View Full Version : Dog Intelligence

02-26-2002, 03:18 PM
I thought that I would share this one :)

I took a pringles can and squeezed it to get the top to blow off.

My puppy looked very interested so I let her try it.

Instead of biting, squeezing or mauling the can she very delicately peeled off the top and looked inside.
I was floored.

After tons of praise I put a treat inside and replaced the top. She again carefully peeled it off then paraded around. It took her a few minutes to get it out as it kept catching on the rim. Again more praise.

I tried it again the next day, she peeled off the top and tilted the can, out comes the treat in less than 5 seconds. Amazing!

I had figured that she would shake it to death like she does her ball :)
Needless to say I am really proud of my yellow lab girl :)

My question to you is, do you know of other “doggy” puzzles that I can leave around the house for her to work her mind on?


02-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Wow, that sounds pretty clever of her! To have seen only once how the top comes off, and then to take it off herself, is darn quick-witted. You definitely should try other mind games with her...

One thing our Aussie Eli loves to do is play hide-and-seek. For a quick game when I'm too tired to run around the house or yard, I take a favorite small toy of his, sit on the floor near the sofa, and hide the toy (under the pillow or sofa,in my pocket, over the back of the couch....). He'll look, find, and give it back to me for 30 minutes or more! When you want to make it more challenging, put your pup in a sit-stay in one room and then run through the house, drop the toy somewhere, go back to her, and send her off to find it. Doing the same thing outside is even more challenging! I'm always amazed by how good Eli's memory is and how inventive he can be about finding places to look for the toy. :D

02-26-2002, 03:50 PM
HB! You labbie girl is so smart!!! My Lilly would have ripped the can in half, just smelling the remains of Pringles or a treat!! :D

02-26-2002, 06:37 PM
Unfortunatly this idea is little more expensive, but there is a dog toy, called "Buster Cube" You put treats inside of it, set it the difficulty level and let your dog push it around. Sometimes a treat comes out, sometimes not. The dogs love to chase it anound until they are sure all the treats are out. The cubes comes in different sizes and ranges from about $10-$20.

Another fun thing we having being doing with our dogs, is teaching them to jump through hula-hoops. The training facilty we use has a "fun and games night" and often they use agility equipment for this. Both Sadie and CIncy seemed most hesitant about the tire jump, so I got the hula hoops to help them get over it and they are doing much better. The downside to this can be it is easier, (esp. starting out) with at least two people.

One last thing I have done is got a training book of tricks. Since Ralp and I taught Sadie most the tricks we could think, it gave us some new ideas of fun things to do.

Good luck with your puupy and have fun!!!

02-26-2002, 07:38 PM
This is Hannah's fave subject ..lol..

I'll give you some doggie thinkers.

This one I regret teaching but at the time she needed to know it (to help my father after sergury) you tie a old dish towel to the handle of the fridge (maybe a door would be better) and teach her how to open it.

Hannah has one of those toy boxes where they lid flips up, she will open it with her nose put the toy away or take the toy out and then close the lid with her paw. She also doea this with the mail and the mail box.

This ones a good one she closes the lid of the toilet seat, that has to be my fave.

Hannah's fave is just playing find the treat, I'll tell her to sit and stay and hide her fave treats around the house and she will go looking for them.

Lots and lots of cool things you can teach your dog.

02-27-2002, 11:44 AM
that's too cute! be on the lookout for pet tricks contests - sounds like you have a winner.

C.C.'s Mom
02-28-2002, 04:09 AM
Cookie isn't the brightest Golden on earth. We love her anyways :)