View Full Version : Court case today

08-01-2005, 11:46 AM
Last year, there was a fight between two girls at hubby's school. He and another teacher stepped in to break up the fight. Both teachers got hit in the process. The most appalling aspect of the whole fight was that the mother of one of those girls was standing on the side URGING HER DAUGHTER to fight!

The school dealt with the daughter by suspending her and now they are prosecuting mom for a slew of complaints. Hubby is going to court today to testify against the mom and hopefully she'll learn a lesson that she can't encourage fighting. I hate to hope mom does jail time, but maybe the daughter will see that actions have repercussions and never fight again.

I'll let you know what happens when he returns.

08-01-2005, 11:51 AM
How sad! It's one thing to encourage your child to stand up for themselves, and quite another to stand on the sidelines and encourage the fight! :(

I too hope the mom is punished so that hopefully she and her daughter will learn a lesson.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Frightening isn't it? She would probably be turned down for adopting one of our four legged friends.......

08-01-2005, 01:39 PM
That is really sad. Why would you want to encourage that??

08-01-2005, 02:29 PM
Well, he's baaackkk. They only gave her probabtion for aggravated assult. Or something like that. I'm so bad with the terminology! :D :p At least they didn't drop the charges.

08-01-2005, 02:43 PM
At least she got probation...a small punishment but a punishment still. Now, the police will be keeping an eye on her...and hopefully her kid too. I don't know what the laws and such are where you are, but if a person gets any type of assult charges on the record here they are watched very closely and another assult conviction (or any conviction really) means that they go to jail for quite a long time.

The downer (here at least) is that it is very hard to get a conviction of assult.

08-01-2005, 06:32 PM
the mother of one of those girls was standing on the side URGING HER DAUGHTER to fight!

Sounds like a candidate for Mother of the Year...NOT!!!

08-01-2005, 11:28 PM
When I was in school, I wouldn't DARE to talk back or do anything wrong. One call from a teacher and my folks were THERE! We were taught respect. What a hard job teachers have today. No wonder kids don't learn. The teachers are too busy breaking up flights, being disciplinarians etc. I blame the parents, obviously. Good manners begin at home. Obviously, not in this case. Talk about role models..jeesh.