View Full Version : Tidy Cat Small Spaces

07-31-2005, 07:24 PM
Ok I found this stuff at the grocery store of all places and soooo far I really like it.
It *does* have a fresh smell to it but the kitties don't seem to be bothered by it.

I changed the whole box on Friday and scooped today. (bad mom I know) and it wasn't even starting to smell and the clumps were really hard and the poop was hard and dehydrated. It cleaned up really easy.
This is by far the BEST Tidy Cat I have used so far.

07-31-2005, 07:34 PM
Sounds awesome! I've never been a fan of Tidy Cat - but you can bet I'll be trying this out! I'm having serous odor issues right now, and with my allergies to perfumes, the typical scented ones overpower my sinuses.

Thanks for the tip!

07-31-2005, 07:36 PM
I saw that at the store just today! Didn't buy it, he he he....but, I saw it.

07-31-2005, 11:20 PM
couldn't find it at walmart this evening - went to Meijer and found it!!! $2 cheaper then the grocery store (imagine that) so I bought 2 - 20lb containers.
Warning Kim - buy the small container b/c if you have allergies to perfume - this just might send you over the edge. It DOES have a fresh scent to it...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2005, 09:57 AM
I'm definitely going to have to check this out for in the motorhome. I also moved one of the litter boxes up into the guest bathroom for Peanut, so it will probably be quite helpful there too. Thanks for the tip, Staci! :)

08-02-2005, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the info, always looking for better litter box control!;)

08-02-2005, 11:25 AM
I use Tidy Cat, so I'll keep my eye out for this next time I got get litter. I think covered litterboxes would count as small spaces, don't you?


08-02-2005, 11:32 AM
I ave been using it since we moved and the kitties can't go out due to the traffic here. I love it and Mr Winky who hates boxes uses it as its more like sand (my old garden was mostly sand) We love the stuff.

08-02-2005, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Warning Kim - buy the small container b/c if you have allergies to perfume - this just might send you over the edge. It DOES have a fresh scent to it...

Just a thought.
BEFORE you buy it Kim - take the lid off and smell it and see if it will bother you.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2005, 10:31 AM
Been meaning to post this, but I keep forgetting.

I bought some of this last Saturday and immediately poured it into the box that I've brought upstairs in the bathroom so Peanut doesn't have to run all the way to the basement.

What a difference!!! This stuff is great! It does have a slight citrusy smell, but I really only noticed it when I was pouring it into the box. I was using PetSmart's Sophisticat unscented because I can't stand heavy perfumey smells and most scented litters are that way. Even after scooping the litter seemed to always have just a sour type odor to it. But not anymore! It clumps well but the tracking it all over the house is about the same, and I really don't know if there's a way to get away from that.

Anyway, just wanted to through in my endorsement of this. I will definitely be using it in the bathroom from now on, along with in the motorhome. The Sophisticat stuff is still good enough for the basement since that is a big open space and the sour smell dissipates easier, but I love this Small Spaces stuff! :D

08-11-2005, 10:36 AM

08-11-2005, 10:49 AM
Thanks Staci - I will definitely look for this TidyCat Small Spaces at the grocery store. (my boxes are all in the laundry room which is straight ahead from our main entrance!!) I have used Fresh Step for years and love it, but am always on the lookout for new and possibly better litters! :D

I will post my comparison report once I try it!

08-11-2005, 10:52 AM
I bought it last week and just this morning put it in the box thats under my desk.... wow what a difference! I'm ashamed to admit I had an odor issue for the whole summer... and now its gone.

Now my only problem is "do I love it enough to justify the 3 times cost differential?" :p I get 50 pounds of clumping litter for $7 from the rescue. I paid $8 for the little 20 pound jug of Tidy Cats.

08-11-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
I bought it last week and just this morning put it in the box thats under my desk.... wow what a difference! I'm ashamed to admit I had an odor issue for the whole summer... and now its gone.

Now my only problem is "do I love it enough to justify the 3 times cost differential?" :p I get 50 pounds of clumping litter for $7 from the rescue. I paid $8 for the little 20 pound jug of Tidy Cats.


hadn't thought of that!!!
did the smell bother you?

Lightning SuperCat
08-11-2005, 11:52 AM
I'll look for this-they usally have Tidy Cats 10 for $10 at Wies where we live, so I'll see if they have that on sale.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
Now my only problem is "do I love it enough to justify the 3 times cost differential?" :p I get 50 pounds of clumping litter for $7 from the rescue. I paid $8 for the little 20 pound jug of Tidy Cats.

Kim, that's why I'm only going to use it in the "small space" litter boxes. Why not just use it under your desk and use the shelter litter in the other boxes? That would cut way down on the cost.

