View Full Version : [-Lexi's Updated Progress/PICS!-]

07-25-2005, 03:02 PM
Lexi has been doing MUCH better. She stopped chewing on her shaved part finally and she is starting to get back to normal. Her eyes are clear and nice, her stomach is just like it used to be and her nose is nice and moist. So, once again, and you'll never hear the end of it. Thank you so much everybody, for what you did to save my little girl. PT prayers have something in them that work like a charm! Onto some pictures now!

Thought I'd start off with something that I personally, *LOVE*! This picture says so many words in my mind!





All curled up last night. Highly unlikely as some JRT owners may know! LOL!


Shavie McShave:(

Posing with Kippy. The JRT TY!

Ok Kippy, now you're KIBBLE!

Hope you enjoyed my little girl as much as I did!

07-25-2005, 03:05 PM
I'm so glad she's better! Such a gorgeous girl!

07-25-2005, 03:07 PM
Look at that smile! Yep, she's back to her normal self :D We love you Lexi and we are SOOOOO glad you're better! :D Keep it that way okay, girly? Paula please give that beautiful girl of yours a hug and a kiss for me :)


Krista and the furbabies :)

07-25-2005, 03:09 PM
She is just so doggone cute! I'm so glad she is better.

finn's mom
07-25-2005, 03:10 PM
I'm glad she's back to normal! :) She's so happy!

07-25-2005, 03:14 PM
Those are some great pics! Glad to see her smiling again. I love the one of her with the little stuffie.

07-25-2005, 03:37 PM
I'm so glad she's feeling better, Paula! Those are great pics, I love the first one:D

07-25-2005, 03:40 PM
Its awesome that she's feeling better! Amazing what those pt prayers can do isn't it!

I love that 1st pic!

07-25-2005, 04:34 PM
I am so glad to see her all better!! these pictures are awsome! your girl is beautiful I just love her to death and I have never meet her!:o :D I am so glad that you are better Lexi girl tell your mommie to give you some extra loving from me!:D

07-25-2005, 04:40 PM
oh Paula those pics are really nice. I love the first pictures especially, Lexi looks very pretty. I'm glad she is feeling better now.

07-25-2005, 04:49 PM
Happy to hear she's back to normal and she looks happy to be feeling better.

07-25-2005, 05:52 PM
Great to see you're doing better Lexi! :)

07-25-2005, 05:57 PM
Great pictures! And I'm happy to see that she is doing better :D

07-25-2005, 06:33 PM
I'm so glad Lexi is doing better!!!!!! :D

Suki Wingy
07-25-2005, 07:07 PM
She is absolutley gorgeous! Glad she feels better:)

07-26-2005, 12:52 AM
She's looking so good Paula, and quite gorgeous too.:)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-26-2005, 04:54 AM
Beautiful little Lexi, so glad you are on the mend. How are thing's with your Mummy at the moment?

07-26-2005, 04:12 PM
She is absolutely gorgeous! I love her distinct red markings (I love red and white pups ;)), and you take wonderful pictures! We're all so glad she's doing better and is being her normal self again! Give her lots of kisses and tummy rubs!

07-26-2005, 04:25 PM
Thanks so much everybody! We got Lexi a Hawaiian silk T-Shirt, and I'll be sure to post some pictures of her in it later on! :D

OMGosh! I always forget your name "Giselle" :p So sorry! :o LOL! Thank you very much, for everything you have done, the PMs that showed your concern, your prayers. I wanted to thank you personally, for everything you've helped me and Lexi with! :D

07-26-2005, 04:38 PM
Awww:o No need. When we first got Giselle, I always freaked out whenever she started gagging because I was terrified of bloat. Thankfully, it's never happened, but it tore at my heart when I heard Lexi had gotten it. Thank goodness Lexi's wonderful mommy caught it just in time!

-Sophie (;))

07-26-2005, 04:58 PM
Lexi your looking just as gorgeous as ever!!!

I'm so glad she's doing better. Please give her some lovin' for me:)

07-27-2005, 12:23 AM
Whew! What a relief for everybody! She has Logan ears! So cute! Darling pictures! What an adorable, happy little girl! Yippee!

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-27-2005, 12:34 PM
Oh Paula, I missed everything about Lexi from this past week, I am SO sorry!!:( But I went back and read everything that happened...that had to be so scary, I am SO sorry I missed all of it!! -sigh-:( I am SOOOO very glad to hear Lexi's feeling better though!!!!!!!:D Those were great pics! (((hugs))) from me and Blazer Lexi girl!!!!!;)