View Full Version : Noni And Taz

02-23-2002, 09:32 AM
Well as you say not many people really have been introduced to "sugar gliders"to tell the truth I have never heard of them before, so I am very pleased to see them up close and personal.
They are very beautiful animals, and from your description very friendly and sweet. I love the way Noni sits on your shoulder while you are at the computer and your husband runs Taz around the room for play. They have a wonderful gourmet appetite too. LOL Congratulations dear, sweet Noni and Taz, our most friendly, most beautiful, Very Best Pets of the Day.

02-23-2002, 11:47 AM
What beautiful animals you are. I have never seen sugar gliders before. I love your eyes; so big and warm. :)

Congrats on being Pets of the Day! :D

02-23-2002, 03:20 PM
Seems like we had a post here one time on sugar gliders....I didn't go do a search to see though :o .

Noni and Tax are darling though, and I love the little baby on the back!! Congratulations to our unique Pets of the Day!! :D

02-23-2002, 03:37 PM
Hi Noni and Taz! I have a neighbor who is a devoted Sugar Glider mom! How she adores them and what fun they are!! So playful and SWEET!! Just like you two!! You both are so beautiful; I just melt at the sight of those HUGE brown eyes! And I sure things are always hopping around your house!:D How lucky your family is to have you two as their "best friends!" It was such a pleasure to meet you Noni and Taz! Congratulations precious Noni and Taz, our two most adorable, frisky, loving and sweet Pets of the Day!!! Celebrate with lots of extra treats and a big portion of hugs and kisses!!

02-23-2002, 09:33 PM
Welcome, Noni and Taz! You are wonderful examples of how love and fun comes in suprising fur packages! Congratulations on being our rare yet loveable Pets of the Day!

02-24-2002, 12:24 AM
WOW! :eek: I've read about gliders, and have seen pictures of them, but this is the first time I've heard of having them for pets!

Beautiful picture, specially with that little baby girl on Mom's back for the ride!!! ;) Obviously, the parents are comfortable enough with their living situation to have risked breeding, so that says alot for the care level they're getting!

Congrats on a beautiful, happy family!!! :)