View Full Version : I'm Back! Some Hugs Please?

07-26-2005, 12:15 PM
HELLO to all of you!! :D

gosh it's weird to type on this little keyboard again after a long time! :p I almost had you guys updated when I was at a small cafe (with good coverage) last sunday but I wanted to finish my large surplee and the family was ready to leave.

I know I'm back already... it's veery disappoint/sad to spend part of my adventure in the hospital. if it weren't for falling off the rocky hill, I would have stayed there and dazing at the night stars more! I guess I need more shooting stars - (lucks).

it happened last tuesday (the 19th) where we walked on way back to the ground from highest trail of the rocky hill.. I was chatting, stepped on a pretty big gravel right on the edge of the hill and fell! thank goodness I was able to let crayola's leash go.......and bye bye, rolling along the bumpities down about 70 feet with my camera. I crushed my two right ribs and was 'helicoptered' to the utah hospital. I have over 36 green/red/blue bruises from that! (that's what the doctor counted..)

I stayed in hospital until the 23rd, the family I went with picked me up and am home now...roasted california! ughh. I've been laying in the bed and it drives me nutttts. :( at least I had a GREAT time guys!!!

the worst part is I think my first 526MB memory stick fell out when I rolled down!!! :( :( I'm gonna keep looking, hopefully I misplaced it so..meee..where... the second one only has a less 8 pictures, just of me and friends in our tent, having smores the night before..lol. owhelly, just stopping by and say that I'm back!

I'd love to have some hugs blow over here and hopefully I can get back in the shape before the august 3rd - 14th camptrip in northern california!! praaaay for me that I can go..I need another adventure still, I wasn't done!! :D

thank you! hugs,
gina & here her whole ark!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-26-2005, 12:22 PM
Oh you poor sweetheart!! why the heck did you want to check out the botoom of that hill:rolleyes: ;) ;) . Please get better soon, and get ready for your next trip! And.... mind the hills next time ;)

07-26-2005, 12:27 PM
So glad to have you back. Falling down a hill sounds like something I would do. Take good care of yourself.

07-26-2005, 12:48 PM
Gina MAJOR (((HUGS))). You sound just like me...my husband calls me digger because I' alsways falling down. Just the other day I was loading up the camper for a weekend trip and I went down the kitchen stairs right into the basement. I must say that the body produces colors I never knew existed. ;) :(

I do hope you are feeling better soon. Lots of bedrest and you'll be up in no time.

07-26-2005, 12:49 PM
welcome back!!...ouch that sounds like it HURT!! I am glad that you still had fun though!....I will be praying that you heal soon!! :)

07-26-2005, 01:20 PM
lol maya & inka! o'yeah...with me camping, it's always with these hills!! ok, let's see here...,

july 2002: I decided to climb up a steep rocky cliff, about 15 feet up and missed a hand reach, my facebody rubbed all way down.. >.< (yes, o-u-c-h).

august 2003: I fell off a 40 feet ropejump cliff where a friend thought I had the rope in my hands and pushed me off.. :eek: :o I broke my arm, tore 1/2 liagment of rotator cuff and 3/4 of scapula (muscle around backbone)..still dealing with it as of today as well.. :(

july 2004: it was about midnight, I looked around for firewoods, I didn't see the small (20-25 feet) hill behind me and I slided down to the only & one rock. I sat there for about five hours until sunrise... :eek: if I moved, I go 60 feet more down into the water!

july 2005: ...you know what now. :rolleyes: :p

beware...my addictions: when it comes to heights and climbings, stoooop me!! :D

haha catlover, digger! very true. but doesn't the digger thinks before it goes on? ;) poor you, were you okay? heh yeah, blue/purple bruises are when you were hit hard all way to the bones and reds when just your nerves got pinched and green means healing ones. I have some greens now because some are small bruises. :D biology anyone..? :p

many re-thanks!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-26-2005, 01:48 PM
You make me http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20987%20laughingon%20the%20floor.gif Gina!!!

This is an extra for you only:http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20973%20Huge_hug.gif

07-26-2005, 03:13 PM
Welcome back Gina! Big {{hugs}} to you, hope you are feeling better. :)

07-26-2005, 05:40 PM
Welcome back!! I hope your bruises disappear quickly!

07-27-2005, 01:27 AM
Welcome back Gina, hope your ribs heal up soon, they can be a fairly sore injury. Better concentrate on them hills!

07-27-2005, 08:09 AM

You poor thing! Hope that memory stick shows up. As for the colors - well you like food color so maybe you can enjoy all the colors on your poor body (apart from the OOOCH!!)

more big

07-27-2005, 11:47 AM
Welcome back Gina!! We missed you!!

07-27-2005, 01:39 PM
Welcome back! ((HUGS))

Sounds like you need stay away from the hills;) I hope that you get better soon!

07-28-2005, 12:39 PM
thank you all for your hugs. :)

I think they have helped me feel better! I'm doing better and walked around a lot. lotsa of bruises went away!

heh sirrahbed, you remember!! yes, colorful body I like.. it's going to be all tan again soon. :( ;)

well, I'm packing already for august 3rd - 14th.. I promise I'll stay away from hills!

hug you later,
:) gina & her ark

07-28-2005, 12:44 PM
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Gina welcome back. And you are going aff again sooo soon. We missed you. And please be sure to stay away from those hills. Hills and Gina's don't mix well. They make for one sour drink. :p

07-28-2005, 09:18 PM
Oh no!!! YOUCH!!! That must've hurt pretty bad! I hope that you aren't TOO much pain!

Glad to have you back...PT just wasn't the same without you here...Now, stay away from the hills, and mainly, have fun!

****HUGS TO YOU****

Steph and Jes

07-28-2005, 09:29 PM

07-30-2005, 02:58 PM
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your fall, were you in Bryce Canyon when that happened? What city in Utah did they take you to?

08-01-2005, 07:48 PM
sorry this took me a while to say thanks again!

posted by wolf_q
were you in Bryce Canyon when that happened? What city in Utah did they take you to?

yeah, our campsite (hatch), near red canyon trail. it's very booout-ful one I've ever walked on....and fell off! ;)

they took me to garfield, the (cat) hospital!! :D in paguitch, am I spelling the city correct? I'll have to look up! anyway, do you know or ever been to red canyon or paguitch before, amy?

know what, guys? I'm not colorful anymore. all gone! barely could see some greens but I'm all tan (veeery) again! :D

I think I'm good to go this wednesday to another camping trip! everyone made me promise to stay away from the hills...*POUTS*. we'll see! *snevily giggles* ;) :p well, I'll post a thread before I go! :D

hugs, gina & her ark

08-01-2005, 08:20 PM
Yep I've been to all of those cities, I was down there not long after you were actually. I posted some pics in dog general taken in Red Canyon, nice canyon I haven't ever camped there though.