View Full Version : What does your cat do that makes you

07-26-2005, 11:33 PM
feel she thinks you are her meowmie?

My little Chianti insists on nursing on her blanky but only if it is on my lap. If it's in the chair next to me she just lays on it.

When I'm on the computer she will come over to me and tap me on the arm and look at me like she is saying "meowmie put my blanky on your lap so I can nurse. LOL

Then she jumps up on my lap with her blanky and starts to get happy feet while she sucks on it. :) :)

07-27-2005, 12:30 AM
Kiba follows me everywhere. I was away for a few days, and appearintly she never slept in her "bed" in my room the whole time...but as soon as I was back, and was there. She even sleeps on my pillow next to me sometimes.

Kiba will come over to me sometimes and I'll lean in to kiss her and she'll tilt her head sideways so I can get the top of her head. it;s so cute. I love my kitten!

07-27-2005, 05:51 AM
All of mine :)

07-27-2005, 07:22 AM
Abby calls for me like a little kid. Mommy? Mommy? Where are you? She can't resist curling on my lap in the middle of the afternoon. I can imagine her like a little kid sitting there sucking her thumb with her favorite blankie.

When Pouncer isn't stressed (which is all the time lately) he comes to me and makes biscuits on my side and crawls under the blankets with hubby and me.

Allen and Harry are too independant. They only want food and the occasional scritchie.

07-27-2005, 07:27 AM
Scooter has definitely become a mam's boy. He will follow me all over the place. I always feel bad on the days I am cleaning the house as I tend to go room to room and he'll lie down and just get comfy when off I go again and he gets up and follows. Hubby tries to make nice with him but Scooter will only tolerate it for a few seconds and then he leaves. If I'm with him its fine, but if I'm not...uh uh! He's outta there....kind of has me concerned as we are going away in two weeks and will be gone for over two weeks. My in-laws come to check on the guys but it's not the same....

07-27-2005, 07:53 AM
My poor husband, most of the time the cats ignore him and come to me looking for everything. It is only when I don't do what they want or I'm not around that they will pay any attention to Mark.

07-27-2005, 08:00 AM
Bella rubs all over my face, but will not do it to her daddy.
She makes a special sound, a gurgle, to let me know she wants attention.

We have had Malfi for almost a year now. I know he know's I'm his mama, he greets me with a 'softer' yowl than before, when he didn't know me too well.

Snowy, when he comes on his lambskin at night, makes a special 'high pitch' squeal. He knows he's safe with family.

Mr. Jones understands everything I tell him. Sometimes I speak English, and sometimes I make his sounds, he knows I'm the mama because I'm the only one who speaks his language.

07-27-2005, 08:32 AM
Belle makes biscuits on me when I am laying down. Then she usually curls up with me and we cuddle :) A lot of times Katie goes to my husband for attention, but in the middle of the night when she wants petted she wakes me up and lies beside me so I can pet her...she just purrs and purrs. I don't know what I'd do w/o them!

07-27-2005, 09:41 AM




07-27-2005, 10:17 AM
Sammy, my talker will meow in a way that sounds like Mama. I turn to mush everytime he does that.

Payton on the other hand is a very independant little kitten. He likes to be in the same room with us, but is mostly just playing. I didn't really connect with him until he was neutered. He would follow me from room to room and make sure that when he would lay down, that he was touching me in some way. Ever since, he'll give me little good night and good morning kisses.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-27-2005, 10:19 AM
Maya makes biscuits on my hubby's lap whenever she has the opportunity;) .

07-27-2005, 06:27 PM
Chloe will sleep right next to me on my pillow give me a goodnight lick on the forehead and a paw is on my head all night long.

Lightning SuperCat
07-27-2005, 06:52 PM
Lightning loves to give me "Kitty Smooches" (eskino kisses) and sometimes snuggle with me. He follows me all around the house too. He loves being near me. Also, when he's looking for birdies, I start petting him and he purrs like a little motorboat. I can tell I am acting like his mother because I am always worrying about him and spoiling him with kitty treats. He also thinks I am his annoying sibling, too. He likes to catfight me (roll on his back while waving his paws at me) I love him! :D :D

Edwina's Secretary
07-27-2005, 06:57 PM
I think Eddie has a little different "take" on things....hence his new nickname....Eddie-puss Rex. He cries for his blankie and pillow....but only from me.....