08-11-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
did the smell bother you?
Nope, it smells great. Only problem is that its a citrus smell (at least thats how I think of the smell... light and citrusy). Harry was not too thrilled with it, but DID eventually use it. You should have seen him... in the box, out of the box. Sniff the box. Walk away, go back, in and out, sniff. :rolleyes: It was a 20 minute dance he did til he approved the box. So I'd think some of the more "sensitive" cats might not use it because of the citrus smell. I wonder WHY they used citrus when its a known scent that cats dislike. :confused:

Debbie, I think I will use the litter in two of the boxes - both are in my office (under the desk and in my closet) the other 4 boxes will still contain regular litter. The ones in my office are the most used and the ones that have had the odor issues all summer. Lucky me, I get to spend the majority of my time exactly where the majority of the problem exists.

08-11-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I wonder WHY they used citrus when its a known scent that cats dislike. :confused:

I thought the same thing!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2005, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I wonder WHY they used citrus when its a known scent that cats dislike. :confused:

I never thought about that! Does make sense, but I think maybe they created it for our noses, not kitty noses. After all, it's our hard earned money that pays for it. ;)

CJ did a modified version of Harry's box dance too. The first time he sniffed it, he walked away. Then he must have realized he had to go worse than he thought and he didn't want to go all the way to the basement so he came back, sniffed again, ever so ginegerly put a front paw in, as soon as the paw touched he flicked it, scattering litter everywhere :rolleyes: then put his paw down and ever so gingerly put the other paw in. It probably took him 5 minutes to get in the box, but then he was done and out in a flash - before all the evil litter monsters could get him I suppose. :rolleyes: ;) :D

Peanut? She just runs right in, squats, does her business then runs right out. She's just too funny these days. :D

08-11-2005, 04:28 PM
I was using Tidy Cats and didn't care too much for it so I tried several other brands and ended up liking Arm and Hammer with baking soda for multiple cats. It clumps good and keeps the smell gone. Being pregnant I leave the cat box cleaning up to my 7 yr old son and he hates doing it so it is like a day and a half or two days before it gets cleaned and I have never smelled my cats.

08-11-2005, 05:47 PM


08-12-2005, 07:10 PM
I emailed Tidy Cats today and asked why they'd use a citrus scent, and this is the response:

Thank you for contacting Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.

We appreciate your contacting us, and expressing your feelings. Please know
that they are important to us. We would like to assure you that your
comments will be noted, and reported to the appropriate individuals in our
Company. We feel certain that careful consideration will be given to them
and any others we might receive.

Additionally, please know that the fragrance in the Tidy Cats Scoop(r) Small
Spaces(tm) is a cucumber melon fragrance.

We are most anxious to restore your confidence in our products. Thus, we are
mailing a complimentary coupon for your use. Also, to help make up for some
of your inconvenience, we are including several high value discount coupons
we hope you'll use the next time you purchase Nestlé Purina PetCare Company

Again, thank you for visiting our web site.

~~~I weigh 100 pounds and am a super model if that smells like cucumber mellon. I tell ya - Its citrus!

Laura's Babies
08-12-2005, 09:26 PM
Rie bought some of this today... Give her time to give it a try and I'll ask what she thinks about it..

Lightning SuperCat
08-13-2005, 06:19 AM
I tried several other brands and ended up liking Arm and Hammer with baking soda for multiple cats.
That is the stuff we use. We never get any smell at all!

08-13-2005, 03:44 PM
I think I may have to try this. I currently use Ever Clean. I like it but the scented kind is a little too perfumy for me and the unscented doesn't help odors well. I've been mixing the two together but the scented smell is still over powering at times.

Since I'll have 5 cats soon and I only have 4 litter boxes set up, I think I'll get a 5th litter box and try Tidy Cat Small Spaces to see if it'll work for both me and my cats. I'll let you know how it works but it may be a few weeks before I respond.:)

08-21-2005, 02:42 AM
Hi, I just wanted to update you about this product. I bought a 20lb jug at the grocery store for $10.99 to try it. Sunny seemed to be the only one that would use it but I love it.:) The fragrance they use isn't overpowering and it also seems almost dust free. It also clumps very well too.:)

After about a week, Storm is now using it too and seems to like it. I was at Walmart today and bought 4 more 20lb jugs for $7.12 each. Since I now have 3 litter boxes back in my bedroom, I'm planning on using this litter in them. I still have a lot of Ever Clean and also a large bucket of Fresh Step which I can use in the 2 litter boxes in my living room. I highly recommend Tidy Cats Small Spaces to everyone and I'm very hard to impress when it comes to litter. I've tried almost everything on the market.:)