View Full Version : breaking housetraining

08-09-2001, 03:40 PM
Kira, our 15 month old Rescue is going to the bathroom in the house. Not all the time. Granted, some of the time this is OUR fault, because we don't always pay attention when she gives us a clear signal that she must go out! Bad Owners... bad bad bad.

But then there are times, like this morning, when I was sitting on the couch reading some mail. Cora was outside, and Kira was contentedly chewing on a rubber bone.... they had just eaten breakfast.

Cora always asks to go out... Kira doesn't. I feel that this morning's "mishap" was partially my responsibility... I should have just taken her out.... but was very sleepy, and wanted to go back to bed asap! :o

Russell feels that she should have asked to go out. And he, like me, is concerned that this is becoming a habit.

What do we do. He feels that positive reinforcement isn't working. I'm not so sure... afterall, we're not holding up our end. I realize that consistancy is the key....

Any suggestions would be very welcome!!!!


08-09-2001, 05:11 PM
I think you have answered your own question. I had had two dogs that were reliably house broken and then came Hannah, the dog who wouldn't be trained. Thankfully those days (or should I say years) are over, but it has taught me never to take anything for granted. I still take extra steps and precautions such as asking her *Did you go potty?* before she comes back in the house and keeping a mental note of the how long it was since they last went out, and always one last trip before we go to bed. Surprisingly Tucker has had a couple *accidents* recently, so I am watching him like a hawk. I'd rather make the extra effort to get up early, make middle of the night trip if they get up, or go out with them to *watch* ....whatever it takes to tighten up their habits...than let them lapse and have to *clean it up*.

[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

08-09-2001, 05:29 PM
Ricky has never given me what I thought was the typical signal that he wanted to go out. He has never scratched on the back door or anything else. He has twice woke me up at night, licking my face over and over again and I immediately put on my robe and took him out, both times he had diarrhea. He has never had an accident in the house or our motorhome but I watch for "his signals" Just like when our children were toddlers and no one understood their baby talk but us, dogs seem to communicate their needs differently. What I do with Ricky no matter what is I take him out first thing in the morning, no sleeping late etc. until he gets to go out. I feel that if the humans have to go when they get up, it is only reasonable to think he has to also. I always take him out when I get home from work and again he gets a "potty break" just before we go to bed. Until you can figure out Kira's signals and maybe even after, get a set routine and stick to it. Believe me, it really helps.
MH Mama

08-09-2001, 05:34 PM
Both you and RachelJ are on top of the situation already! You boyfriend also has a good point when he says the positive reinforcement isn't working!

You don't need advice you just need to go with your gut feeling!

The dog needs clear signals about what you want...consistent....fair...and for a long time. She also needs to know that you will respond when she is telling you she needs to go out RIGHT NOW!!!! You need to remember, EVERY time, that even at two thirty in the morning she is doing the right thing!

It is important to get the principle of house training established before you ask the dog to wait a bit.

Your heart and brain are in the right place....have some confidence to follow it up!

08-10-2001, 07:52 AM
We had this same problem with our Pup, just a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I had a discussion thread going for a while, I think it was "My dog has forgotten that she is housebroken." Pup was doing it at least once a day, and it had to stop! We just started watching her very closely - if she went into the other room, one of us got up to follow. If she woke up, we let her out asap. The problem with Pup is that we never caught her in the act - she was very sneaky! I discovered a new spot maybe 4 or five days ago, but it is not the problem it was for a while! We are just trying to get her regimented, and give us a warning if it's an emergency.

08-10-2001, 09:00 AM
Thanks everyone.... I think you're all right, and as the old saying goes... an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! :D I'd rather take the time to "go out" than to "clean up"!!!!

08-10-2001, 04:24 PM
We are up every morning even on the weekends by 6:30 and the first thing we do is put the dogs out. The days of sleeping in for us are over. During the day they stay in for a while then go out for a while. At night we let them out about six, we watch t.v. and we all go to bed at nine, but my husband walks them out and makes sure they piddle before they come in and they sleep until 6:30 again in the morning. We haven't had any accidents for about two years and if Daisy has to go in between these times, she will go to the back door, Perry can hold his pee forever.
I think a routine is the answer.

Dixieland Dancer
08-17-2001, 09:23 AM
Do you crate your dog? I realize we are not talking about a puppy here but you should start out at step one and work forward.

Crate training is the greatest thing for housebreaking a dog. Anytime you can not keep all eyes on the dog or when they decide to take a nap they need to go into their crate. As soon as they get up or are let out it is your responsibility to take them out. Do it on a leash (use a long one so the dog has some feeling of privacy) and keep telling the dog "GO POTTY". Once they do "GO POTTY", praise like you never have before. Make lots of noise in your praise and let the dog know how happy you are that they went Potty. Make a fool of yourself in your praise if thats what it takes but make a fuss that the dog did something you wanted. Then if they get caught (only if they get caught in the action) going in the house you can reprimand with verbal displeasure. Immediately then take them outside and give the command "GO POTTY" reinforcing that they are to do it outside. If the dog is not caught in the action do not reprimand. They will not understand what you are displeased with. The dog will catch on but your consistency and willingness to work with the dog are the keys.

Using this method, I have housebroken many puppies by the time they are 12 weeks of age. I never had to house train a mature dog but think it should not matter if your consistent. It does work so maybe you want to give it a try.

Good Luck :)