View Full Version : Dear Sweet Pricilla

07-23-2005, 08:16 PM
Hello everyone I am new to this!! It was March when one day my sweet Himalayan of 6 years started to have uncontrolled seizures no amount of medication would control the attackes they got closer and closer together until she went into a full time seizure and my husband and I had to rush her to the University of Minnesota veterinary hospital. It was then we were told to go home overnight and that they would get the attacks to a minimum (with medication) and the the Neurologist would see her in the morning. It just tore away at me leaving my companion of 6yrs at that hospital 1 hour and 1/2 away from home to go home and WAIT. The hardest part of the situation was having to go home to our house where we had 2 other cats looking for her for hours. I think they knew even before we did to be honest. So the next morning the neurologist wanted to run more tests to see why such a young otherwise healthy cat was so ill. The test came back that it must have been a tumor and we drove an hour and a half to the hospital to say our goodbyes and I stayed with her till the end my husband couldn't be there the hurt was too hard. But in my mind I told myself that I had to be there with her. I just sat there and sang our song that I use to sing to her all of the time and she was gone. She just fell to sleep in my arms so peaceful so sweet. I knew that she was free then no more pain. I still cry almost daily about her since she was Very animated for a cat. So her persents was greatly missed. I waited till I was almost o.k. with the fact that Cilla was gone. Then the strangest thing happened my parents decided that they would love to get a cat and to me that was quite strange I said to them if they found one that they wanted then I would go look at it for them. So they did find a lady that had two litters with siamese ragdoll cross kittens and my dad fell in love almost immediately and I couldn't believe it so did I. So my parents took a kitten that was about 10 weeks old and I took one that was only about 5 weeks. She was very ill but I knew that she had to be mine so I took her and fell in love all over again. We named her Chloe and she is the kitty I have posted with my name. I love her dearly but my Cilla girl is always on my mind. I love her and always will. But its amazing how your heart can love again even after all of that.:)

07-23-2005, 08:20 PM
Your kitten is adorable!!!!

Your Priscilla will always be with you, your loved ones never really leave your heart. I am sorry you had to lose her so young :(

07-24-2005, 12:51 PM
So sorry you lost Pricilla at such a young age. You did right by her though and you saw her through to the end. She will always be in your heart! I am glad that you were able to make room in your heart for this new little girl you have. She is so precious.

By the way (where are my manners), welcome to PT! I am sure you will love it here!

07-24-2005, 10:27 PM
Pricilla is with you and wants you to love again.
Time is too short not to.

Welcome Chloe, and Godspeed at the Bridge, Pricilla

07-28-2005, 03:52 PM
RIP Pricilla

I am so sorry for your lose. It is hard to send our babies to Rainbow Bridge. But they can have better lives there. They are well taken care of and are watching over us everyday. I know it is tuff, ((((((Pricilla's meowmie))))))) Here hugs for you from Texas

07-29-2005, 12:19 PM
I read your post, and really could feel your emotions. I am so sorry you lost 'Cilla at such a tender age. May your heart be comforted by the new love of the kitten. 'Cilla will never be forgotten, of course, but, bless you for taking in another life.

07-29-2005, 04:02 PM
Thanks to all of you for your support it really helps to deal with things when you talk to people who really understand!:)