View Full Version : a foreboding sky and some pretty flowers

finn's mom
07-31-2005, 10:57 PM
I've been seeing a lot of skies like this lately. There were more cars on the side of the road than were driving on the highway the other day because the storm was so bad. But, that was all right, it gave me some free time to catch up on reading. ;)

This was from last night....


and, I'm pretty sure these are morning glories. i'm no botanist, though, so, I may be wrong. They're pretty, though...and, I love the little heart-shaped leaves. These are growing along the fence that separates the condo community from a wooded area.




Nothing fancy, just wanted to post some pretty stuff, as it's been kindof an ugly evening. Too much drama. I hope someone enjoys the pictures, but, it helped me pass a little time, so, it was worth it. ;) Hope you all have a good night.....and, a great week!

Daisy and Delilah
07-31-2005, 11:15 PM
Kari, you're right. Those are morning glories. Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.:)


finn's mom
07-31-2005, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the verification and the compliment, Terry! :) I'm glad I got that right, as it's my birth flower, I think. ;) I had a kid's book that was personalized with my name and birthday and stuff....and, it said morning glory was september's birth flower......

08-01-2005, 07:30 AM
Oh yes, definitely morning glories. Such pretty flowers. My Mom used to plant morning glories along our fence every year, and when I see them I always think back to those Ozarks mornings with the morning glories blooming before the heat settles in. The sky one is neat too, I love that kind of thing. I know how hard it is to truly capture how magnificent it is in person though, there's no way to really. Enjoyed the pics though, and hope you are feeling better today :).

08-01-2005, 09:48 AM
It's amazing what different things the sky does. Cool picture. The flowers are very pretty. Hope you are feeling better Kari. Drama sucks it's no fun thats for sure.

finn's mom
08-01-2005, 09:52 AM
Hey, thanks you guys. It's not so much drama for me, just around me. ;) Ha ha, I've weeded out all the negative people in my life and am much better off for it. But, it's still crappy when people around you try to throw some crap your way. I'm also just having a hard time with the job front, but, I'm figuring things out. Slowly but surely.

08-01-2005, 09:56 AM
Scary but beautiful clouds!!

My mom also had morning glories:) They would close up in the sunshine as I recall. She also had a similar flower - purple - that would open in the evening. Five O'clocks or something like that?? I will have to look it up. Pretty pictures though - thanks!

edit: so my memory is not that bad! They are called
Four O'Clocks (http://www.plantanswers.com/four_clock.htm) and open only in evening - common to Texas where mom lived and they look similar to Morning Glories


finn's mom
08-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Those 4 o'clocks are pretty!