View Full Version : Robbie is hurt - help please?? :(

08-01-2005, 10:22 PM
Robbie and Lizzie were running and wrestling on the bed and I heard Robbie let out a horrible scream as he appeared to hit the footboard and then hit the floor. He lay for a moment and then hopped a few feet, lay down rolling and crying:( He tried to get up several times but his back leg just hung there and he cried more. This was about 15-20 minutes ago. I called our vet but no answer and another number for an emergency vet service but it is at least 45 minutes away! The lady who answered suggested we contain him to a cage or carrier and call our regular vet back in the morning. In the last few minutes he has begun walking on it again but limping. No more crying. He even jumped on top of the port-a-prison we got out, and back dow. He walked over to eat some food, get a drink and now hopped up to his favorite chair and is laying on the hurt side. Does this sound at all like a broken leg?? A dislocated hip?? He looks symetrical though limping:(

Oh that horrible cry of pain and then the rolling in pain was awful!

I am thinking of putting him and sister Lizzie in a small bathroom for the night with their sucky bed. I always hear cats are so good at hiding pain...why then did he cry so pitifully when he first hurt it and right after??

Can someone tell me if they had a cat break anything and what it was like? He will not let me touch it - I had hoped to feel for anything poking out but I do not see anything :( Would he walk on a broken leg or hip??
:( :(

08-01-2005, 10:38 PM
I'm no help .... but OW! Poor Robbie! Perhaps he pulled a muscle or twisted something. I know cats are great at hiding pain, but if it was broken he wouldn't be walking on it and it would probably swell. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

08-01-2005, 10:42 PM
Oh Poor Robbie. I know what you mean about the screaming as Poppy screamed like that when Katie had her claw stuck in his eyelid.

Since I've never had a cat with anything broken Debbie, I can't really say if it is or not. Remember when Poppy fell and I thought he broke his back as he was only able to hobble 2 steps and then fall down.
Well, since it was late at night, we just let him be and as time went on he got better. Mind you he was still limping but not as much. Since he was still limping the next day, but not as much, I still brought him to the vet to make sure he was okay. He had sprained his leg.

So all I can say is, since he is walking on it and jumping up on things, I would just leave him be and see how he is in the morning. You will know if Robbie should be seen by the vet or not.

Poor you. Doesn't that scream just stick in your head.


08-01-2005, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Doesn't that scream just stick in your head.

YES! But he already seems to be doing so much better. I have seen him sit, crouch and he also let me feel both of his hips and legs gently and jumped away at one spot - he he IS walking on it and the limp is not as bad. Thank you SOOO much for the hugs - and you are sure right that hearing the ecream is still in my head. Thank God I think he is OK. Dennis and I sat and watched him for about a half hour and he seems much better. I think we will head for bed and decide what to do in the morning. Oh my gosh - I can't believe how that scared us!:eek:

All four of the other cats have not left our side or his this whole time! Everyone just seemed to know he was hurt and scared as well as Dennis and I! Isn't that something?

RedHedd - yes about putting weight on it - I found two websites that said just what you told me about that. Thank you so much!

08-01-2005, 10:59 PM
Oh Debbie, I'm glad to hear that he is doing much better. It is so much more scary when they scream like that.

Gentle hugs and kisses for Robbie and more ((((((HUGS)))))) for you and Dennis.

08-02-2005, 12:27 AM
How is Robbie doing? Isn't funny how they all knew something wasnot right and stayed closed by in case they were need to help. Sound like he may be doing better. Keep a close eye on him. Maybe you can call the vet in the morning and just let them know what happen and see what they say. If he is up and walking and jumping I don't think it is broke. It would be awful pain to walk and jump if it is broke don't you think. Keep me posted
Love ya Sis

08-02-2005, 02:53 AM
I am so sorry about Robbie. I never experienced something like that but I hope very much he will be better this morning. If I'd see anything like limping or not using the leg properly I would take him to the vet anyway- but it looked as if he was already on the mend.

08-02-2005, 05:20 AM
Poor Robbie. I cant help you on broken bones or sprains.

