View Full Version : The long awaited Doggiemom story.....

02-25-2002, 09:50 AM
Sorry to keep you all in suspense but I wasn't on over the weekend... I just read all of your posts today.

Okay here goes.... you all remember a certain charming cowboy named AugieH right??? Well, way back when, during his first post about trying to locate a pomeranian throw blanket, I looked up his AIM name... you all know how pettalkers chat on AIM all the time so I thought he would be fun to chat with too. So, I was AIM'ing Tonya one night and saw Augie come online so I IM'd him..... I annoyed him at first he said but then we really had fun chatting. Then the phone calls began and then next thing I know I am spending Christmas with him and his family and the NEXT thing I know I am moving in with him!

Okay, YES, I'm crazy. YES things happened fast and YES the timing stinks but like I told my family and everyone else, I fell in love the first time I heard his voice on the phone... In fact, I fell in love before that. I met him for the first time at Christmas....at Midway airport. We had a wonderful 9 days together and I almost didn't get back on the plane to come home. Now a month and half later, I am his new roommate.

Oh and for the toughest question of all that you ladies might be thinking.... NO this is NOT why I got divorced. That was coming for a long long time. My marriage was never going to work.

Augie is absolutely, hands down the love of my life. He is every bit as amazing as he may have seemed to all of you. Now, how I mananged to nab him from 1800 miles away I will never know - but I did it and I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life. He and his family are absolutely wonderful. I even met the famous pomeranians that were the subject of his first post..... cute cute little dogs.

Oh, and his dog Hooch is the BEST!!! He is a great great dog! And as Augie calls him, STUDLY! He gives Augie hugs every day when he gets home from work. It's the cutest thing!

Rachel, I'm in the southern burbs.... I will have to look up Geneva.... I think a meeting at Navy Pier on Lake Michigan would ROCK!!! I was at the aquarium over Christmas and could see Navy Pier. I want to go out there when it warms up:)

Okay, that's the story - sorry for the length of it. Guess i can change my signature now ;)

Former User
02-25-2002, 10:10 AM
WOW, what a story! I don't know you, but feel so happy for you, finding the love of your life feels so nice huh ;)
These things happen, I ended up marrying my penpal who lived about 3000 km's (sorry, dunno what it is in miles:( ) from me!

Congrats! Nice to have happy stories!

02-25-2002, 10:16 AM
A Pet Talk romance, that's exciting!

Congratulations to both of you! :) :) :)

02-25-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
..."Will You Love Me When I'm 64?" :D

Had a friend play that at her wedding...lol

congrats angel!

02-25-2002, 10:23 AM
Yay, she finally told :D Now I don't have to worry about slipping. Hehe.

02-25-2002, 10:50 AM
Congrats Angel! I am very happy for you. Love is exciting and even more exciting if we find it in unusual places! Good Luck with everything!

Dixieland Dancer
02-25-2002, 10:50 AM
Your posts immediately after AugieH came on showed a difference in your tone. I had a feeling you had feelings for him. Then when you disappeared from Pet Talk and he disappeared from Pet Talk, I was really suspicious. Now you have confirmed my suspicions. LOL I was even more suspicious when you said you were moving from Arizona.

I hope you all have a great life together and tell Augie that you want to keep both Lexi and Maddie! And I have no doubt about how great Hoocher is. After all he is a GOLDEN!!!!

I'm also interested in hearing Augies side of this whirl wind romance. Boy you guys really did go BEYOND PET TALK!!!! :D

02-25-2002, 11:02 AM
Dixie your post cracked me up... we DID take pettalk to a new level huh?

As for keeping maddie... well, i will start a new topic because i need advice REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD!!

Former User
02-25-2002, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
...to mention another Beatles song, do your male pets from the vet sing Yesterday...I'm not half the man I used to be...? :D

LOL, Casper could be signing that :D :D :D

02-25-2002, 12:07 PM
What a great cyber-romance
Have a Golden happy life together, with the Hooch and all the other furry companions of course.
Best wishes from Carina (who sends her greetings to the Hoochy) and Alicia

02-25-2002, 12:09 PM
I am so glad she finally spilled the beans! woohoo!
And I am sooooooooooooooooo excited that she is only about 6 hours from me! That is the best part, well and of course that she is so happy!

02-25-2002, 01:00 PM
I have been on beyondpettalk for a little while, and in the beginning, I had no idea that Angel and Augie were together. After a few days, I realized, wait a minute! These two are together! I sent a message asking, Is this a Pet Talk romance?? Angel promptly sent another message confirming my suspicions. :)
Congratulations to two very cool people! Glad you guys found each other!:) :)

02-25-2002, 01:12 PM
Angel, I just had to make an additional comment :D

I admire you for being so brave! I came to America when I was only 18 without my family and started college. I am sad that I am not brave enough to leave GA and move to Alabama to be with Andrew. Being apart is very tough. I am not brave enought to go there and not have a job. It terrifies me. You are alot stronger than I am. How do you do it?

