View Full Version : Yikes! Flea Horror!

07-25-2005, 11:42 PM
OK, I noticed last week Oliver had a little flea dirt in his hair, but I searched all over him for hours(obsessively!) and couldnt find any fleas. I went to the vet right away the next morning and got flea drops for all the cats and the dog and put it on them immediately! Well, all this week I have found a couple dying fleas on them and a few more here and there, and I've been wondering where there coming from, because I sprayed the carpets down and been vacuuming every day! Well tonight I got down on my hands and knees on my bedroom floor( which is hard-wood) to see if Caroline was under the bed to see if she was OK after getting a rabies shot today. I noticed a flea jumped on my arm! And then another and then another! I freaked out and ran in the bathroom to find I had several more on the back of my shirt! I quickly got the flea spray and sprayed down my bedroom floor, and all the carpet through out the house and vacuumed it all again! I never dreamed they would all head for my hard wood bedroom floor to escape the spray and the vacuum in the rest of the house! Du!LOL!
Ive been walking all over the house for hours now with white socks on and a flash light to see if anything jumps on me, but nothing has. Tomarrow Im going to bomb this house for fleas! There is nothing I hate worse than fleas! And I hate using all those toxic sprays! Does anyone know of something else that I can use to keep them from infesting my house like this again

07-26-2005, 12:55 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that you have such a bad flea infestation.:( The only thing that I've done is to keep giving my cats their monthly dose of advantage. Ever since I've done this, I haven't had a flea problem. Since I live in a condo, I have to make sure that my furkids are protected because not everyone will protect their pets and then they can invade my condo. I live in a building with carpeted hallways and my front door opens up to a carpeted hallway so I've also been spraying some flea spray on the carpet just outside my front door and this flea spray lasts for 6 months.

What kind of flea medication did you use on your furkids? I would think that most of the fleas would be dead already. Some flea sprays can be very harmful to animals. Good luck and please keep us updated.

07-26-2005, 01:47 AM
I use the Advantage flea drops and the Frontline flea spray from my vet. I usually put a drop on them every 4 weeks, but when I went and checked my records, it's been almost 5 and a half weeks since there last one(time really flew and got away from me!) It's been so hot and terrible humid here in Iowa! And also I keep my bedroom widow open a little so the cats that go in and out can go as they please, and this has brought alot of humidity into that room(rest of house is AC) I just cant beleive how the fleas multiplied in that short of time! But I just talked to another friend online with cats, and she said she found fleas on her bacement floor...and she never has fleas! So, they are incredible bad this year!

I also thought all the fleas would be dead and gone by now too, and I couldnt figure out where they were picking up more fleas! I also thought maybe I'd gotten a bad batch of drops! LOL! I know there wasnt fleas all over my bedroom floor 2 days ago, because I was cleaning under my bed(I spilled a big bowl of popcorn down the side of the bed that is against the wall) and was on my stomach trying to broom it out! (it's a king size bed and I spilled it up by the head board) and didnt get any fleas on me then. So, they must have just hatched! The dog is also on heartworm meds that are supposed to make the adult fleas steril.

07-26-2005, 09:51 AM

