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View Full Version : Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0

07-31-2005, 09:45 PM
I need to know how to figure things out around on this! LOL! So, from the things listed, if anybody could help me on ANYTHING, please do! :p

-The background eraser, not as good as PSP, and it takes away half of the ear on a dog when I do it. Tips on how to work it?

-Adding a photo to a siggy? It won't let me copy and paste the picture. So how else do I do it?

-Making a picture transparent. I can't figure it out.

-Adding effects and such, like what Devon does to her siggys.

-Avatars and blinkies.....how exactly do I do these?

-Anything else that you think will help!

Thanks everybody!

08-01-2005, 02:52 AM
For the eraser, I believe you have to check what brush you are on. Some of them "fade" so it takes other things off as well.

I always clone stamp the picture on and then erase it using the "art history brush", but I think the normal eraser tool works fine as well.

For transparent, I usually use the "Opacity". I think there may be another, better way, but I can't remember.

For "Effects" I always right click on the layer and go to "Blending Options". I hope this is what you are talking about.

Other than that I'm not sure. I'm talking from experience on "Adobe Photoshop 7.0" though, not Elements. I would imagine the tools would be much the same though. Good luck!