View Full Version : Maybe Josie's problem isn't SO bad...

07-30-2005, 10:21 PM
How she barks at people...

I tend to walk late. I like the dark, and I like how quiet and pieceful it is. I took her to the school yard to do some sniffing after our jog and training. My house is on the otherside, so I cut through like I often do. There are usually people hanging around there for some reason. I usually just keep my distance and we ignore each other.

Tonight these guys yell "Hey, come here. We're so drunk" yada yada. I was like, no thanks, and kept walking. One guy said "Can I pat your dog? Please?" I said no, she's not friendly. I told him she'd bark. He started coming towards me and I quietly told Josie "speak" she did, and he was like oh man. But the next time I guess he heard me saying it so he starting coming again. He was like "I don't care if he bites me, I'm so drunk. I just want to pat him. If he barks at me I won't pat him"

Sure enough, Josie howled and freaked out at him as he got close enough. He got was like "whoa" and backed off. He asked her name and stuff but didn't come and closer. He said "She sure barks a lot" I told him she was protecting me :o :p lmao. I feel so safe walking Josie. Even if she wasn't "mental" ;) I know she'd protect me if soneone tried to hurt me. She's always barked at men if they came near me....heeheh.

07-30-2005, 10:27 PM
Good girl! :D

07-30-2005, 10:36 PM
Good girl, Josie!

Wow.. people are weirdos. >.<

07-31-2005, 01:04 AM
well done Josie!

07-31-2005, 01:50 AM
Good job Josie. :)

07-31-2005, 04:50 AM
good girl! :)

when i moved from san diego to the bronx my parents were so glad i had smokey...
our thoughts being that if someone is looking to rob someone they'll skip me since i'm walking a 75lb pit bull.
he's a big baby but he looks like he'd give you hell. and he would if it was called for.

we recently got a door mat for the front door that says:

A fragile and very sensitive big ass dog lives here.