02-25-2002, 02:38 PM
Souraya, a lot of people had said the same thing to me... "you're so brave to move that far and leave your family especially for someone you just met....."

You know, I didn't even think of it that way. It wasn't even a hard decision. It was something I wanted to do since the day I met him. I love my family dearly but people move away all the time. I just followed my heart.... he has it and that's that. I realized later that it did take a lot of guts to do it.... I left a fantastic job that I loved so much and came here to be with Augie. I will find something up here soon... I'm not worried. I just wanted to be with him. Besides, now I am only six hours from my other sister in MN and my niece and nephew:) That will be great to be close to them at this point in my life. This is all just an exciting, new and wonderful adventure that I am enjoying with a great man by my side...

I know, I'm being mushy and sappy and all that... but can't you tell I'm in love!!! ha ha ha ha ha:D!

02-25-2002, 02:55 PM

I do not have to worry about my family. They already an ocean away from me. 300 more miles won't make a difference. I can tell you are in love. I am too and it breaks my heart that I can not just leave and go there. Andrew will have to move again in a year and a half and that is when I plan on moving with him.

I have a great job here and worry about not being able to find something as good. Drake and I would both be happier and alot less lonely. I think it is my pride. I like to provide for myself and pay for my own things. Even now that I am married. I do not know if I am making much sense.

02-25-2002, 04:17 PM
BOTH of you are ridiculously brave!!!! Souraya, you came to an entirely differnt country w/o your family!!! That is amazing! Angel left a job she loves, great weather and her family to move in with a crazy cowboy in cold Illinois!! I admire BOTH of you immensely!! I would never in a million years move away from Syracuse, New York unless my entire family and all my friends came too. I am such a homebody! Then again, I don't know what I would do if I was "madly in love." How do you even know if you are????..... But either way, you're both unbelievable and I look up to both of you!!

02-25-2002, 04:20 PM
I second everything that Jen said. (especially the "crazy cowboy" part, LOL just kiddin Angel!)

02-25-2002, 07:28 PM
WooHoo!!! You go, GIRL! Now that's a match made in heaven :D :D :D

Those cyber loves are the BEST kind! My hubby is a cyber love, too :D The fact that you two met here is better then the best!

I wish you and that cowboy, Augie and the Hoocher Smoocher and your purdy girl doggies a WONDERFUL life together. I am really, really happy for the both of you. You are so blessed :) Augie seems like a super-duper guy :)

I am also SOOOOOO happy to know what's going on :) I really, really wanted to know who stole our Angel's heart :) You two are great. Congrats :)

02-25-2002, 08:48 PM

02-25-2002, 10:37 PM
how sweet!!! a pettalk romance:D

02-26-2002, 11:41 AM
Congratulations!!! I guess you never know where love is hiding.

02-26-2002, 01:45 PM
The truth is finally out! I wish the very best to you Angel and hope everything works out for you. Time for you to de-stress let Augie wait on you hand & foot for awhile!!! And yes you are one brave gal.

C.C.'s Mom
02-27-2002, 06:20 AM

My husband and I met on the internet as well, in '96. I went to Germany to live with him and we got married. It'll be 6 years soon.
Good luck!

02-27-2002, 10:31 AM
WOW! I guess we aren't the only internet love stories here! When people ask how we met I just cringe..... I don't like it and I hate explaining it. It sounds cheesy. But, I can't help how it happened either. I guess it's the new century and that is how things go. I ended up with a fantastic guy out of it so I ain't complaining!! Glad to see that there are other success stories out there. This technology is great because I am hearing your responses from people ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! I guess you could say our story is world-wide now! ha ha ha ha:)

02-27-2002, 11:01 AM
I guess you could say our story is world-wide now! ha ha ha ha

It certainly is! :D :D

02-27-2002, 11:43 AM
Just had to add my congratulations! What a lovely story. Angel, you don't need to worry about explaining the "how"; it's the "what" and the "who" that matter. I firmly believe that when it's right, it happens when you're not even looking or expecting it. I found that out myself seven years ago after a long long time of "singlehood" and I'm still amazed. Anyway, heartiest congratulations to you, Augie, and all the furkids. Things will be fine.

02-27-2002, 05:54 PM
Well, you two are very popular. Have you noted the number of *views* on this topic? I wish both of you and the blended doggie family all the best. Please be patient with your pooches. Lot of changes in all their lives.

02-28-2002, 09:52 AM
Ha ha ha... Rachel I did notice the number of views this morning. All the other people probably just think I'm nuts!!!!

I just wanted to thank all of you for your kind words and congrats. THANK YOU!!! I know you all still think I'm nuts and just aren't saying it though:D!

03-01-2002, 11:50 AM
Angel Gurl,
Since we are soul sisters, I can say this.
I didn't think you were nuts, I know you are nuts!
But just not b/c of your longawaited story! :D ;)