View Full Version : Hi guys, can you plz help???

08-01-2005, 02:10 AM
Hi guys, there are alot of people in the world who dont really take notice of dogs feel, but i say they have feelings just like us too, and that they can get lonely..
And there is a problem, while we are at school, my pup is with my mum, but now she is going to start her new job from 8 o'clock to 5!!!!!And my pup will have to stay all alone until we come home from school.:( and i am afraid that he is going to get really lonely. What do you guys suggest we should do??? I really dont want to give him away because of this. Do all your dogs have company all the time?? Please help.
thank you for taking the time to read this.

08-01-2005, 02:34 AM
We use to turn the tv on for our pets. I still turn on the tv for my fish. They can get bored very easly & get into trouble, like destroying their bubbler & filters (I have very smart foot long fish, I gotta please them).

I find with the tv on, it creats noise & human voices. I usually leave it on the cartoon network, because alot of the cartoons have flashy colours & that gets the fish(s) attention.

08-01-2005, 02:43 AM
Thanks for the advice, but my pup has to stay outside when we are not home or else he will chew everything up!!!!:D

08-01-2005, 04:04 AM
:D Your dog will do fine.

since you keep him outside while your not home,, theres no worries about potty breaks.

lots of people work and leave their dogs alone till they get home. they do fine. :D
provided you give lots attenion when you are home though

Pawsitive Thinking
08-01-2005, 04:09 AM
We had a similar problem when Tobey joined us as there were times when my daugher was at school and both my husband and I were at work.

Because Tobey had already damaged the carpet in our hallway we let him and the cat (who was only a month older) have the run of this area, the staircase and a spare room upstairs where we put litter trays, puppy pads and a big comfy basket. We also left the radio on for them.

I was lucky to be able to go home at lunch to check on them and 9 times out of 10 Tobey was curled up in the basket with the cat! You will find as your pup grows that he will spend much of the day asleep if he is on his own and although this isn't ideal for him I am sure he will get more than enough love and attention from you when you get home!

I notice you said your pup has to stay outside - is there no place in the house that he could have as "his own" that can be redecorated when he is out of his chew everything up stage?

08-01-2005, 04:30 AM
Do you keep him on a chain or dog run,, or is your yard fenced in?

just wondering.. because weird things can happen when your not there to supervise. like the dogs chain getting wrapped around the dogs leg or neck,, can be a very bad...

with a fenced in yard you dont have too much to worry about. :D

08-01-2005, 04:51 AM
He is most definitaly not chained, our backyard is fenced, He has a kennel and a large shaded area. There is no place in the house that is not used up.He does come inside but only when he can be supervised, although he is moulding at the moment.
(he also pulled all the branches of the big trees outside in the garden!!)

Thank you guys very much for you replies, now i am reassured that he will do fine.:) :) :) :) :) :)

Pawsitive Thinking
08-01-2005, 05:03 AM
The most obvious thing here is that you care about your dog's wellbeing so he is not going to suffer at all. He will adjust to the new routine very quickly (will he have toys to play with outside?) and be there to leap on you when you get home!