Oh I know that scream noise. Poor Cindy yesterday morning got her tail in the way a drawer closing (the dresser I use as an island) in the kitchen. I closed the drawer and turned to the sink, thats when the screaming started. I jumped a mile, open the drawer, grabbed Cindy, kissed the boo boo. Thankfully no damage.

Lightning SuperCat
08-02-2005, 05:34 AM
Lots of (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))! Lightning got his leg stuck in a chair once, but he didn't break anything. If he ever falls, we check and feel around if he broke anything. I hope Robbie's all right. Sending lots of prayers and more ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

08-02-2005, 08:01 AM
Robbie is 100% normal this morning - not even limping!:D
That scream and then the rolling on the floor crying just broke my heart and scared me so much last night - and was in my dreams too - but no damage!! I did fall asleep with him cuddled next to my waist. Thank God he is just fine - thank you all for reading and giving me help!!

K & L
08-02-2005, 08:03 AM
Oh that's good news Debbie! I just saw this post.

08-02-2005, 08:08 AM
Oh Debbie -- I somehow completely missed this! I am SO glad to hear he's normal. That would have completely freaked me out.

{{hugs}} to meowmie, genlte kisses to Robbie.

Laura's Babies
08-02-2005, 08:35 AM
What these babies put us Meowmies through!! I would have paniced and been walking the floor until I found a vet that could have seen him RIGHT NOW!!!

I am so glad he seems to be alright now..

08-02-2005, 08:53 AM
Glad to read he is doing ok this morning.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2005, 09:13 AM
Oh my, what a scare! :eek:

At first I didn't realize this was posted last night. I was going to suggest caging him until you could get him in to the vet in the morning, but whew, thank goodness that's not necessary.

I'm so glad he's better already - whew!

Reminds me of when my brothers and I were rough housing and my mom would always say "Stop it or someone is going to get hurt!" ;)

08-02-2005, 09:58 AM
I'm so glad Robbie is ok!! How scary to have that happen and to watch it!!

08-02-2005, 10:14 AM
Happy dance Happy dance. Roobies feeling better

08-02-2005, 10:14 AM
Debbie ~ I just saw this. I'm so glad it was nothing serious (nothing that a night of cuddling couldn't fix, anyway). :D

08-02-2005, 03:07 PM
I too just saw this thread since my home computer isn't working to well so I have to wait till I have time at work. But anyway...

Katiebug did the exact same thing one time. She and Brianna were playing really hard on the cat tree and Katie jumped from the top..she hit the floor and let out this horrible blood curdling scream...came hobbling over to my feet and rollled back and forth on the floor growling and screaming. I too thought the same thing...but I couldn't touch her for about 5 minutes or so..they felt like an eternity. Once I was able to touch her without her screaming more I carefully put her in a carrier to take her to the vets. I kept getting ready for work and watching her. She seemed to be fine after about 30 minutes or so. I checked her leg and it seemed to be fine. I let her out and she went back to chasing Brianna!!!!!!!!

I phoned my vet later in the morning and she said that cats have this nerve that they hit sometimes when jumping and playing hard. It is sort of like hitting your funny bone which isn't funny at all. Some cats are just way more dramatic about it than others. I guess you and I have the drama queens huh???

Glad your baby is fine.


08-02-2005, 03:35 PM


08-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Oh, I just saw this. Poor Robbie! I am glad he is feeling better and back to normal. Fluffy pulled a muscle one time and it took about 24 hours then she was fine, but it was scary.

08-02-2005, 03:47 PM
I just saw this and I am very glad Robbie boy is doing much better! He probibly gave himself a shock, and a good bruise to boot! Remus and Spook were wrestling on the edge of the bathroom counter not too long ago and poor Remus slipped and fell headfirst into the litterbox lol. I was pretty scared myself, as he seemed wobily for a while but after a couple of hours he was back to his normal bouncy self.

The things cats will do to us ;). Maybe uncle Dylan should be keeping a better eye on those two youngins!!