View Full Version : New Puppy On The Block ...

02-24-2002, 06:22 AM
New Puppy On The Block...

Hi Everyone, just to let you know, we have been busy with our new puppy. :)
We have a 12 week old Siberian Husky puppy, he is black and white, with one blue eye and one brown eye and his name is Storm. He is keeping us very busy, with trying to get him into a routine. At the moment he is into that biting and yapping stage, :( and up and about every coulpe of hours, so not much sleep of late ... (it's like having a new born baby!) I'd forgotten how tiring it was, as Jesse our other Husky is 5 years old now. Pictures will follow later ... as i've been having problems posting them lately. I will also be adding some to our Web Site shortly so please keep checking back now and again.

Love to all ... Jackie and her extended fur family. xxxxx

Balto's Home (http://www.baltothehusky.co.uk)

02-24-2002, 06:37 AM
Oh good a new baby and one with lots of energy. heehee Brings back memories. How did this momentous event come about? Planned or spur of the moment decision? Is Jesse in shock? Oh, and I love the name Storm!

02-24-2002, 06:41 AM
This Is Storm ...


Balto's Home (http://baltothehusky.co.uk)

02-24-2002, 07:10 AM
Hi There Rachel,

Jesse hasn't been to bad with the new puppy, he shares his toys with him, and shows him outside to go to the toilet. We hoped that Jesse being older would help train the new puppy, and so far he has been quite good, but he does put him in his place now and again.
We've talked about having another Husky for along time now, and we said we didn't want to leave it to late because of Jesse getting older, and maybe not accepting him as well, but Jesse sees it as an opportunity to be the boss now, and tell him what to do ... or rather what not to do ... like chase the cats around the house.

Take Care ... Jackie. xxx

Balto's Home ... (http://baltothehusky.co.uk)

02-24-2002, 08:50 AM
Jackie, what wonderful, happy news! Oh, I remember those "all nighters" with a new puppy in the house!:D I'm so thrilled for you and your family. And Jesse, no doubt, will be the model sibling!:) Yea, another magnificent Husky is added to the ranks! Hugs to Storm! Yes, what a fabulous name!

02-24-2002, 09:42 AM
Oh, lucky you!!!!!! Storm is simply precious!

02-24-2002, 10:16 AM
These Are Our Boyz ...


Balto's Home (http://www.baltothehusky.co.uk)

02-24-2002, 12:39 PM
What great news! The boyz are beautiful.:D I haven't had a puppy for a long time, but I remember well the fun, and sometimes tribulations, of a young one in the house. Hugs and kisses to both of them.

02-24-2002, 01:41 PM

Storm is Beautiful Pup. He and Jesse make a Great
picture together. Best of Luck with The Boyz !!! Liz.

02-24-2002, 03:38 PM
What a beautiful family you have!!! Hope you have lots of fun with The Boyz ! Storm is gorgeous just as Jesse is... What a team they'll make.:D

02-24-2002, 04:48 PM
Oh, my, it looks like Jesse is going to be one great big brother. What a marvelous picture of the two of them together. I'm going to be checking out your website to see added pictures of the new baby boy, so get to work. ;)

Also you must come here and report all puppy tales and antics. There are a number of us who are living vicariously (right Pam?) through you new puppy parents.

02-24-2002, 05:27 PM
Jackie, I love the photo of Jesse and Storm, they are very beautiful pups. I also like the name Storm, it seems fitting.
Give them each a hug and kiss from Daisy and Perry.
Jackie W

02-24-2002, 05:37 PM
What beautiful huskies! That little baby Storm is quite the looker, just like his brother :) Congrats on the new addition :) I bet you are so excited to have a new little pup in your life.

02-25-2002, 03:29 AM

Check out a few of our pics of the new monster on webshots...
Haven't had time to alter web page just yet...
Jackie xxx


02-25-2002, 04:57 AM
Congratulations for your new addition! Storm is such a sweetie .I looked at the webshots albums, you have such a wonderful family (including the cats of course!)

02-25-2002, 07:31 AM
What a beautiful pup Storm is! Both of your dogs are gorgeous! Congrats on the new addition!

02-25-2002, 07:53 AM
What a beautiful group!! Storm is a little cutie. You must give us the growing up pictures too!!

Dixieland Dancer
02-25-2002, 11:19 AM
Congratulations on the new addition!

I love the leggy look of a puppy. He is going to be absolutely stunning as an adult. I think they will be great buddies!! :D

04-15-2002, 03:37 PM
Hopefully we will be getting some new pics of Storm posted on here shortly...
Please keep a look out for him...

Take Care All

Love Jackie and the Gang xxx

Balto's Home (http://www.baltothehusky.co.uk)