03 AM
thats sad :(

08-02-2005, 03:01 AM
It's so very sad. And what I cannot understand is that right now, every magazine or TV station gives information about Niger (here too) and never did before and I am afraid in some months it will be gone again and we will not get any information.

And there is Ethiopia and Eritrea and Sudan as well..........:(

08-02-2005, 12:30 PM
We've been shown the pictures on TV here for about 2 weeks now and today an appeal was launched (at last).

It's the old trouble though - getting the supplies through to the poor people who need them - without huge amounts being skimmed off for the bureaucrats.

Even so I've phoned through my donation and hope to God some of these people live through this horrendous time. Reminds me very much of Ethopia - all those years ago when Bob Geldoff organised Band Aid.

Thanks for starting this thread PCB - I hope more and more people become aware of what is going on there.


08-02-2005, 12:46 PM
Yes PCB, it's really really sad!! The TV stations seem to focus on only one place, while the rest are starving. :( And when the aid is finally getting there, the more "well off" people are stealing it. :( Wouldn't it be nice to be able to give them the food they need in person! I'm happy to say we could give things they needed in Dominican Republic - and John in Haiti. I was too much of a wimp to go there. :(

08-02-2005, 01:34 PM
Sometimes I think we'd rather turn a blind eye to that kind of tragic suffering, but if we can do nothing else, we should see what they are going through, offer our prayers for them every day... such suffering as we cannot begin to imagine. I too remember vividly watching on TV the Ethiopian children when I was younger, and those images have stayed with me and always will. "Sad" does not begin to describe it.. It is indeed beyond heartbreaking, and something we should always remember.

08-02-2005, 02:04 PM
That is so sad. There are so many places out there in the same boat.

Over the weekend my mother bought a shirt ONLY because it is made in Lesotho. My mom won't wear it, we both think it is kind of ugly but I'm gonna wear it just for that fact!

I would love so much to be go over there & help those people in person. I've also always wanted to send money &/or goods but the fact that most of it gets stolen or used for other purposes before it gets there makes me not do it. It really irks me... big time!