View Full Version : Fritz taking it easy

07-31-2005, 10:42 AM
Fritz just taking it easy so far this morning.he went and his usual sleep in Mom and Dad's bed under the covers,then went to the living room to have a snooze next to me and then with mom.Then I went to my room to watch t.v. and he followed me in and had a snooze there.I don't know how he heard,but he was in my bedroom and he heard a man in a motorized cart walking a big,black dog and Fritz was off like a shot to the front window to bark at it.Basically that's all he has done for now until later this afternoon and that's when he'll wake up and start playing.His Aunties are coming on Saturday,so he is really looking forward to that.

Daisy and Delilah
07-31-2005, 03:29 PM
Good job Fritz!! Getting rested up for Auntie Bev and Irene's upcoming visit. That's the way to do it. Continuous naps until Saturday. Unless of course there are some predators about. Please continue to protect the family Fritzie!! What a good boy!:D

Love, your little chihuahua buddies in Florida, Daisy and Delilah:)

08-01-2005, 08:29 AM
You are quite the little watch dog there aren't you Fritz?!

08-01-2005, 08:52 AM
Good idea to rest up before your Aunties come over. That way you can play with them until you wear THEM out! What a good job at guarding the house. How dare that dog walk by!!!!