View Full Version : Short term memory

07-30-2005, 07:08 AM
Ok, anyone know anything about short term memory? In the past few weeks, I've noticed mine is pretty much gone. Actually, its starting to cause me some concern.

I've forgotten a VERY IMPORTANT package that HAD to be mailed and recieved by last friday. I didn't send it til friday. I never would have remembered it if I hadn't come across it hidden under a pile of paperwork. Hubby would have KILLED me (it was his term paper for the summer graduate course he's taking)

I tell someone that I'll do something for them. They'll call a few hours later, and I'll have to admit I forgot all about it. This could be something so minimal as e-mailing them a file. I plain forget the moment I hang up the phone after they asked for the file.

I had to pick up my daughter from cross country practice yesterday, and I forgot all about it until she called wondering when I was.

There was a message on the answering machine last night... forgot to give the message until 7:00 this morning. Lately, I've kown about this and have been writing everything down... and the kids or Grant will see the note and comment on it. I'll be somewhat startled and say "Oh, I forgot about that call!"

I could go on and on.... but I wonder how much of this is normal and expected every day forgetfullness that can be chalked up to living in my own little world of cats and artwork. How much is to start me worrying?

07-30-2005, 07:15 AM
Luckily alzheimer's doesn't run in my family.
(Because believe we would all be suffering
from it.)

Try looking for your glasses and the reason why
you can't find them, because their on your head. :rolleyes:

If you are under a lot of stress/or have a lot
on your mind that could make
you absent minded.

I have to write myself reminders on the calendar
or leave a message for myself on my phone
answering machine to remind myself of some things.

That's my accuse and I am sticking to it.

07-30-2005, 07:31 AM
LOL... right now I AM stressed. Big Time. Pouncer has been straining to pee. Despite what the vet says, I can't help but be worried about it. EVERYONE has diarreah. And two of them have decided the litterbox is optional. I'm freaking out about the odor in my house. Hubby's constantly reminding me the house smells (no DUH! I know that!) I borrowed a carpet shampooer but am afraid to use it bcause I KNOW somebody's going to poop right in the middle of the floor as soon as I finish. And Angel has "bubble butt", meaning her butt forms poop bubbles as she runs around... and that makes brown polka dots on my carpet. Lovely.

I'm trying to get things together for today's art show. And someone wants two large portraits complete and framed by next friday. I've barely begun the first one, how am I going to get the second one in too? Then I have another portrait due by the end of the month - full color of a family where dad died... and I have to piece together 6 different pictures to create one portrait that makes sense and looks like they were all together for the portrait. Sigh.... it makes me sad just to think of it. :(

I'm broker than broke, and yet we have expenses... hubby didn't help that by getting a $157 speeding ticket Thursday night. We have NO food in the house. If I took a picture of the inside of my fridge right now, you'd be astonished.

So yeah, I guess you could say I'm a little stressed right now. :( :o

Laura's Babies
07-30-2005, 09:03 AM
Distraction... That is your problem, the mind has to many things to think about (worry)... I have been terriably forgetful since Eddies accident and I have to write everything down or I will forget!

07-30-2005, 09:07 AM
I often do the same thing KYS does...leave messages for myself on the answering machine.;) I'll do the opposite if I'm inside, and heading out, and leave myself cell phone reminders. I also take advantage of the large bathroom mirror and tape notes of things I have to do. Works for me as I can't avoid that mirror. ;) Kitchen cabinet doors also are good places to tape notes. Problem is some days are so crazy I can't remember to write the note! :eek: :rolleyes:

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-30-2005, 09:14 AM
Kim, I am sure it is stress.

I am usually VERY absent-minded, but lately I have been 10 times worse. (I am now using being pregnant as my excuse LOL).

Every time I go out it's a big panic to find car keys and sunglasses!

I have a diary which I write EVERYTHING in - people I need to call, chores to run etc.

I also have a white-board in the study and I am always scribbling on it too.

I find I get overwhelmed by all the things in my head, and trying to remember them all. Once I have "brain-dumped" onto paper, I stop worrying aout forgetting to do things, and can focus on working through the list.

(Not that it's a perfect system - last week I forgpt to pay the phone bill, and our outgoing calls were blocked - it was a HUGE hassle to get it sorted out. Plus I had to pay Cam's school fees for next school year - I forgot and for 2 days was wandering around with $7500 in an envelope in my handbag:eek:)

Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone!;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-30-2005, 09:51 AM
I am glad I am not the only one!! It happens so often that my hubby tells me something, and the next day, I cannot even remember that he did, nor what is was about! Sometimes poeple don't believe me when I say "sorry, I forgot!", but it is the truth!!
Maybe it is an age problem?? I am 49! You?

07-30-2005, 11:03 AM

I've got short term memory problems really bad, to the point of having to write everything down on little sticky notes. My doctor told me that it gets worse as you get older. (I know, NOT something you want to hear).

Someone can tell me something and 5 seconds later I don't remember. It could also be from all the weed I smoked as a young adult. That definitely can kill off brain cells.

The only thing I can suggest is to write stuff down, no matter HOW trivial it is.

07-30-2005, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
It could also be from all the weed I smoked as a young adult. That definitely can kill off brain cells.
Then what's my excuse? I never even LOOKED at a joint, let alone smoke one! :D :D :D

07-30-2005, 11:36 AM
If it makes you feel better, I'm only 24 and I've always had this problem. If I don't make lists, I don't buy what groceries I need, don't visit the post office, don't get my banking done, etc etc.

I think it is something that changes as we age, and if you are under stress don't feel too bad because your mind is preoccupied with other things.

07-30-2005, 11:47 AM
I have to write things down too. I'm not so bad right now but when the stress builds I get very abscent minded. Back before my mother died and she was sick and I was taking care of her and my father I couldn't remember anything. I kept a little notebook where I would write down things I had to do daily plus I kept a pocket calendar to write down all my appointments (there doctor visits mostly). I even would tape notes to the garage door with a list of everything I needed to take with me each day. It really helped.

Currently I'm only about half as bad but if I don't make lists of things to take with me to Dad's or things to be done or I will totally forget.

I never had this problem in school or when I worked full time, just since I started caring for my parents. It's caused by stress!